WARNING: This story is completely random, not that it doesn't have a plot, it just has things coming at you at every corner.
Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight. Probably never will...unless I became the dictator of the world and forced Stephenie Meyer to give me the rights to her book (but that will never happen).
A/N: Hope you enjoy the story and its randomness!
I sidestepped the fridge door and opened a cabinet to my left.
Then I promptly collapsed on the ground, rocking back and forth at the empty cabinet. Drool started running down my mouth, quickly covering my shirt with saliva. My muscles spasmed, making me look like I was having a seizure.
Tanya ran over to me and kneeled beside me, asking me what was wrong and if we needed to get the fire extinguisher out.
My eye twitched."Da ba-ba-na-na-nsss go-gone."
She looked at me as if I might explode. "What?"
I started foaming at the mouth, my eye twitching uncontrollably.
Edward and Jacob were still sitting at the table, staring at me with huge eyes.
Bella took this moment to walk through the kitchen, glancing at me for a second before grabbing a package of strawberry pop-tarts and opening them at the table, completely ignoring my mental breakdown.
"Babe, what's wrong with him?" Jacob whispered to Bella.
Bella glared at him through a huge bite of her pop-tart and answered, "Why don't you ask him yourself?" She spat, crumbs flew out of her mouth. "And don't call me babe." She added.
Jacob wiped pop-tart spittle off of his face, looking at his hand as if he wanted to lick it, but thought that would make him look weird and decided against it.
"Well he seems to have a mouthful right now, so I'm afraid he won't be able to answer our questions." Edward joked. Bella looked over at me, seeing me stuffing my sweater sleeve down my throat, trying to choke myself so I could be put out of misery.
"Can we sedate him?" Tanya asked with an evil glint to her eyes.
Jacob smiled an evil grin and pulled forth a tranquilizer from his pocket.
"No! No, you cannot sedate him!" Bella nervously eyed the tranquilizer, "Just scratch behind his ear and rub his tummy."
Tanya did as Bella said and I immediately calmed down and kicked my leg out a few times.
"Does this happen often?" Edward asked, amused.
"Only when we run out of bananas." Bella explained.
Jacob paused in biting the yellow fruit he was holding, hiding it behind his back.
I then fell into a peaceful sleep.
I panted as I ran through the deserted alley. It was dark out and these strange looking creatures were following me. They had black eyes, no white whatsoever in them. Their faces were black with what looked like sharp needles sticking out on their chins, cheeks, and the middle of their forehead, and sharp, pointed teeth snarled ferociously at me. They had long black arms that were heavily muscled, with sharp claws that looked like the ones Freddy Kruger wore, dripping with blood. Then there was the long black muscled legs, looking as if they can kick you to mars faster than you can say, "Holy shmoly muffin pop!" I didn't know what they wanted, but one things for sure: they looked furious.
My lungs burned with every breath I took and my heart was pounding against my rib cage feeling like it was going to burst. My legs felt like they couldn't carry me any further but my mind told me to keep going and get as far away as them as possible.
My eyes started watering at the thought of dying today. I didn't even have the chance to eat a banana this morning. I always pictured my death as me being 97 years old, rocking on a swing on the front porch, chewing happily on a banana. I guess being a fortune teller is being scratched off my career list. Well, actually I don't even have a career list. My mom used to remind me all the time that I was seventeen and that I should start looking for a college to apply to, but I was never really interested in any college or those career thingys. Then after the virus broke out, I didn't really need to even choose a career, seeing as there was nobody in the world to pay me if I got a job and-
I reached a dead end.
I doubled over and tried to catch my breath, then quickly swiveled around. The disturbing creatures were catching up to me faster than a pound truck on a lost puppy. They were running on all fours, digging their claws into the dirt and pulling themselves at astonishing speeds in my direction. They were growling loudly, hurting my ears. Either they were going to eat me, or they were going to kill me in a slow, painful death.
Or maybe they were going to kill me in a slow, painful death and then eat me.
Oh, the joys of dying a slow, painful death. Just thinking about it gave me "pleasant" shivers.
They were about to collide into me. Sucking in a deep breath and closing my eyes, I prepared myself for the inevitable.
Just as they pummeled into me, I was jolted awake by someone screaming in my ear. I smacked the face that woke me and rolled over, burying my head under my pillow.
Wait, bed? When the hell did I get in here?
"Come on Emmett, you have been asleep for four hours since you passed out in the kitchen." Bella complained.
I just breathed deeply through the tight space I had between my mouth and my mattress and ignored her.
Bella sighed and grabbed my ankles, yanking me off the bed.
I screeched when my stomach met the cold wooden floor, and then sat up, glaring at her.
She shrugged, smiling sweetly at me. She then looked at my room, ordering me to clean it up and walked out.
