Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto
A/N: Please review telling me what you think, it motivates me! :)
Oh, leave a comment in a review telling me if the next chapter should be in Akiko or Sasuke's POV, it's the Spring Ball ;)
Chapter 7 Vanity
Akiko's POV
"How long does it take to choose a dress?" I muttered, staring irritatingly at my reflection in the wide mirror.
Yuki, my tailor who was currently pining yet another dress, mumbled with pins in her mouth "Patience Akiko-chan, it has to look perfect."
Sighing, I blew a piece of stray hair from my face. Today I was moody, for one I'd been in Vanity for precisely three hours, I'd woken up to my mother ranting in my room and she'd then told me that I was to go shopping with her. One thing my mother knew about me was the fact I hated shopping full stop. I'd only ever go out shopping when I was desperate, which was rare. She'd brought the Shinobi too, saying they couldn't possibly go to a ball without an outfit.
A small whimper left my lips as I stuck my bottom lip out. I wanted to be snuggled up in bed, was that too much to ask?
"Akiko, stop frowning you're going to get wrinkles," mother scolded from where she was browsing through dresses.
Sighing, one again, I glared at her through the mirror. She couldn't possibly be able to see me, her back was turned.
"I see that, stop it, it's not working, Akiko."
Groaning, I slumped, which cause yet another pin to be jabbed into my ankle. Wincing, I heard Yuki mutter an apology whilst continuing with her work. I didn't understand how she coped with my mother; she at least came in here once a week.
To be frank, I felt like a lemon. For a very good reason too. This dress was yellow. Not a soft, pale one. Nope, a bright canary yellow, it made my hair look dull in comparison. Another thing about this dress, it was puffy. I felt even more like a balloon, plus it was hot outside and the air conditioning was crap in here. I was going to die in my own freaking sweat.
"Akiko, stand up straight." Mother had hawk eyes; I tell you, or at least eyes in the back of her head, it was scary.
Grumbling, I stood up right whilst putting on my best 'I hate you' smile. It would have to do seeing as my fingers were currently holding the dress up.
A snort came from my right, my eyes peeled away from my mother's back to where the snort had originated from. It was only Sasuke.
"What? You find this amusing, Uchiha?" I asked, my eyes glaring at him.
He looked completely relaxed stood there, his arms crossed, his head bowed with his eyes closed. It was infuriating me, what was worse was the fact he knew it too.
"I feel like a lemon," I moaned.
Sasuke opened his eyes, staring at the dress in amusement before replying "You're right."
He didn't even deny it, the cheeky sod! I swear, once I'm out of this dress he's getting it!
Gritting my teeth, I clenched my hands whilst trying to distract myself. I'd already sung, in a monotone voice, 'Ten Green Bottles' thirteen times. The only reason I stopped was because my voice became hoarse, not the fact that customers were giving me strange looks and my mother was practically begging me to stop.
"Sorry, Akiko,"
Blinking I looked down at my feet, where Yuki was currently crouched.
"What's wrong?" I asked, frowning.
"This dress really doesn't suit you and I can see you're irritated. How about, whilst I distract your mother, you go find another dress?" she offered, smiling gently.
Excitement bubbled in my chest as I asked excitedly, albeit quietly as I didn't want the she-woman hearing me, "Really?!"
Nodding, Yuki stood and offered her hand to me. Graciously taking the offered hand, I stepped down. Sighing in relief, I watched Yuki quickly dash to my mother's side and offer her a selection of dresses. Smiling gratefully, I grabbed Sasuke's sleeve and pulled him along.
"Why do I have to come? It's your dress."
"I need a second opinion, dumb ass, and I'm not getting it from the girls." I shivered at the thought, as soon as they had entered they'd dashed off to god knows where, squealing about how this dress would look perfect with this or that.
"They're not that bad," Sasuke reasoned, now keeping pace with me so I wasn't literally dragging him. The other boys had wandered over to the hats and were taking the mick out of each other. Sasuke was the only normal one…now that's saying something.
Turning, I looked at him incredulously and dragged him to a quiet area of the shop, where my mother wouldn't be able to spot us. Sighing in relief, I muttered "The sooner we find a dress, the sooner we can leave."
