Why did I do this? Perhaps I'll never know. The idea came to me around midnight when I was watching 'All That'... was this a good idea? Probably not. Has it been done? Most definitely. Am I proud I did it? We'll see.

Know your mare, know your mare, know your mare…

The purple pony in the center of the dark room smiled a little as the male voice echoed through the area around her.

Twilight Sparkle…

is a conspiracy nut…

"Conspiracy nut? Not at all. I will admit that prier to Nightmare Moon's release I was rather hung up on her possibility. But I was proven right so…"

Twilight Sparkle…

never passed Magic Kindergarten…

"I-I did! Honest. I could go get my certificate… It's hung over my bed in a frame."

Twilight Sparkle…

takes gems from Spike while he's sleeping…

"I would never—"

Then puts his hand in a bowl of water…

"Why would I—"

Then calls him a bed wetter the next day…

"Lies! These are nothing but lies!"

Twilight Sparkle…

thinks this is a conspiracy to make her look bad…

"Well, now that you mention it…"

Twilight Sparkle…

Just conformed she's a conspiracy nut…

"I am not a conspiracy nut! And I don't do any of those things."

Now you know…

Twilight Sparkle…

"I can't say that they do."

I can. Because I'm a disembodied voice…

"I'm out of here… I am going to send a strongly written report to Princess Celestia the moment I'm out of here about how twisted this show is…" stomping out of the single light, Twilight faded away before being followed by a loud door slam.

Bad? Maybe. Entertaining? You tell me. Am I asking too many questions to my audience if I even have one? I think I am. True, this doesn't take much talent and may be a waste of time. But, when I'm not working on actually well written and thought out work, I like making something that just makes people smile. Did it work is what I wonder now.

If you actually DID enjoy the story, then by all means suggest who you want next. I plan to do them all, some even twice or more, but order really matters little to me. I'm here to make you smile, as well as myself.