It wasn't that dirty. The king-sized bed was covered in a blood-red color, which was pretty ironic if you think about it. Zombies eat people...who have blood...and its color looks like blood - never mind. The bed wasn't made, and the sheets were wrinkled up in a ball. There were posters all over my walls, ranging for Green day all the way to Toy Story, covering every white surface of the walls. The wooden floor was fairly clean, with only a few items of clothes sprawled across it. But there was also a huge banana peel pile in the corner, which stank like something you would find in a sewer. It was my precious collection. If anything happened to it I would probably melt into a puddle, be cleaned up by a mop, put in a bucket, and be thrown in a sea of acid.
But, moving on, my room was clean besides the banana peel pile and clothes strewn across the floor. It wasn't even that big, which made it harder to keep clean. If you have a really huge room, you can just throw things everywhere and it would still look decent. But if you have a small room, one thing on the ground can make it look messy.
I turned to the iPod dock on the shelf that was nailed to the wall and pressed play. I started to clean my room while jamming to rock music. Bella hates rock music. She's the kind of person that is completely fun to be around and brings up interesting topics and has fun conversations, but lets the incredibly small things get to her.
For example: she got mad when she found the kitchen destroyed, she freaks out when I don't wash the dishes, she makes sure everything is picture-perfect material, and she scrubs the floor until it's squeaky clean. She didn't always used to be like this though. In fact, when our parents were still alive and way before the whole zombie thing came up, she was the most laid back person in the world. Heck, you could find her watching a hoarding show and not being tempted to drive over to the persons house and clean the entire place up. But when the city was taken over by the virus, I think everyone went a little mad.
I finished cleaning my room and left, leaving the stereo on full blast to annoy Bella. I went into the living room and sat down on the lazy boy, kicking my feet up on the recliner. I grabbed the remote and turned on the television, getting out my X-Box 360 controller and turning it on. I loved this console.
Jacob sat down on the leather sofa, laying down and resting his head on the end so he could have a clear view of the TV. "Do you have another controller?" he grinned.
I tossed him the other one.
The others found us an hour later, sitting up straight, eyes glued to the screen in front of us.
"Watch out! Smoker! SMOKER!" I warned him while stabbing a fat zombie in the face.
"I see him! Stop yelling at me!" Edward screamed at me. His avatar avoided its lashing tongue that would have strangled him and shot him with his pistol.
I raced my avatar upstairs, trying to find the witch. It was always fun killing her. She had really long claws and it was harder to kill her than everything else in the game. She could be really scary sometimes though, when she popped out of nowhere and killed you.
Edward flung a flare bomb at a group of zombies, lighting the room on fire, which wasn't a good idea since he needed to get up the stairs on the other side of the room. In order to do that, now he had to run through the towering flames that he created, and try not to burn to death.
I watched as his avatar safely made it to the other side, joining me up on the second floor. Now we were in a deserted hallway, looking in every corner for signs of the witch. All of a sudden a zombie popped out of a room, running towards us at a lightning fast speed. I made my character dodge it and roll out of the way, while Eddie-boy, not being so lucky, was thrown back all the way down the stairs, crashing into the wall.
"Dang it!" Edward exclaimed. His character was seeing black and white as his health was going down with every breath he breathed. I laughed at his misfortune, but was silenced as the witch appeared out of nowhere, clawing me to death.
"Oh, SHIZNITS!" I frantically hit a bunch of buttons on the controller, trying to stop the witch from killing me. Instead I watched in horror as my character bled out, dying in what was supposed to be the empty hallway.
Fuckward started snickering, not caring any more that his guy was already dead.
"Whatever, you died from crashing into a wall." I glared at him.
He scoffed, "Yeah, well at least I didn't die from a girl!" he smirked.
My mouth opened and closed, trying to quickly think of an excuse but my words failed me, leaving me speechless.
But it looks like I didn't even have to try to hurt him with my words seeing as Tanya stood behind where Edward was sitting and smacked him upside the head.
I smiled victoriously and relaxed against my chair, listening to him whine about how his head hurt while Tanya just crossed her arms and glared at him. "Us girls could kick your ass so hard that it'll turn as blue as a baby choking on a jumbo marshmallow."
"...Why would a baby be choking on a jumbo marshmallow?" Edward confusingly asked.
Starr blinked, "Um, because she was hungry and a giant marshmallow sounded appealing so she swallowed it, choking on it because she hasn't developed teeth to chew it yet." She said while looking at him as if he were stupid.
"Oh...I'm sorry babe. I get it now. "He smiled up at her.
Tanya started to smile.
"I get it how you weren't the brightest baby in the crib, and you probably looked adorable with a giant marshmallow stuffed in your mouth." He cooed while pinching her cheeks.
She scowled and walked away, huffing.
I chuckled and restarted the game.
A/N: Aaaaaannnnddd, there you go. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.
Thank you to all you guys who reviewed in the last chapter! I really appreciate it!
Leave any suggestions or comments in that box below.
Just down there...come on. You know you wanna.