He simply stood there, looking around.
Huffing, I snapped "Get looking!"
"Alright," he chuckled "calm down, the place isn't on fire."
Ignoring him, I continued to quickly browse. No dresses were screaming out 'me!', which caused the whole process to slow down.
"Why's your mother in a bad mood anyway?"
Scowling, I hissed "You're asking me? Heck if I know! The ugly demon rears its head whenever we go shopping; it's rare for me to go shopping anyway. Usually Yoko takes the brunt of it, then again Yoko gets hyped up enough to let it fly over her head."
Merely nodding, Sasuke began to flick through dresses before pausing and saying "Do you realise how odd I must look?"
Pausing, I felt laughter bubbling in my throat. Trying to compose myself, seeing as he was currently holding two long dresses and comparing them in mid-air, I agreed saying "Well, you did call me a lemon."
"Correction, you called yourself a lemon. I just happened to agree," he retorted.
Damn him for being smart, he most certainly wasn't earning brownie points with me, that's for sure.
Grinning, I dryly commented "You're gay; you can get away with it."
"Doesn't mean I'm camp, lemon," he replied, scowling.
Ha! I hit the jack pot! I was so winning this banter-wait, lemon? Who was he to call me a lemon?!
"Lemon," I stated, clapping my hands slowly as I praised him "Such an imaginative nickname."
Chuckling, Sasuke tucked the dresses away whilst replying "It's not the best, but it'll do for now. I'd like to see you do better."
My eyes met his, a spark of amusement in his cobalt eyes, as I replied "Is that a challenge, Uchiha?"
"Obviously not, I'd win if it was," he scoffed, rolling his eyes playfully.
"Why you egotistical bastard!" I hissed, glaring at him. I couldn't believe him! He was in the minuses for brownie points right now, if I was counting - which I'm not.
Merely chuckling, his eyes caught sight of something and quickly sped off to claim it.
"Tch, leave me alone, why don't you?" I muttered, glaring at the array of dresses. This was hopeless; I was never going to find a dress at this point! They were either: too puffy, tight, glittery, feathery, ugly, horribly fashioned or too fitting which didn't go well with my baby bump – seeing as no one outside the castle knew I was pregnant. Without my baby bump, sure! I had a great figure, why not show it off?
However, right now it looked like I was out of luck and I did not want to be dressed as a lemon, god damn it! Anything but that sounded good right about now, it was useless though. After picking out the dress, I could go for a quick lunch with the Shinobi, before heading to the salon to get my hair washed. When my mother had mentioned it, I'd asked what was wrong with the way I'd wash it normally. She's strictly told me not to argue with her and to turn up for the appointment. Another problem, I hated salons. The hairdressers were nosy, the place in general was noisy and I didn't really like other people touching my hair.
Okay, I know today I'm going through a mood swing because of my hormones but deal with it. I'm having to.
"Hey, Akiko,"
Glancing up, my eyes scanned the room before seeing a familiar pale face.
"How about this dress?" he asked, raising the arm which held the dress. My eyes widened, the dress was amazing. It would be perfect for the ball, to hide my stomach and it wasn't yellow!
Around the chest area it was a pitch black colour, snuggly fit to cover my breasts. It then cascaded down to an azure blue; the style of the dress was elegant but also floating. Perfect to hide my baby bump, I had to admit. Nodding my head, I teased "Pvvt, you are so gay."
"Shut up or I'll go get the girls and ask if one of them wants to try it on," he responded, glaring at me.
Letting out a gasp, I breathed out "You wouldn't dare,"
The devilish smirk that was perfectly arched onto his face told me he would; he knew how much I hated shopping too. Sighing, I walked over and took the dress from him. Analysing it, I nodded to myself, it would be fine. Besides, it was only for one night.
"Okay, let's go find Yuki," I announced, handing the dress back over to him.
Frowning, holding the dress from its hanger, he asked "What am I supposed to do with this? Aren't you going to try it on?"
"Well duh," I replied, walking away to where I spotted Yuki, "you can carry it though."
"What am I, your maid?" he asked, frowning as he followed me.
