Mutual Agreement
Hey people i know that im already working on one stroy, Secrets Revealed, but i decided to do another one as well. im also momentarily stropping Secrets Revealed simply because i like this story better. ok so im still new to this whole writing thing, im more us to acting out my stories in my head and never really writing them down, so if i make any mistakes can you please tell me. i really want to get better in my writing. ok on with the story i was up til like 1 finishing it, but with me and my insomnia i did got to bed until 3 so the next chapter should be up by tomorrow. ok well on to the story!
Summery: Amu hates the populars and they hate her right back, but when they get lost in the woods they have to depend on Amu in order survive. secrets from her past become revealed and the sin that Amu's sees that never should be forgiving is uncovered. hearts will throb and will hatred become something else?
ok i know it sucks but if i do the origanal summery you'll find out everything if i do that one. please just read!
Chapter one (Amu's POV)
"How Just how did this happen?"
"Quit your bellyaching! Its your fault that were in this mess to begin with."
"My fault how is it MY fault if I remember correctly you were the one who started the fight."
"OK, that's enough you two, we have to make a camp before it starts to get dark." I said to the two bickering siblings behind me, annoyance coming over me. My name is Hinamori Amu, I'm 15 and have pink hair and amber eyes, I live alone and have many jobs in order to pay the bills. I'm a scholarship student at Seiyo academy, and right now I'm stuck in the woods with the people I hate most; those damn popular people. There names would be Soma Kukai-useful but annoying, Yuiki Yaya-an annoying brat, Sanjo Kairi-smart but useless, Mashiro Rima-little and not helpful, Tsukiyomi Utau-loud and loves to fight, and the worst of them all Tsukiyomi Ikuto, my archenemy. I don't really like any of them but the one I hate the most is that cocky perverted playboy Ikuto. You might be wondering how we got into this predicament; well to be honest it's THEIR ENTIRE FAULT! But to truly understand what happened we'll have to go back a couple of days when we got the news that the class was taking a field trip.
(No ones POV)
"Minna-san I have big news, so listen up. In a few days we are all going on a fieldtrip and it is mandatory to go if you skip then your grade will go down a grade." (A/N: if that happened in a real school I would beg my parents to take me out of school but that wont happen to me since I'm homeschooled) The teacher, Nikaidou, said with a smile as everyone in the class groined. The seven of the most popular in the school were in the back of the classroom not paying attention, Kukai was laughing at a joke Rima made while and Utau hit him for laughing like a madman and Nagi was trying to keep the peace between Utau and Kukai, Yaya was trying to convince Kairi, who was criticizing Yaya about her horrible diet, to give her back her bag of candy, and Ikuto was sucking face with one of his may fan girls.
Amu was also in the back annoyed that she had to take a day off from one of her many jobs in order to go on this stupid field trip. Normally she wouldn't even bother but since it would lower her grade she had no choose but to go. As class was dismissed someone knocked into Amu causing her spill all of her books. "Watch where you're going, Amu." There was clear disgust in the person's husky voice as he said her name, that person was Tsukiyomi Ikuto and everyone new that he and Amu hated each other.
"How bout you stop sucking some hoe's face and watch were your going, Tsukiyomi." Her voice was fill with just as much disgust, her eyes full of hate. No one ever goes near Amu, especially since none of the populars seem to like her in the leased. But that works better for Amu, she doesn't like or trust people ever since that accident happened. The only person she likes now is the person who helped her all those years ago, Amakawa Tsukasa. He's helped her out so much; she will forever be indebted to him.
"Aww Amu, there no need to be jealous all you have to do is ask and I will gladly such your face." He said smirking, nothing but amusement in his eyes as he teased Amu.
"I would rather make out with a porcupine and eat it after then make out with you, you disgusting excuse for a human." She said while glaring daggers at Ikuto, scaring everyone around her.
Getting pissed off, he grabbed her collar and pulled her face to his. "You sure have some nerve. You must really want me to make you life alive hell huh?" The hatred in his eye was heard through his voice now, clearly showing just how much he wanted hurt her.
Then the strangest thing happened she stared laughing. "Hahahaha, that a good one. I would be scared if it wasn't for the fact that my life is already a living hell and no matter what you do me you can never hurt me." She eyes showed that she was telling the truth and that scared Ikuto for some reason.
"W-what are you-"
"Ah, Tsukiyomi-san I see that since you and Hinamori-san are getting along so well you wouldn't mind partnering up for the field trip huh?" Their teacher interrupted Ikuto sentence, with a smirk on his face as everyone stared at him wide-eyed.
