Here is the original Pariah's Heir. It's original name was Power, before I changed it to fit the story better. So here you go, it's back to its original name and on FF for those of you who like it better than my new version:)
Also, don't be afraid to be honest with me about what you think of my work. The reason this is going up is because awawesomedude56 was willing to tell me they preferred this better.
I will try to keep both stories updated for you all, and remember, they both will end the same.
Years ago there was a king, and he was a king of the most ruthless kind.
He was born of a peasant woman and treated as such. For the first four years of his life it was just him and his mom struggling to survive. They did everything together, and because of that they were never alone. On the day of his fifth birthday his mom was caught stealing from the local fruit seller and was sentenced to death by the king.
From that day on the boy swore he would avenge his mom and bring the kingdom to its knees. After years of kissing butts and wiping feet he made it to where he needed to be. He was the leader of the Rebel Forces, and they were ready to dethrone the king. It was a long and bloody battle but soon it was over and the new king Paris Nightshade was crowned.
And he kept his promise, oh how he kept his promise. He sent out guards to beat everyone who disagreed with his standings. He traveled from town to town brutally killing all who opposed him and slaughtered their leaders.
He continued his rampage until he reached the town of Trakelot. There he found a black haired, blue eyed beauty. Princess Diana. And so the story goes for the second time ever in his life, he was in love. The woman however did not feel the same way towards the ruthless king. She avoided his every attempt to impress her and was appalled by his evil ways. Till one day he got fed up with her and commanded she love his back, or he would destroy her precious village and her family. So reluctantly she gave in.
She spent years under his wing, but she found it to be for the better. The man's heart seemed to soften, and the hostile takeovers stopped. She even spared lives, thus the people gave her the name Darling Diana. The man agreed, she was the most gentle and sweet creature he would ever know, or at least that's what he thought.
After ten years she came to him with news. She was pregnant. The couple and the kingdom spent the next nine months preparing and on August 25 she birthed him a white haired, green eyed angel. The king was overcome with joy, and from that day on the boy, his son, was the only person who held Paris' heart. As the boy grew all was perfect. Everyone loved him, and the king felt complete.
That is until he walked in on his wife and his head knight. To say he was furious was an understatement. He swiftly had her at the stake, but that blasted traitor of a man got away. That left the king with pent up anger, and with no one to keep him intact his reign of terror once again continued.
That was until the boy no older than seven came to his father to ask why he was doing this. The child never even saw the hand of his father fly out. All he heard was a loud slap and then his face stung. His father was so horror stricken at what he had done his instant reaction was to bend down to make sure his pride and joy was okay.
But what happened from there on only made that look like a tap on the shoulder. Sure the man stopped tromping through the land again, but the kingdom was tired of being bulled and wanted to rebel. That of course added stress, and what does stress do. Well in this case made the man mad, and who was there for it to be let out on. If you guessed the boy, you are correct. First it was just insults like, you pathetic excuse of a human, or you lousy good for nothing piece of crud, or just plain being called a rat.
The boy paid no heed though, after all his father came and gave him kisses every night and told him stories, and played with him. Soon though, life got worse for the child. The punches and kicks started flying at age ten, leaving a bloody and broken soul.
His dad still loved him though. If only the man had realized what he was doing. Sure he was angry with himself, but it still kept happening. Finally word got around, and his old number one guard plotted a rebellion against the king. The knight was angered when he heard what was happening through the doors of the castle. That monster had the nerve to lay a hand on the boy, and he would pay.
The king saw the up rise coming and readied his defenses. The battle was long and bloody. The two men stood face to face and fought viciously. To say they hated each other was a low shot. The things they imagined would be enough to make this a triple adult fan-fic. In the end though the king won, but the fallen knight not realizing he would seal the boy's fate looked the ruthless ruler square in the eyes and on his dying breath said. "The child will be your downfall."
This frightened the king greatly; he could not let that happen. He knew that only the boy would ever be able to dethrone him. So out of fear he locked his boy in the dungeon. Now I know what you're thinking. What kind of sick and twisted man do we have here; well I will tell you this. A very, very, very sick and twisted man, but believe it or not he still loved his son. In fact he went and saw the child every night with food, books, and toys. The boy would be freed from his chains for just a few hours, so he could spend time with his dad. The time always ended the same though, with a chain around his neck and wrists sleeping on a dungeon floor with plenty of rats.
Rats my friends come with diseases and as you know, exposed to filthy rats for too long in that time line you were most likely to catch the Black Death. And that is what happened to the boy at age fourteen. His father came down with the food, the books, and the toys, only to find the boy was lying in blood. When the man reached out to his son he had to pull his hand back. The boy was burning up! The king quickly removed the boy's chains and ran up the stairs with his son in his arms. The boy didn't last long though; apparently he had been fighting the disease for five days. Even with the best doctors around trying to cure him, that night took his last breath in his dad's arms.
After that the man went ballistic. He ordered every last person in the kingdom to be slaughtered. And he would have completed his goal had not one of the maids stabbed him in the back with a knife, killing him instantly.
And thus the world was free of Paris Nightshade forever, but the ghost zone was bombarded with a new and dangerous threat. He was the diabolical Pariah Dark. Pariah's pain and anguish mixed with his anger made him the most powerful ghost there was.
There was a catch however; he could not remember his son. He spent night after endless night trying to figure out why he was so empty. He had all the endless power he could want. He did find the traitors though and made them suffer. He was eventually taken down by ancients, and locked in the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep.
Where was the boy you ask? He was under the wing of an ancient who went by the name of Clockwork. Clockwork made sure that Dark would not find the boy. After all, the time ghost had gotten attached to the child as well. Clockwork saw things though that no one else could and to save the young ghost from the blood thirsty observants. Received the mother's permission to plant the boy's soul into a new body. From that day on, he was no longer Daniel Nightshade, but Daniel Fenton. Who would one day rise up to reseal his unsuspecting father back in his box. That would only be the beginning of the adventure my friends. He would be faced with the challenge of whether or not to become like his father, and would pass. He would then save the world and once again be loved by all. But as I said Clockwork knew things that no one else did, and Danny Fenton, or should I say Danny Phantom, would soon rise up and fulfill the first knights dying words.
So listen up, as I tell a tale of pain, agony, and tears. Because once you step through those horrors there lies a story of love, happiness, and forgiveness.
Hi everyone how are you. If you read my short little one- shot Stars then you'll realize that this is going to be a big story. And my first at that, So I hope you join me throughout and give me reviews. GollaG like reviews. It's like rubbing a dogs tummy. Except my tongue doesn't hang out and my leg doesn't ( I know, bad pun) Anyhue I hope you enjoyed the prologue to Pariah's Eire. Lots of Love, GollaG. Oh and before I forget. Danny Phantom is Butch Hartmans creation, not mine. (sniff)