Gasping, I playfully reasoned "Well, last time I checked you're not pregnant. The doctor told me not to lift anything heavy."
"As if this is heavy," he grumbled.
Well, he didn't object so I quickly walked over to Yuki and tapped her on the shoulder. Turning around, her chocolate eyes studied the dress in Sasuke's arms before saying "Akiko, that's perfect! It will suit you perfectly."
Winking she added "Hiding the rascal too."
Grinning, I nodded and asked "Shall I go put it on?"
"Absolutely!" she responded immediately, her eyes sparkling.
Taking the dress from Sasuke, I thanked him before walking into the changing rooms. Thankfully, no one knew what I looked like as the eldest princess, so I could get away with wearing some leggings and a grey sweater dress, buttons holding down the massive collar, which was the style. Carefully, I took off the dress and put on the other dress. It fit snuggly around my chest; it was modest which was a bonus as I was not a slut. It then flowed out and descended to the floor. The baby bump was non-existent, thankfully.
Twirling gently, a smile graced my face as I stepped out of the changing room. Yuki's mouth dropped open as she looked at me, her eyes just as wide. Feeling a blush adorn my cheeks, I stared at the floor hoping the staring would stop. Hearing the familiar tapping of heels, I looked up in time to see my mother join me where I stood.
Waiting, I watched her scrutinise the dress. I liked it, so whatever she said, whether she approved or not, I was getting it. She took her time, lifting the ends and letting them gracefully flutter down and tested the chest strap, seeing it won't fall down.
Sighing, I asked impatiently "Well?"
Nodding she replied "It looks great, I trust you like it?"
Rolling my eyes, I answered "Yes,"
"Good," she stated "we'll get it."
Grinning, I walked back into the changing room and changed. I was getting out of here~
Leaving, I handed the dress over to Yuki who added it to the pile my mother had also chosen to buy.
"So, looks like I have good taste, huh?"
Turning around, I rolled my eyes as I replied "Don't be so egotistical, Sasugay."
Rolling his eyes, he retorted "Oh real clever."
I found it pretty damn hilarious. Who wouldn't? It was better than the nickname he chose for me, lemon. I mean, seriously? Couldn't he be a little bit more creative?
Shaking my head, I grabbed Sasuke's shirt and dragged him over to the boys, who were still trying on hats.
"Hey, Akiko, try this hat on!" Kiba said, shoving a hat onto my head.
Squealing, I took the hat off my head, smoothing down my hair and analysed the hat. It was a modern top hat.
Grinning, I asked "Where's the monocle?
Confused, Kiba asked "The what?"
Rolling my eyes, I ignored him. How could he not know what they were? It was stereotypical for a top hat to be worn with a monocle and pocket watch. Glancing around, I noticed no one had listened to my comment besides Kiba and Sasuke. My eyes met Sasuke's, who rolled his in return.
Great, we were on the same wave length. We are surrounded by idiots, brainless idiots.
"Akiko-chan, did you get your dress?" Ino asked, rushing over to me whilst she grabbed my hands.
I don't really understand why girls had to do the whole 'touchy feely' business. Couldn't they stand normally and have a conversation?
Awkwardly wriggling out of her hold, I replied "Yeah, have you guys got yours?"
From behind Ino, Sasuke shook his head as a smirk wriggled back onto his face. What? Had I asked something wrong? Well, he obviously knew something I didn't…
Nodding enthusiastically, Ino immediately sprang into a heavily detailed speech on each outfit and what they were going to put with it. Through her rambles, she would pause and shout at Kiba, who was trying to throw a hat on her head but was miserably missing.
Sighing, I nodded along whilst hoping that someone would get me out of the conversation. Glancing around, I helplessly looked at Sasuke. He pretended not to notice me, as he picked up a hat and aimed it for my head. It landed perfectly on my head, as well. Damn.
Irritated, I picked up the hat and threw it at him. It spun awkwardly in a short arc before sliding to the floor, ignoring the chuckle in return and the blush becoming evident on my face, I patiently listened to Ino.
"Akiko!" a voice called out.
Oh thank the heavens for my mother, the she-woman herself.
"You're meant to be getting lunch! Everyone has their outfit for the ball, so get going!"
