Chapter 5: Clothes fit for a...

From the outside, it looked like an old, run down store that didn't have any customers (unless you count the spiders in the many cobwebs that covered the place). But the inside was nothing like Natsuki had expected. Instead of tacky clothes piled around everywhere, dreary lighting and unpleasant scenery, Natsuki saw elegant looking dresses and suits on mannequins displayed around the bright store. Racks of coats and other clothing were neatly scattered around the spacious store.

The carpets were blood red (reminding Natsuki of the eyes of a certain unpleasant Pleasant), the surrounding walls a slight gold; in Natsuki's eyes, it seemed like the whole store was glowing with a shimmering gold. 'It could actually be glowing, depending that magic exists,' Natsuki mused.

In the corner of her eye, Viola could see Natsuki looking around in wonder at the fancy shop. A small smile played at her lips as she hummed, "It is a very cosy shop, is it not?"

Natsuki gave a small grunt in reply. Sure, she was very impressed, but like hell was she gonna let Viola know that.

Viola smiled in return, walking up to the counter, Natsuki following suit. She then rang a small bell that was resting on top of it, the echo of the metallic noise seemingly surrounding the entire store in a harmonious chime.

"Coming!" A voice called out from behind the counter, in the storeroom, Natsuki presumed.

While waiting for the person to come out from the back, Viola turned to Natsuki. "Ara, as you may or may not know," She started, "This is a clothing store."

Natsuki looked at her. "No, I thought we were in the zoo," She replied sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

Viola dismissed the sarcasm. "And if we're in a clothing store as customers, what do we intend to buy?"


Viola gave Natsuki a pointed look.

"... Clothing."

"Ara, correct!" Viola smiled, clapping in mockery. "So that means, to buy clothes for someone, we need their..."

"... Clothes?... Ew, no way am I giving you my clothes Viola, that's just-"

"Sizes, Natsuki." Viola promptly cut her off. "In order to get clothes that fit, we need sizes." She explained slowly. "So, what are your sizes?" Viola gave a pleasant, beaming smile.

Natsuki was not impressed. "I'm not giving you my sizes, you pervert. I'll give it to this Ghastly Kanzaki guy," She said, a slight blush on her cheeks as she crossed her arms and looked away from a pouting Viola.

"Ikezu." Viola pouted, before turning back to the counter.

When she turned back around, she was met by the sight of a handsome man behind it. He was wearing a fashionable black suit which matched his fashionable black hair, which in turn matched with his dazzling smile and closed eyes. His build was that of a strong man, seemingly trains in some sort of fighting technique. He was a few inches taller than Viola, Natsuki noticed. However, the most noticeable thing about him was that he was... Beautiful. Scars marked his face, hands (and arms, judging by the way they travelled into his sleeves), and most likely his legs. On any other person, they would look ugly and horrific, but they seemed to have emphasised his natural beauty. Natsuki couldn't help but stare.

"Well, if it isn't my old friend, Viola Pleasant," He said in a playful tone, "And it looks like she brought on of hers, too." He added, nodding his head to Natsuki.

Viola gave him the same dazzling smile he was giving, closing her eyes and mimicking what Natsuki presumed to be Ghastly Kanzaki. "Ara, it has been quite a while, hasn't it, Kanzaki?" She replied just as playfully, confirming Natsuki's presumption. "How has the shop been?"

"Ah, you know, the usual. Barely anyone comes by this kind of place. I think it's the outward appearance of the shop that wards people away."

"I would have never guessed; cobwebs and dreary scenery normally attract customers."

Amidst the conversation, Natsuki frowned. Here she was, standing next to a person that is starting to infuriate her who's talking to another person that's starting to infuriate her while she was being completely ignored. She started to regret asking to go with Viola.

"Uh," Started Natsuki, causing Viola and Kanzaki to look at her. It was then she realised how similar their eyes were; Viola's a stunning crimson, Kanzaki's a stunning amber. Although Viola's were by far more intense, they both had the same level of mischief in their eyes.

Clearing her throat, she continued. "Not to break your friendly chat or anything, but I think I'll just... Look around the store while you two are... Having a friendly chat... That.. That I broke..." She fumbled with her words, blushing under their gaze.

