So, after months of reading FanFiction, I finally decided to write one! My dark and twisted mind came up with this, a whole load of Klaine! I love Kurt and Blaine, and I'm obsessed with Darren Criss, so really I don't know what else I'd expect This does contain violence and rape, as well as slash, so if you don't like, don't read. Just saying. I changed the canon a little bit, so Kurt doesn't return to McKinley, but Karofsky did and pretended to apologise to him at Dalton. Other than that, it's AU just from A Night of Neglect.

Chapter One – Keep Holding On

10.30pm – Burt wasn't worried; Kurt and Blaine had been home later than this before. They were sensible kids, and he knew that Blaine would protect Kurt to the ends of the earth if he had to. Besides, it was a two hour drive from Dalton and Westerville, and if they were running late the pair could have easily been caught up in the rush hour traffic.

11pm – Carole entered the living room to find Burt perched on the edge of the recliner, eyes focused on the door. Instinct needn't have told her that he was fretting over the whereabouts of her step-son – she could see it plainly etched upon his face.

"Where are they Carole? They were meant to be here an hour ago!" Burt was panicking now.

"Maybe they were running late leaving Dalton, I'm sure they're fine." Carole tried to sooth Burt, knowing it would do his heart no good if he were to become too stressed.

11.25pm – "5 more minutes and I'm ringing Kurt, Carole, this isn't even funny!" Burt was pacing now. Where were Kurt and Blaine?

"5 more minutes and I'll be ringing him myself Burt!" Carole replied from the stairs after checking on Finn, who was upstairs shooting Zombies on some new video game. "He knows that if he wants to be out after-"

Carole was cut off as Burt's cell phone rang, loud and shrill in the tense room.

"Hello? Blaine, is that you? Where the hell- WHAT? Where's Kurt, why isn't he on the phone? No, I- Okay kid, slow down, where are you? The hospital? WHAT HAPPENED TO KURT? Yes, yes, we're on our way!"

Burt dropped the phone onto the coffee table as if it was hot lava. He turned slowly to Carole, his mind still processing what his son's boyfriend had just told him.

"Carole, get Finn, and a change of clothes for Blaine. NOW!"

"Burt, what-"

"No, Carole, please. Just get Finn and meet me in the car, something's happened to Kurt and they both need us right now."

The ride to Lima Memorial Hospital was short yet tense, Burt concentrating on not breaking traffic law while trying the reach the hospital as soon as possible. Upon arrival he dumped the car in a space and ran into the waiting area, searching for Blaine. He found the lone figure hunched over, his head in his hands.

"Blaine?" Burt asked tentatively, not wanting to know the answer to his next question, "What happened kid? Where's Kurt?"

At the mention of Kurt's name Blaine burst into loud, heart-wrenching sobs, but didn't say a word. Carole, who arrived only seconds after Burt and leaving Finn in her wake, gathered Blaine into a motherly hug, whispering soothing words of comfort into his ear.

"I-" Blaine started, but suddenly found himself unable to speak, smothered by another hug. Finn had joined the small group, intent on protecting his step-brother's main focus in life.

Blaine gathered his courage – 'courage, Kurt' his own words seemed to mock him now – and began to tell his sorry tale. "I wasn't there. It was Wes and Nick who found him, and David and Jeff were behind him. I was speaking to the Dean, prefect stuff, and I didn't even know until his secretary ran in screaming about Kurt and blood. So I bolted, I ran as fast as I could to his room. I- He- There was blood everywhere. He was unconscious, barely breathing, and his pants around his ankles. Me and Wes covered him up, protect his dignity you know? Someone must've called an ambulance, and I came with him here. He's in surgery now, he has been for about an hour and a half. I should've rung you sooner, I'm sorry, I just froze!"

Finn, his face stoic throughout the story, let out a small sob and sank to the floor, his brain processing the words 'barely breathing' and 'pants around his ankles', and the meaning behind them. Carole followed him to the floor soon after, while Burt just wrapped his arm around Blaine's shoulders in a silent message of comfort.

After what seemed like years but in reality was only an hour or two, a doctor in deep blue scrubs emerged from behind the door to the OR.

"Family of Kurt Hummel?" he asked, approaching the group.

"Yes?" They replied simultaneously "When can we see him, how is he?"

The doctor held up a hand, effectively silencing the small group. "Kurt suffered a lot, the physical damage was – and is still – extensive. Aside from bruising covering roughly 90% of his body, Kurt suffered numerous broken ribs, a broken pelvis, cracked shoulder, a stab wound to his lower left abdomen, severe blood loss, and, I'm sorry to have to tell you this, rape."

Burt's legs buckled, Finn catching him before him hit the floor.


"I'm sorry Mr Hummel, but we found evidence of anal tearing and semen around his –"

"Doctor, maybe we should just leave it there." Carole suggested, seeing the state her husband was in.

"Oh. Yes, yes of course Mrs Hummel"

"Just call me Carole, it seems like we'll be with each other for a while. This is Blaine, Kurt's boyfriend," Carole explained, pointing to Blaine, who had collapsed onto a chair at the mention of Kurt's injuries, "Finn, my step-son" she said, gesturing to where Finn sat with Burt, "and Burt, my husband. Do you think we could see Kurt, where is he?"

"I'm sorry, Carole, but I have to tell you that during the surgery Kurt slipped into a coma. He is currently being made comfortable in a private room in the ICU. There will be a policeman outside Kurt's room at all times; DNA tests suggest the attacker was Dave Karofsky."

"NO! No, no, no, no! Karofsky changed! He apologised to Kurt! He's on the football team with me!" Finn shouted, suddenly very vocal in his opinions. "He said he wanted to apologise to Kurt, so I took him to Dalton a few weeks ago. We spoke to Kurt in his room- oh God. It's my fault! I showed him where Kurt's room was!"

"Finn, sweetie, you didn't know. You thought he meant it, you couldn't have known that, this was going to happen. No one is to blame except for Karofsky, do you understand me? You too Blaine!" she told the weeping teens, sat side by side in an attempt to comfort each other.

Blaine stood up shakily, his hand on Burt's shoulder. "Can we see him? I need to see him, please!"

Doctor Mauswell nodded, sighing resignedly. "Follow me. From tomorrow you, and any visitors approved by you will need a pass to access his room. He is being classed as a high-security patient, rape and presumed attempted murder on a minor is a serious issue."

"Good." Burt murmured gruffly, "Just keep my boy safe. He deserves it, especially now."

"When will he wake up?" Carole asked the doctor, hoping to placate the still-weeping boys that were walking beside her.

"I can't answer that. It could take hours, days, months. The bones should be healed within six to eight weeks, and so should the stab wound. However hospital protocol is that any rape or stab victim should see a therapist, because there will be emotional damage, and he will need physical therapy when he wakes up too."

Blaine had remained a silent as he could on the walk to Kurt's room, trying to leave the moment to Kurt's family, until Burt stopped and looked at him. "Blaine, you're just as much a part of this family as any of us. Kurt needs you, probably more than Finn or Carole and I. You go first while we speak the Doctor Mauswell."

"Really? I- Thank you!" Blaine cried, launching himself at Burt, who wrapped his arms around the usually dapper Blaine in shock at the show of the raw emotion in front of him. Blaine's arms disappeared, however, to be replaces with Carole's, who whispered soft words into his ear just as she had with Blaine, preparing him for the months to come.

Blaine looked back once at the family who had readily accepted him into their lives before stepping into the room of the reason for his existence, Kurt.