Nodding, I couldn't have been more grateful for her presence. Motioning for the girls to go first, I quickly tagged onto Sasuke's side. He merely glanced at me before walking on with the others.
Pausing, after we walked past a couple more shops, I asked "Where shall we go to eat?"
Halting everyone turned to me, staring expectantly.
Why the hell were they looking at me for? I asked the question, they should answer!
"Oh, how about Ichiraku?" Ino suggested, her pale blue eyes glancing around for one.
Ich-Ichiraku? That sounded…familiar. Why did it sound familiar? Frowning, I tried to think if we had one here in the village. I don't remember ever coming across one. If there isn't one here, then why does it sound like I knew it? Maybe it was in Konoha? Then again, I've never been to Konoha I think.
"Ino-pig, that's in Konoha! They won't have one here," Sakura retorted, rolling her eyes at her best friend's stupidity.
"Ichiraku, what is that?" I asked. It was definitely in Konoha, seeing as Sakura had just stated it, but I felt like; call me crazy, it was a ramen place…
"It's a ramen shop, we go there all the time," Sakura supplied, smiling.
How did I know that? It was a fluke, a lucky guess. It had to be, right? I've never stepped foot in Konoha, at least I don't think so.
"Err…well," I rubbed the back of my head awkwardly, trying to think if we had one in the village.
"Where do you eat a lot?"
Looking to my right, where Sasuke was idly standing with his hands in his pockets, I instantly replied "My Place!"
"'My Place'," Kiba asked, scrunching his face up as he looked towards me "you mean the palace?"
Shaking my head, I let out a disgusted gasp as I exclaimed "You've never heard of My Place? Well, I suppose you wouldn't have…it's this dainty café which has the best food ever!"
Listing each point on my fingers, I continued "The desserts are to die for, the place is really pretty and quiet, they have a garden for children to play in and for people to walk around, the waiters and waitresses all have chemistry and get along and I love it there!"
"Well then, let's go!" Sakura replied, linking my arm with hers.
Agreeing, Ino asked "Where is this place, anyway? We never saw it whilst looking around the village."
Laughing, I squirmed out of Sakura's hold and replied "Of course you wouldn't have, it's hidden in the village really well. Only people who properly look will find it."
"How'd you find it then?" Ino questioned, frowning.
"Oh, that's easy. I hate being in the palace so I sneak out and go to the café. None of the guards know about the place."
Reminiscing, I added "I actually found the place four months ago; it had been showering all day, so hardly anyone had been out in the village. It was around the time I found out I was pregnant, it was hard to accept seeing as I didn't know anything about me or my past. So, I ran away from the palace and the guards came after me. I ducked into this alleyway…"
It was pouring it down, my dress was soaked through and the hood, on my cloak, was doing a bad job of concealing my face and hair. My heart was ready to burst, my breath coming out in heavy breaths that could be seen through the chill. Frantically, I glanced around me. All the shops were closed and I was nearing the market – the central of the village. I'd be in plain view if I went there. There had to be an alleyway or something…somewhere I could hide…
"Princess Akiko, where are you?" a guard called out, his feet thundering on the cobbled street.
Dragged from my thoughts by the frantic guard, I desperately looked around.
At this rate I was going to get caught for sure. His footsteps were getting closer; shouts were just heard over the rain beating down on the bumpy street. Taking a couple steps further, I once again looked around. There was a pathway leading off to the left. It looked unused.
Glancing back, hearing the footsteps louder this time, I guessed there was no time like the present. Gathering my dress, so I wouldn't trip, I ran to the path and along it. Past the end of a shop, it cut off to the right, behind the shop. Frowning, I took my chances and darted round the corner. Halting, my eyes widened at what I saw. It was a wall, covered from head to toe in ivy. Damn it, the guards were going to find me for sure, now.
"Where'd she go?"
"I swear I saw her go down this street!" another called.
"What about that pathway?"
Squeezing my eyes shut, I frantically chanted in my mind, whilst clenching my dress, "Please, please don't come down here…"
"Are you kidding me?" another retorted "Don't be such an idiot. That leads to a dead end!"