Great. She embarrassed herself.

"Uh. I'll be... Over there... Somewhere," Natsuki said awkwardly, shoving her thumb over her shoulder to indicate where she was going. As soon as she started to back away, Viola's hand gripped on to her shoulder.

"Ara, hold on a minute. We still have to get your sizes," Viola said, gently pulling Natsuki closer. "After all, we are here to buy you some new clothes."

Natsuki frowned. She was about to open her mouth to say something before Kanzaki smiled.

"It's fine, Viola," He said, flashing one of his dazzling smiles. "I already have her sizes. I am a professional, after all. Did you forget a mere glance could give me exactly what I need?"

Natsuki gaped. This guy was good. She had never met a tailor that could make perfect clothes for a person with just one look. Then again, these people knew magic... And then she frowned, turning to Viola. If Viola knew that he could get the perfect size just by looking, then...

"Kanzaki ikezu." Viola pouted, "It was the perfect chance to get her sizes..." She sulked, a hand going to hold her own cheek.

"Ah, I should have know it would be one of your tricks," Kanzaki noted, nodding before turning his head to Natsuki. "What colour do you like?" He asked, smiling.

Natsuki blinked. "Uh, I don't really know... How about... Blue?" She said, although it sounded more like a question.

"Any particular type of blue?"

"... Dark blue?"

"... Hmm. How about we go with midnight blue, to match your hair, along with gold trimmings and stitchings? I'm sure they would look fabulous on you." Kanzaki suggested, a hand going to his chin as he contemplated.

Natsuki's eyes widened in surprise. "Uh, sure. Let's go with that." She agreed, "I'm not really good with fashion, so I'll leave it to you." She said, scratching her cheek in embarrassment. To be honest she didn't have a clue about what he was talking about. 'What the hell are stitchings?'

Kanzaki smiled. "Alright. I think I can handle pretty clothes for pretty girls." He grinned.

Natsuki blushed. "I-I'm not pretty." She muttered, looking away. "... I'm suave..." She muttered under her breath.

"Indeed you are, Natsuki." Viola whispered in Natsuki's ear, making her jump slightly. Viola giggled as she walked off with Kanzaki behind the counter.

Natsuki scowled, blushing.

"How do they fit?"

"They... They fit perfectly."

Natsuki looked at herself in the mirror. She saw herself wearing a midnight blue t-shirt, plain jeans and a midnight blue leather jacket with gold trimmings and stitchings to top it off. She wore a midnight blue fez hat with a golden ribbon tied around it, ending in a bow. Her emerald eyes, being the only vibrant colour she had at the moment, stood out and complimented her clothes (not to mention her looks) perfectly. In short, she looked good. Very good. Natsuki grinned.

"Ara, you seem to be enjoying yourself."

Natsuki angled her head so she could see Viola in the mirror, flashing a grin. "Hell yes, I'm enjoying myself." She grinned. "I look hot."

"That, I must agree with." Viola shot a pleasant smile back, making Natsuki blush lightly. "The hat is a good touch," She said. "It was my idea about the hat, you know."

"O-Oh, really?" Natsuki said, warding off her blush. "Well, it is pretty stylish, I must say."

"I am one for style and fashion," Viola said in reply, "And I get the fashionable items from Kanzaki."

"I noticed." Natsuki grinned, but it disappeared when Viola came closer. "W-What are you doing?" She stuttered, blushing as Viola wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer.

"Just showing you something," Viola murmured in response, a smile playing at her lips. With her other hand, she clicked her fingers, summoning a flame. Slowly, she moved it closer to Natsuki, angling her hand so that he palm faced her, the flame angling with it.

"V-Viola?" Natsuki asked, panicking as the flame was being held closer and closer to her side. An image of Viola tearing her skin off flashed in Natsuki's mind, and she instantly started struggling. "L-Let me go!" She shouted, flailing her hands around. The grip on her tightened.

"Stop moving." Viola stated, frowning slightly. "I don't want to accidentally burn you."

"Then don't face that fucking flame at me!" Natsuki yelled, trying to back away from the flame, but stopped struggling.

"Language, Natsuki." Viola frowned as she jabbed Natsuki's side with the flame like a welder.

