I'm not dead yet! Sorry for the lack of updates, but let me just say I had serious migraines thinking this one up. I upped the rating of these stories to "T". Now …for you faithful fans patently waiting. Enjoy. 2 O.C. are introduced here, and don't worry, they aren't god mod. One you may even know. For future references the one named Alfonse will be shortened to Alfa later to avoid confusion . The first of 5 or 7 filler chapters with a bit of plot.
Angel Island : Alter of the Master Emerald , Time: 7:00 A.M.
The Master Emerald, more powerful than all the chaos emeralds combined. Capable of keeping the Angel Island floating in the sky. Normally a red echidna named Knuckles would be guarding it right now, but that said echidna had to catch a date and left a blue and white Harehog named Alfonse in charge.
Alfonse: This is so boring! No wonder Knuckles had to get away from this dumb alter. All there is to do is breath in and out. Something better happen in the next 10 minutes.
angel Island: Lava Ridge zone, Time: 7:27 a.m.
Elsewhere at lava ridge zone. The only remnants of a certain tyrant's minions have rebelled and made peace with the residents of this zone. But most of The residents have gone somewhere for the day so the only life for miles was an crimson ermine and a golden panda.
?: So this is where Edward ended up.
?: Hopefully we'll find another secret of immortality here too Ling!
?: And maybe Ling will polish his "Negotiation" skills May.
Ling: Shut up Greed.
Back to the Alter
After his rant of boredom was over, with nothing else to do Alfonse took the opportunity to catch up on some sleep. Unknown to him that someone had snuck behind him and the gargantuan emerald. Unknown that she was about to take the master emerald away from him, and no it's not Rouge she's on a date with Knuckles.
?: All right I got myself this far. Now all I have to do is take the master emerald away and give it to Rouge for profit.
The thief than lifted up the master emerald, (making small cracks in the process mind you) and then instantly had trouble moving. Then the thief decides to take the sapphire and amethyst chaos emeralds with her. Satisfied with her loot, she than dropped the master emerald (the cracks now show that the emerald is about to split into shards now) and the two chaos emeralds into a burlap sack to, make it easier to carry the loot.
Alfonse: Going somewhere?
The thief than turned around, reveling her face and identity. One that the substitute guardian knew all too well.
Alfonse: Why are you taking the master emerald, Thorn?
Realizing who she was stealing from, the now yellow bat gave the burlap sack back to Alfonse and started to talk to him.
Thorn: It's been too long Al. :D
Alfonse: It's only been 2 days, and you still didn't answer my question.
Thorn: You know my terms, I only side with the winners and-
Alfonse: The side that pays the most, now ANSWER THE FRIKIN QUESTION!
The bat turned blue with disappointment.
Thorn: :(. Fine, you're no fun. Rouge hired me to take the master emerald away from the alter, AND leave a note that said "This is what you get for forgetting our anniversary. :D" where the master emerald used to be.
Alfonse: Come to think of it that does sound a bit like Knuckles. But wouldn't that make knuckles steal it back from Rouge's grasp, or even apologize to her/
Thorn: This is KNUCKLES we're talking about here. He would probably know how to add 2 and 2 together before he finds out it's missing, or even how to read.
Meanwhile at the restaurant where Knuckles and Rouge are located.
Knux: I feel… a disturbance.
Rouge: It's probably nothing Knuckles (like our anniversary).
Knux : Oh right, I forgot my anniversary present to you.
Rouge: What? 0.0
Knuckles kneels down on one knee and pulls out a ring case and opens it.
Knuckles: It's a 80 carat diamond ring. I didn't give it to you on our anniversary because I couldn't afford it at the time. So here you go.
Rouge took the gift and looked guilty after putting the ring on her finger.
Knux: What? Don't you like the gift?
Rouge: Oh it's nothing.
Knux shrugged and resumed eating is his fried rice.
Back with Alfonse and Thorn
Alfonse: Well why did you take the job anyway
Thorn: I thought it would be too easy with the Idiot away.
Then there was a sound of static
G.U.N. communicator : *Krzzt!* Winged thief to Thorn, do you copy? *Krzzt!*
Thorn: Hold on, Rouge what do you want now?
G.U.N. Communicator: Abort the mission! Tear up the note! Put back the master emerald and report back to base for payment.
The signal was then cut off abruptly. The now crimson bat crushed the communicator while walking away.
Thorn: Meh. I'll see you later Al I have to get my pay.
Alfonse: Wait, what about the master emerald?
Thorn: You're a genius you figure out how to get it back.
Alfonse: Well, I guess I better-
The blue and white Hare-hog Looked where the burlap sack was.
Antoine: Your majesty, I don't think you should roll the master emerald like that.
Sally: You can't tell me what to do!
Then the master emerald fell off the edge of Angel Island due to rolling it. Down the immensely powerful object fell, right in the ocean after making a sort of comical splash as it touched down. Antoine's mouth was gaping open the whole time while watching the event unfold down the cliff.
Then after the time of disbelief was over the time for blaming and fury began, and all the coyote's anger was directed at the squirrel princess.
Sally: Oops. :D
After the master emerald Broke into 15 shards, the chaos beast inside felt happy to be free again.
Chaos: FINALLY! I'm back in action! Now to take revenge on… oh forget it. I'm all out of vendettas. Tikal where are you?
Well… maybe not THAT happy.
Yeah pretty much all you're getting for awhile. Thorn is a bat that can change the color of her fur depending on emotion, she may become a plot revolving character and she may not. Also three questions 1. should there be a spark of romance between Thorn and Alfonse or not. 2. Would you like to see what happened to Edward or Alphonse next, if so which one? 3. There is one slot left for the last main fan character, do you want yours in there ,if so what do they look like if not no trolling. Answer in the reviews and I am a little rusty at writing these so don't be surprised.