Phew, I was safe. Although I need to get out of this rain, by the looks of it the rain was coming down heavier now.
Analysing the wall I noticed something slightly odd about the ivy. There was a slight hole in the middle, the ivy parting like it had been disturbed by someone. Maybe the rain was playing tricks on me, this could not be cliché. It was not a hidden door, was it?
Taking tentative steps forward, I out stretched my hand and touched the wall through the ivy. Searching, I noticed the slight dip in the wall. No doubt about it, it was a hidden doorway.
Stepping back, my eyes wide, I brought my hand to the parted ivy. Pushing it through, my hand met a cold handle.
"No way, it really is a hidden doorway…"
Pushing down on the handle, I barely heard the audible click as the handle lifted. With little effort, it creaked open and I was left looking into a garden of sorts.
On both sides there was a lawn, trees surrounding it and varieties of shrubs were flourishing with lilac, yellow and pink flowers. A pale dove stone pathway lead up in a straight line to a set of wooden, mahogany steps. Up the steps was a small wooden veranda, a couple steps further there's an arch with a door under it. On the left side of the door, a bit further along, was a dark chocolate brown window, misted from the rain.
Thickly swallowing, I took hesitant steps along the pathway, up the stairs and to the door way.
What was I doing? I wasn't going to go in there, was I? No…I couldn't possibly. I would be intruding; this could be someone's house for all I know. Gulping, I settled that I would leave straight away.
"A-Ano, d-do you want to come in?"
Jumping, I bit my lip. Shit, how come I hadn't seen her. Where was that voice coming from, anyway?
Tilting my head to the right, my eyes widened to see chocolate eyes staring back.
My cheeks were red hot, I brought my hand up to cover my face as I quickly explained "G-Gomen, I accidently stumbled across this place and-
"Don't be silly! You're soaking wet, come on in!" she interrupted with a stern yet soft voice.
An audible click of a window shutting was heard, before another click of a door opening.
Sighing, I turned around and faced the open door.
A slim, short girl stood at the entrance in a short baby blue dress with an apron over the top. She had dark chocolate eyes, filled with concern, and equally dark hair in plaits. Smiling kindly, she bowed as she opened the door further, saying "Please, come in."
Tentatively, I walked in and was immediately hit with the warmth of the place and the crisp smell of freshly baked croissants. Ignoring my mouth watering, I bowed as I apologised.
Waving it off, she replied "Nonsense! What were you doing out in the rain anyway? I'm surprised you found this place anyway, it's well hidden."
Without waiting for a reply, she instructed me "Now, let me take your cloak. I'll put it on the radiator so it'll dry. Why don't you go take a seat, I'll get us some hot coco and we can have a little chat."
Before I could say anything on the matter, she unclipped my cloak and hung it up. She then motioned me to sit at a window seat, whilst she prepared some hot coco.
Nervously, I glanced around. The place was empty, a collection of chairs and tables were placed in front of a counter, where a till was, and a servery, inside delectable cakes and pastries were laid out – waiting to be eaten.
My stomach rumbled as if the mere smell of them reminded me I hadn't eaten.
"I've just baked some chocolate croissants; I'll put some on a plate."
Blushing, I placed a hand on my stomach as I protested "No, it's fine, really!"
She didn't hear me as she dashed into the kitchen, a side door behind the servery. Returning with a plate of croissants in hand, she placed them on the table with a sincere smile, happily telling me "Dig in, have as many as you want!"
Glancing to the floor, I murmured a quiet thank you before staring at the puffy pastry. They did look delicious…plus she said they had chocolate in them…maybe it wouldn't hurt if I had one…
Slowly, sneakily, I took one. It was still warm. Oh holy hell. Swallowing, I raised the treat to my lips. The warmth spread across my lips, the heavenly smell of chocolate. The little flakes of pastry crumbling into my cupped hand, underneath the one holding the pastry. Slowly, I opened my mouth and let the delicious smelling treat enter my mouth. Taking a small bite, I slowly chewed it and swallowed.
Pausing, I closed my eyes whilst I tasted it. The chocolate croissant was perfect, the best I've ever tasted. Smiling, I took another bite and another. Before I knew it, I was onto my third.