Natsuki was prepared to scream in agony. Really, she was. But the strange thing was, she only felt pressure on her side. It didn't burn, it didn't sizzle- The most that she felt was it getting slightly warmer, like lukewarm milk. "Wha-?" She said dumbly, angling herself so she could see Viola's hand against her side. She could clearly see a bright light coming from where she and Viola's hand met. She looked up at Viola in confusion.

"Relax, Natsuki," Viola cooed, "I was just showing you that you're protected."

Natsuki looked at Viola dumbly for a moment, before her face contorted in anger. "Well, why didn't you tell me?! I was scared to death!" She shouted indignantly, jumping back as Viola released her. "Seriously! How am I supposed to know that you weren't going to hurt me with fire coming out of your hand?!"

Viola pouted. "Natsuki ikezu. I wanted it to be a surprise."

"I get surprises every second now, thank you very much. I did just learn about magic, you know." Natsuki muttered, crossing her arms.

Then the reality hit her. She had clothes that could defend her from fire.

"Oh my god," She murmured, grinning like an idiot. "I have a jacket that can protect me from fire. This is the coolest thing ever."

Viola gave a chuckle, as if the pout was never on her face. "It doesn't just protect you from fire. It can absorb most physical attacks too, and it'll protect you from sharp things like knives and swords as well," She explained. "Although only your jacket will do that. The rest are just plain fashionable clothes. Especially the hat. I truly love the hat," Viola smiled.

"I have a jacket that can protect me from everything." Natsuki mumbled, her grin getting impossibly wider. "This is so awesome."

"Remember, Natsuki; the jacket can only absorb part of the attack, not all," Viola said, "So if you have a strong opponent, let's say an ogre, your ribs could still break even if you had that coat on. Your lungs just won't collapse."

Natsuki paused her grin lessening. "... What if they punched my face?" She asked.

"Then, I'm sorry to say tat your face will then no longer be a face."


"Ara, on a brighter note, I'm glad you enjoy my gift." Viola smiled, genuine happiness emanating from her.

Natsuki blushed. "Y-Yeah, well, I guess I should thank you for it." She said, looking away and scratching her cheek. "... Thanks, Viola. It's actually kind of... Heart-warming, I guess, that you'd do this to protect me." Her blush deepened.

"Ara, it's only natural that I'd want to protect someone dear," Viola replied, smiling softly.

Natsuki paused. "I... I'm dear to you?"


"Why is that?" Natsuki asked, a full on blush covering her cheeks.

"..." Viola gave another smile, although this one seemed sadder than the rest. "That is for another time, Natsuki. I can only pray that you remember."

Natsuki blinked. "Remember what?" She asked, trying to get Viola to face her again. She had turned away.

".. Nothing of importance," Viola responded, turning back to Natsuki, a pleasant smile on her face. Natsuki frowned, not believing her, but accepting it nonetheless. Viola then started to walk out the store. "Farewell, Ghastly Kanzaki! Shall we meet again," She called out over her shoulder dramatically.

"Goodbye, fair maiden! May all your troubles be wiped away in the upcoming times," Kanzaki called back, just as dramatically.

Natsuki rolled her eyes. Those two are so alike.

They were driving in Viola's Bentley when Natsuki asked this question. "Where are we going next, Viola?"

Viola gave a lightly bitter smile. "Ara, well, we're going to a person with intel." She answered vaguely. "After all, we are investigating a possible murder." She said.

Natsuki grimaced. She hadn't forgotten about her uncles possible death, but recent events distracted her. "Oh." She answered simply. They sat in silence for a few minutes. "Who is this person with intel?"

Viola frowned. "Her name is Nao Sorrows, the most beautiful and manipulative creature in existence."

LATE. I know. I suck. D: Things have been happening! Christmas! New years! Other stuff! Ugh. Just enjoy the update, will ya? ;D I'll try to update sooner from now on. I've overcome my writers block! Did I mention I had writers block the past few months? No? Well, now you know. Hah. ;D Anyway. I think this ending was a bit abrupt.. But hopefully it's still mysterious! :'D Hopefully..

Next chapter!

Viola and Natsuki meet the mysterious beauty, Nao Sorrows, however, Nao causes more trouble than Viola had thought...

Stay tuned! ;D