Hey guys! Sorry it's taken me so long to update this. I had an English essay due and now I have a project for art. In which we have to WRITE! Does' anybody get this? Cause I sure don't! Please excuse how short the actual chapter-chapter is. Hope you enjoy!

RandomReader15: I didn't particularly get how that applied to Derek, could explain it to me so I can use it later? Thanks,

ChloeXDerekDP: Your welcome, and thanks. Yea, she was clumsy in the books so I made her clumsy in here. Wouldn't they be because she just learned about them? I think she would have one, and yes, he's going to sing. Thank you, that means a lot and I'm updating now!

Crixtine: I have to, it's just something that makes sense in my mind, ya know? And I wish I had a guy who would catch me all the time! I'm about as clumsy as Chloe!

Disclaimer: I, sadly, do not own Darkest Powers.

The songs i use in this one are: I was a teenage werewolf and The werewolf song


"Alright people! Here are the rules, I will pick the songs for you to sing and Chloe will pick for me. You have one pass AND you have a switch. A switch is when if you don't like the song give to you them you can switch with the next person, and believe me when I say I will make it worse." Tori grinned maliciously at Derek and me. I felt Derek's arms tighten around me from where we sat on the love seat. We had all moved into the game room to play karaoke. The TV was against one wall and there were three couches surrounding it. Derek and I were sitting on the one directly across from the TV, Tori and Brit were sitting on the couch to the left of us and Sam and Allie were directly across from them. Simon and Kolton were sitting in bean bags on the floor. The TV was hooked up to the karaoke machine so that the words were on the screen. Tori hopped up from her and Brit's couch and walked over to Derek and me.

"Come on, Derek. It's your turn to sing," Tori planted her feet in front of us, and I knew that she wouldn't give up so I scooted off of Derek and sat beside him. He groaned and pushed himself off the couch and walked towards the TV. As he walked he turned his head back towards me and shot me a look, Traitor. I stuck my tongue out at him and he grinned back in response. Unfortunately, that grin slid into a frown as Tori whispered his song into his ear. He quickly shook his head and made his way towards me.

"You're already using your pass Derek?" Sam called out, a teasing tone in his voice. I bit back a laugh, if there was one thing Derek couldn't stand, it was people making fun of him or someone he loves. True to word, Derek stiffened and had to bite back a growl. Something stirred inside me, I felt angry at Sam, really mad. Mad that he was embarrassing me in front of my mate and family. I blinked, and as soon as the feeling had arrived, it was gone. I looked at Derek, who looked undeterred and was walking back towards the TV and whatever song he had to sing. I would have to ask him later then.

When Derek got to the TV, he nodded at Tori, who hit the play button and the song came on.

I was a teenage werewolf

I was a teenage werewolf
Braces on my fangs
I was a teenage werewolf
And no one even said thanks (I felt my mouth open wide, Derek was a GREAT singer)
And no one made me stop

I had a two-man mind
I had to blow my top
Under the deep full moon
No one could make me stop
No one could make me stop

A teenage werewolf
Of parallel bars
A teenage girlfriend
Got a lot of scars
Somebody please make me stop

You know, I have puberty rights
And I have puberty wrongs
No one understood me
All my teeth were so long
And no one made me stop

A Midwest monster
Of the highest grade
All my teachers thought
It was growing pains, oh no no
Somebody stop this pain, ohhh…

This song was so sad to me, even though Derek sang really good. It was like Derek but at the same time not. It made me want to cry because the werewolf is hurt and misunderstood, just like Derek. Derek walked back over to our couch and sat down, pulling me onto his lap. As soon as he did, he buried his face in my hair next to my ear and whispered, "It's okay Chlo, I'm not hurt or misunderstood now, I've got you," I nodded and turned my head, burying my face between his neck and shoulders. Tori was talking to Allie who would go next about her song when I suddenly remembered something. I pulled back and looked Derek in the eye.

"How did you know what I was feeling? And thinking? And how did I know that when you were angry at Sam?" To our right, Sam chuckled, making everyone look towards him. He grinned at Derek and me, really happy for some reason. Derek studied him with a puzzled expression before speaking.

"Sam? What does this mean? And why are you so happy about it?" Allie must have guessed what Sam was thinking, because she came over and gave us a huge hug.

"Congrats and good luck! You'll need it," She whispered in my ear. All I could do was raise an eyebrow at her, while she ran back to Tori, giggling and whispering something in her ear. Sam finally decided to tell us what was going on, though.

"You guys have finally accepted that your mates!" Sam announced proudly, "Which means that for the next four days to a week, you guys will be growing a LOT closer. For the next two days you'll feel each other's extreme emotions and get random thoughts from them. Then for two days after that you'll keep getting random thoughts but also random emotions as well, not just extreme ones," My mouth was wide open in shockhe started to look a little nervous like what he was going to tell us was really embarrassing or something. Thankfully for him, Allie took over here.

"You guys will also start to feel…um…I don't know how to say this without sounding weird so here goes, you guys will also start to feel sexual urges and um…Derek will want to claim you as his mate, so that no other werewolf may," I felt a blush creeping along my neck and quickly taking over my face, Derek also stiffened under me.

"A-a-and w-what does….uuh….cl-laiming m-me as his m-m-mate inv-volve?" I stuttered, cursing it for the millionth time. Derek rubbed little circles in my arms to calm me down and keep my stutter under control.

"Why don't we wait until later to talk about this?" Sam suggested. I nodded eagerly, not trusting myself to speak anymore.

"Alright," Derek rumbled. Tori clapped her hands.

"Alright then! Weird mating-ness aside, it's Allie's turn and we have finally decided on a song for her to sing! Another werewolf one!" Allie got up and took a deep breath, letting the music begin.

The werewolf song by Cat Power

Oh the werewolf, oh the werewolf

Comes a steppin' along

He don't even break the branches

Where he's been gone

You can hear his long holler from away 'cross the moor

That's the holler of a werewolf when he's feelin' poor

He goes out in the evenin' when the bats 're on the wing

An' he's killed some young maiden before the birds sing

For the werewolf, for the werewolf

Have sympathy 'cause the werewolf he is someone J

ust like you an' me

Once I saw him in the moonlight when the bats were a flyin'

All alone I saw the werewolf and the werewolf was cryin'

Cryin' nobody, nobody, nobody knows

How much I love the maiden as I tear off his cloths

Cryin' nobody, nobody, knows of my pain

When I see it has risen that full moon again

When I see that moon movin' through the clouds in the sky I get a crazy feelin' an' I wonder why

Oh the werewolf, oh the werewolf

Comes travelin' along He don't even break the branches

Where he's been gone

For the werewolf have pity, not fear, an' not hate 'cause the werewolf might be someone that you've known of late

Oh the werewolf, oh the werewolf

Comes travelin' along

He don't even crush the leaves Where he's been gone

Allie put the mike back and ran over to Sam, his head in her hair and her face in his neck, just like Derek and I were. I clapped along with everyone else, but again, it was another sad song. I leaned back into Derek and tucked my legs up underneath me. As I turned and laid my head against his chest, I could help but think. What does being a werewolf mean to him? And what on earth do we have to do to mate?

Sorry about mostly songs and not writing, but more soon!