Hyukjae smiled as he clung to Siwon and waited for the usual rise from a jealous Donghae. The fish as usual slitted his eyes at the older boy. Hyukjae felt his lover's eyes on him as Donghae's hand rested on his thigh in an effort to gain the others attention.
"We hope you will all enjoy this Super Show concert just as much as we will." Leeteuk continued as the members said their agreements. Hyukjae noticed Donghae's glare as he continued to toy with Siwon's shirt collar. Finally, the usual ruse that Hyukjae anticipated happened as Donghae turned to Kibum and began to tease him. As usual, both Yesung and Hankyung came to the rescue of separating the four from eachother. Soon the reporter meeting ended and the group returned to their hotel to relax.
"Tease," Donghae hissed as he crossed his arms and pouted on the recliner in their shared room.
"Play nice Hae," Hyukjae reprimanded as he removed his shirt.
"Why do you always have to tease me when I can't do anything about it?" Donghae whined as his eyes met his lovers. Hyukjae smiled turning to face the younger male.
"You can do something now." He smirked kissing his lovers lips. Donghae smiled as he allowed his hands to roam over the rappers hips and up to rest on his bare chest.
"I could, but should I?" he replied showing off his own devilish smirk before backing away and heading to the bathroom. Hyukjae cursed under his breath as the blood pooled in his groin making him grasp the wall for support until he could dash into the bathroom after the younger lover.
YESUNG AND RYEOWOOKRyeowook sighed as he typed at his phone. Yesung was explaining his plan to keep the concert pg and of course, he was supposed to help.
"So, all I have to do is keep them separated when I notice them getting too clingy?" Ryeowook stated as he looked over what all he had just written.
"Yes, if we don't then EunHae will become the newest scandal." Yesung explained as he took a seat next to the eternal makanae. Ryeowook blushed as he felt Yesung's tongue lick the shell of his ear and felt his hand rub up his thigh.
"I never said anything against pleasure off camera though." His angelic voice whispered making Ryeowook both blush and release a shaky breath.
"N-no you didn't," Ryeowook moaned as Yesung's hand cupped him. Ryeowook quickly grabbed at the older man's hair bringing him in for a kiss.
"Shall we take this to the bed?" Yesung asked picking the smaller male up and taking him to one of the twin sized beds.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Siwon asked as he watched his friend exercise.
"Yeah, I really enjoyed attack of the pin up boys, and I want to continue acting." Kibum smiled. "Besides, I can always return to the group after I fulfill acting." He finished. Siwon nodded giving his friend his support.
"If you need help, then let me know." Siwon smiled before lying in the bed and watching tv.
"Thanks," Kibum said as he left to take a shower.
Hyukjae hissed the next day as he tried to get dressed. Donghae was still fast asleep in the spot where he had left the boy last night. A smile crossed the rappers face as he walked over and sat beside the sleeping fishy.
"Hae, wake up," he whispered tapping his lovers butt gently and kissing his face and lastly his lips. Donghae groaned into the kiss before opening his eyes.
"Hyukkie, what time is it?" the younger boy asked surprised he wasn't the first one awake for once.
"Seven," Hyukjae answered before helping the dongsae up. Donghae groaned, it was the day of the concert and already he felt hyper.
"So are you going to get up, or do I have to force you?" Hyukjae asked as he straddled the youngers waist. A smile made its way onto Donghae's face as he lifted his hips.
"How will you force me?" he asked tracing Hyukjae's hip bone with his fingers.
"I have my ways," the rapper replied licking his lips. Suddenly the door burst open as Leeteuk and Kangin ran inside. Both Donghae and Eunhyuk jumped in surprise looking at their leader in surprise.
"M, morning hyung." They chorused as the two hyung's smiled causing an uneasy feeling to wash over the two.
"Congrats, today EunHae are being featured in the fan signing today before the concert." Leeteuk announced.
"So be cuddly." Kangin ordered before the two left as quick as they had appeared.
"What just happened?" Donghae asked turning to the man beside him. Hyukjae shrugged before standing and walking into the bathroom. Donghae sighed, had they just given permission for them to be all lovey dovey on camera?
Hyukjae eyed his fellow members as Donghae clung to his side as fan's gathered around them for the fan meet. The flashes from cameras stunned him as Leeteuk's voice vaguely met his ears. All he could feel or see was Donghae's wide brown eyes search the crowd in awe and fear.
"Are you two okay?" Sungmin asked leaning towards Hyukjae with concern. Hyukjae nodded as he signed another picture for a Japanese fan girl. What was going through Donghae's mind right now? Maybe his thoughts were like his own and fear was slowly making itself known.
Donghae counted his breaths as he concentrated on the fans before him. Leeteuk had said to be clingy today, but why couldn't he? His eyes glanced over to Kibum, who sat beside him all smiles. The man was leaving soon and he was smiling like nothing was wrong. Donghae wanted to scream and run away. Was that how all the members would be before they leave? Could Hyukjae act that well? Was he acting now? He wanted to vomit, this whole fakeness was getting to him. he closed his eyes taking a deep breath before opening them and hearing the last of Leeteuk's message die out over the crowd. He would not lose Hyukkie! Turning to his hyung, his pressed his soft lips hard against Hyukjae's own lips. The older man froze stunned by the younger ones boldness. The cheers from the crowd and the odd hush from members never met their ears as Donghae's tongue darted into his partners mouth.
"And that is EunHae," Sungmin laughed holding onto Kyuhyun to keep himself straight.
"Aish, get a room." Heechul growled trying to help the members mark this off as fan service. Leeteuk smiled as his plan rode out and allow Kibum to relax more knowing nothing would change once he left. But in truth the leader knew everything would change, and with them getting older they would lose more members. Either it be to the army or something else.
"EUNHAE! EUNHAE! EUNHAE!" the E.L.F.s chanted as Donghae and Hyukjae continued their newest freedom much to the members hatred.