Biting my third one, I opened my eyes to see the girl return with two massive cups of coco. Smiling, she placed them down on the place mats. Eyes widening, I looked at my cup. It was filled on the top with swirled whip cream, chocolate sprinkles and a cherry on top.
"A-Are you sure I can have this? How much is it?"
"Nonsense!" she exclaimed "It's on the house; this café is so quiet seeing as no one knows about it."
It was a café? Wow, you'd never have guessed from the outside.
"Then that means I have to pay," I protested, reaching for my pocket.
Sighing, she changed the subject "So, what brings you here on this wet afternoon?"
Gulping, I grasped the handle of my cup and held it to warm my hands.
"Sorry," she apologised, leaning back in her seat "that was rude. I'll introduce myself, first!"
With a great big grin, she leant forward quickly and said "The name's Mei, this is my café – My Place. I'm seventeen, I don't have a boyfriend and this was my mother's shop. Lots of people used to come here, after she passed away they stopped coming. I hope to open up this shop again and gain customers!"
"My Place…how come it's called that?" I asked, inquisitively although I never took my eyes off my coco.
Smiling fondly, her dark eyes trailed over to the window as she casually said "When people come here, I want them to happily say "I'm going to My Place," a place where they can be happy and call their own."
My Place… That sounds like a good name for this place. It's quiet and peaceful here, great to read a book too. The foods great, I can tell by the croissants and the coco's…
Taking a slow sip, not wanting to scald my tongue, I let out a sigh. The warm liquid trailed down my throat and to my stomach. My stomach…
Shaking her head, she lightly smacked her cheeks as she said "Sorry, that probably sounds really mushy!"
"That sounds…really sweet." I replied softly, smiling.
Eyes widening, she replied "Really? I wasn't so sure at first, but if you say so!"
"So, what's your story then?" she asked, leaning on her arms propped up on the table.
Her dark eyes stared into mine, a spark of interest lightening them. Her pale arms delicately held her angelic face, her owl like eyes, her pale pink lips, dark eye lashes and fringe.
Blushing, I quietly replied "There's nothing really to tell,"
"Oh come on, there has to be something! What's your name, age; do you live in this village? What about your parents? What do you want to be?"
Blinking slightly dumbfounded from her questions, I replied "Erm, I'm…Akiko, aged sixteen and I live in this village…my parents are…"
"What's wrong?"
"Huh?" I glanced up at her from my lap, my vision was slightly blurry and my cheeks were red hot for some reason.
"You're crying," she stated, her face marred into a frown.
"I-I am?" I asked, placing a hand onto my face. I was…why was I crying?
Smiling softly, she grabbed a tissue from her pocket and handed it to me.
Thankful, I took it from her and dabbed the tears away. Smiling in thanks, I sniffed. I shouldn't be crying, there was no reason all.
"So…Akiko…you didn't sound confident saying that."
"I'm…I don't think that's my name," I weakly replied, not meeting her eyes.
"Really? What do you think you're called?" Mei asked tentatively.
"Erm, I don't know…I have amnesia, or post-traumatic stress as the doctor diagnosed me with. The doctor worked out I was sixteen, I'm temporarily living with..er…the King and Queen…"
"You have amnesia?"
I looked up in surprise, she didn't care that I was living with the King and Queen? If I'd told anyone else they'd have immediately asked what it was like and what the palace was like, or the King and Queen. They'd want all the dirty information on the royalty. Yet, Mei, this girl right before me, was more concerned over me. That was a change…
My Place,
I liked that.
"So, yeah, that's about it!" I finished, smiling.
"She sounds awesome," Ino replied, returning my smile.
Nodding, I replied "She is, plus she has a boyfriend. He's really cool, he works at My Place too…hm, maybe he's working today too."
"Let's go, then!" Sakura exclaimed, linking arms with Ino and walking on.
Glancing at Sasuke, who had this strange look on his face, I grew uncomfortable and asked "What?"
Blinking, he frowned, staring at me further.
Pouting, I walked up to him and stood on my tiptoes. Balancing, I placed my hands on his cheeks. His eyes widened, his cheeks flushing red. Pvvt, he thought I was going to kiss him.
