Jessie's Diary
Recently, days seem to just drift by, and I barely notice them....I barely notice anything, except James. He's so calm,yet open-minded all the time. He's so very determined, especially when it comes to stealing Pikachu. He'll do anything and everything to get him, all for the boss. Because the boss is always ordering us around, it seems like we hardly ever have time to do anything else.To dream, to imagine, to just take in a deep breath of air and think: "Today, I feel good."
If we weren't so highly recognized as Pokemon thieves,I'm sure we could do something else.Then we wouldn't be so surpressed and dark. What am I saying?!? We can't quit!! We're Team Rocket!! We steal Pokemon!! That's our Job!! But still, I'm sure we wouldn't be so hated by everyone if we weren't thieves. But at least we have each other, and that's all we really need. I have James, and I know I can rely on him.But I don't know if he feels like he can trust me, because I'm always so mean to him. I hate myself for that. I need to be nicer, and better.That's what I have to tell myself every day: "Be nice,Be gentle." hopefully it will work one of these days.......because I love James, so very much. ~Jessie