Author notes: A-levels are killing me! Sorry for the wait, enjoy! :D
Disclaimer: I own nothing, but my useless brain that is going to get me nowhere in life.
Gibbs looked to Jenny, a hesitant look had engaged her eyes, even her stance had changed. Gibbs had never known her to hesitate, never as an agent and never as the director.
The shooter reinstated the guns position. Gibbs had followed and hunted these kinds of people long enough; he knew that man was readying himself to squeeze the trigger.
They were running out of time Gibbs looked to his partner and made his decision.
The trigger was pulled, it was done.
I'm falling through the doors of the emergency room can anybody help me with these exit wounds, I don't know how much more love this heart can lose and I'm dying, dying from these exit wounds.
The man fell to the ground; his body now lay lifeless in an ever growing puddle of blood, until his heart finally stopped beating.
Jenny was off, as quick as a flash. Gibbs' quick reaction meant he wasn't far behind.
Meredith and Cristina couldn't move, couldn't comprehend what had just happened, what they had just seen.
The two NCIS agents had managed to make their way up to the catwalk.
"You stupid, stupid man! Didn't your mother ever tell you not to stand in front of a gun" Jenny practically yelled at the dark headed man who now stood in utter disbelief.
He didn't have time to answer the redhead as she enveloped him in a hug, almost Abby style.
When he finally found his voice, was when he managed to move his arms to return the hug "Jenny".
Gibbs was now utterly confused 'was he an ex?'
"What the hell just happened?"
"It's a long story"
"I thought you became a doctor so mum wouldn't have to worry about her only son getting shot at?"
"I don't know what to say"
By this time the two stunned residents had made their way onto the catwalk.
Derek broke away from Jenny "Meredith" relief radiated from him. He hugged and kissed her and made a mental note to never let her go again.
Jenny made eye contact with the blond who was hugging her brother. She immediately recognised her.
"Congratulations again"
Meredith new exactly what she meant, she had been the redhead from before, in the bathroom.
Leroy Jethro Gibbs still stood on as puzzled as ever, which is a rarity for him. He cleared his throat in an attempt to ask his familiar red head what the hell was going on. It worked.
All the people currently alive on the catwalk looked to the salt and peppered marine. Jenny slowly slid her hand into Gibbs' much larger one and gave a shy smile to her brother. "This is Leroy Jethro Gibbs and you owe him your life" Jenny grasped her marine's hand in between her two. "Jethro, this is Derek Shepherd; my brother"
"It is so very nice to meet you" Derek shook Gibbs' hand with vigorous gratitude as well as a huge smile.
Gibbs felt relief consume him when he heard the word brother and grasped the dark headed mans outstretched hand.
As they ended their hand shake a man adorned in a SWAT vest approached them.
"I'm Officer Kevin Nelson. I need you to vacate the hospital now please" the man went to direct the agents and doctors until he saw the lifeless man on the floor and produced a puzzled look.
"Special agent Gibbs, NCIS" Gibbs answered the man's silent question of how did that happen.
"And I presume this is the shooter?" Officer Nelson queried.
Everyone on the catwalk nodded. The Officer reported back to his teams that were put in place about what had occurred and to sweep the hospital for any more shooters just to be sure.
"I'm going to have to ask you to exit the building now please, so the scene can be processed"
Ziva's room…
The two patients and the Italian were sat in silence in the same room they had been stuck in for what felt like days. They were sat in silence because Ziva had shushed the two men from talking about some ridiculous film; it wasn't because the conversation was boring, well not the whole reason anyway; the Israeli had noticed the sound of footsteps and was ready to attack. She also picked up the sound of doors being opened, like you would expect when rooms are being cleared. But cleared by whom?
Henry's heart was beating so fast in his chest that he thought he might pass out from exertion; he wanted to get out of there and find his wife and tell her just how much she really means to him and make sure to tell her every day after that.
Tony doesn't know when it happened but during the time they were waiting for the footsteps to make it to their room, his and Ziva's hand had laced together on the bed.
The relief that filled the room when a SWAT member was the one to open the hospital room door was unmistakable.
"If you are able to walk, could you make your way down the stairs at the end of the hall and out of the building?"
They didn't need to be told twice.
Tim sat with his knees to his chest, Abby's head placed heavily on his shoulder seeking comfort, with Ducky on the end. They sat against the wall with the door on; Tim's Sig Sauer was held in his hand ready to protect the woman he loves and his dear old friend.
Abby was silently praying that her father and mother figures would be safe; she couldn't imagine what would happen if she lost them.
Ducky felt somewhat comforted by the fact that Abby was holding onto his hand for dear life.
The electricity in the room heightened immensely as the door flung open. McGee aimed the gun where he expected the intruder to appear, but was more than happy to see his boss standing there instead.
"Stand down McGee"
Never in his life had Tim been so happy to see his boss. Tim didn't know when Abby leapt up from the floor and engulfed their saviour in an 'Abby' embrace. It must have been somewhere between him holstering his weapon, getting up off the floor and helping the M.E up as well.
"Boss, what happened?"
"We got him McGee, don't worry" with that he lead his other team members out of the stuffy room and into the fresh air.
"Henry!" the voice resounded from a mass of people filing out of the hospital.
"Oh God, Teddy" she launched herself into her husband's arms "Promise to never leave me again" Henry whispered into Teddy's ear as she practically hanged from his neck.
Teddy didn't answer, all she did was release her hold slightly and catch her husband's lips with hers to let him know how much she would never leave him.
"Tony can I talk to you for a moment?" The Israeli approached the Italian as he watched the husband and wife reunite. In one instant his eyes jumped to the exotic woman stood next to him.
"No, but you can have a life time" and with that he swept Ziva into his arms, almost like a dip when dancing a waltz. Ziva felt as if the air had been forced from her lungs; she couldn't breathe once the Italians lips finally met hers. Part of her couldn't believe this was happening but the other part had waited so long for him that it didn't mind.
"Finally" Jenny breathed in contentment as she watched her young friend and the MCRT's senior field agent confess their feelings.
"Still think coming here was a bad idea?" Leroy Jethro Gibbs slid to stand next to her and placed his arm around her waist gently.
"There has been some things that should be considered before I make my finally judgement" Jenny teased.
"Will this help?" Gibbs turned and slid his other arm around her waist to pull her towards him.
"Maybe" Jenny hardly managed to get out before her rough marine managed to silence her for the second time that day.
"Holy fourth of July weenie roast! What the hell am I looking at?"