Not a chance…
Tightly clenching his cheeks, I stretched them as far as they went.
Flaming bright red, he grabbed my hands as he hissed "Idiot, what're you doing!?"
Releasing him, an Akiko smirk on my face, I replied dismissively "I have no clue as to what you're saying,"
Walking away, I tried to compose myself. He was going to freak out in a minute to what I was going to say next.
"What the hell, Akiko?" he shouted, stomping after me whilst stretching out his arm and taking hold of mine.
Shrieking, I tugged my hand away, saying "Pedo, pedo! Let go of me, you pedo!"
His eyes bulged out of his sockets, letting go of me as he stood frozen. On lookers gasped looking at one another whilst they watched on.
"Akiko," he hissed, standing stock still "what the hell?"
Coughing, I quickly stated "False alarm, people!"
Nodding, although still apprehensive, the crowd moved on, sparing glances when they could.
"What the hell was that for?!"
My head lowered so no one would hear me, I mumbled "I had to do something, you looked like you were trying to squeeze out a fart but it wouldn't come."
"What?" Sasuke asked "Where did that come from?"
"You were staring, I was uncomfortable." I stated moodily.
Seeing that he wasn't going to let this go I cleared my throat, gaining his attention and grabbed his hand, hastily walking on. Soon enough we caught up with the group, who were staring around trying to find the path. Laughing, I motioned for them to follow me. Leading them through the path, to the wall with the hidden door and to the entrance of the shop, I didn't spare them a glance as I let go of Sasuke's hand.
Grabbing the handle, I pushed it open whilst calling out "Mei, I'm back!"
A squeal was heard, a clatter, footsteps and then Mei was strangling me in a tight hug. Returning her hug, I giggled with her as she said "Oh my gosh, you haven't been here in ages!"
Laughing, I rolled my eyes whilst telling her "I was here last Wednesday,"
"What!" she exclaimed her hands on my shoulders, whilst she stared into my eyes before turning and saying "Takumi, why didn't you tell me?!"
Takumi, her hot hunky boyfriend, replied with a smile "You were out of town, Mei."
"Still," she whined "I wanted to see my Aki-chan!"
Taking hold of her hands, I told her "I brought some people with me, is that okay?"
Her eyes widened at the sight of the people behind me, as she stumbled out "Y-Yeah…that's fine…we have space."
Sighing, I asked "Normal seats?"
Nodding, Mei quickly strode behind the servery as she replied "Yeah! I'll just go get some menus!"
Leading them over to the table, I sat down with Sasuke next to me. Grinning, Kiba looked around the place whilst saying "So, this is the famous My Place, huh?"
"Famous?" Mei squeaked "Not really, it's a small café, that's it."
Rubbing her cheek, she quickly handed out menus as she asked how we were. With cheerful replies saying they were fine and questions in return, Mei acted like the proper host.
Her boyfriend was currently behind the servery, drying some glasses and putting them away. He was a cool guy, treating her like she deserves and was interested in the business, which was a bonus. Catching me staring at him, he winked and called out "Hey squirt, I'm guessing the regular?"
Grinning, I replied "Yes please!"
Chuckling, he immediately started on my order, Mei meeting his eye for a split second before turning their attention away.
Aww, they were so cute together. It made me want to puke. Yes, I'm a bitter and twisted old shrew. Screw you, and don't enjoy it.
Gosh, I was really hormonal today…
A/N: Oh my god, guys!
Do you know how hard it is trying to write, whilst having a hyper puppy wanting to play with you? Aha, it's tough!
Phew, 6,009 words! I've out done myself; that's the most I've ever written!
On another note, we killed a rat last night! I'll spare you on the details ;)
With that said, please send me a review voting for Sasuke or Akiko's POV for the next chapter, The Spring Ball, and what you liked about this chapter! Is it better in POV? Tell me what you think ;)
It makes me happy, plus motivated! :)
Oh, I kind of want some reviews so I won't be updating until I gain 5 reviews. Is that too much to ask?
I know some people may not like it, seeing as it's bribery, however please! Just let me know what I'm doing right or wrong! :(
Staring down a puppy,