"Y-YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" Ikuto and Amu screamed at the same time, "I HATE HIM/HER!" They said pointing at each other.
"I'm sorry you too, but I have decided that that the paring and that's the paring it shall be." Their teacher said, but then added, "if you two willingly agree to accept then you wont have any homework in my class for the rest of the year."
"I agree." Amu said in her usual monotone voice, while thinking, 'Yes! No homeworking this class for the rest of the school year means more time for me to sleep maybe I could get at least five hours of sleep now.'
Everyone was surprised that Amu agreed so quickly, even Ikuto, the only person who wasn't surprised was the teacher and that was just because he knew about her working at night to support herself. Truth be told, all of the teachers wanted to give Amu a break, knowing at how hard she works but they didn't want to seem like they favored her. With this at leased, there could be a little less stress on her shoulders. "So Tsukiyomi-san what is your answer?" The teacher said to Ikuto who was still staring at Amu, looking very confused.
"Huh? Oh right, ah ok sure." He was still hesitant to except but, hey, no homework for math the rest of the year, you couldn't ask for more.
"Excellent! Well, the rest of you go and pick your partners, I'll be in my office if you need me!~" The teacher sang as he left the room, everyone still staring at him.
Ikuto narrowed his eyes at Amu. "Why did you agree so easily? You hate me and I hate you just what are you trying for?" He was very suspicious as Amu's willingness to partner with him.
"I have my reasons." Amu said in a very monotone voice and then left the classroom.
~Fast forward to the day of the trip~
Everyone was loading their bags onto the bus and took their place next to their partner. The populars and Amu were all in the back as people kept taking glances in at the back to she Amu and Ikuto sitting together. It was such a strange sight that everyone was trying to memories it their minds. The bus rid, in reality was only two hours but to Amu and Ikuto it took forever. They didn't acknowledge each other throughout the whole trip. Amu just stared out the window while Ikuto talked to his friends. Nagi being one of the nicer ones in the populars tried to get Amu into the conversation from time to time, but whenever he did she either ignored him, glared at him, or his friends (mainly Rima) hit him.
As they were nearing the campsite Amu just looked out the window and couldn't help but remember her past. Her heart ached, she shut her eyes, she heart calling out three names: okaa-san, otou-san, Ami. She opened her eyes again and saw her reflection her eyes showed nothing but sadness, looking ready to cry but never allowing herself too. Her past will forever haunt her and that is something that will never change no matter how long time passes. The sin she committed that day will be something she will never forgiver herself for even if everyone else has.
Unknown to Amu, Ikuto had seen the sadness in her eyes, and although he hates her, for someone to look so sad was simply heart breaking. He wanted to find out what was wrong with her and he wanted to find out before it drove him insane.
They were finally off the bus and everyone was having a good long stretch before they started to move to the campsite. For a short while everything was peaceful, people were chatting amongst themselves that is until Utau and Ikuto stared to fight.
(Amu's POV)
"Hey why the hell did you just say that?" The blond haired girl, Utau I believe, just shrieked and that asshole Ikuto, who apparently is her brother.
"Well its not my fault what you said was stupid!" Ikuto yelled at Utau, his voice just as loud but not as high.
"It is sooo your fault you BAKA!" When Utau yelled baka I swore I saw birds ten miles away fly in the other direction. Man this girl is loud. Everyone had left us, and Nagi; one of the most populars went up to tell the teacher that we would be there momentarily. Being Ikuto's partner I had no chose but to stay, but as for the others, they stayed to try to stop the fighting. You would think that since this happens so often they would be good at it, turns out, there not.
"Ok you two shut up you giving me a headache and your scaring all the birds away." I said, my voice held all annoyance in it.
"Welllll~ excuse me your highness, I didn't me to give you a damn HEADACHE!" Utau shouted making my head throb more, 'Annoying bicth.'
"Then shut up, you bicth." I said glaring at her.
She glared right back at me, something I would except from a Tsukiyomi. "What. Did. You. Just. Call. Me." Utau said emphasizing every word.
"I said; Then. Shut. The. Hell. Up. Bicth." I said it real slow like for her, hinting that I think she an idiot. She got the hint and was now PISSED!
"AHHHHH!" She screamed before attaching me. Figuring I wouldn't fight back she didn't fight with her true strength but the moment I showed her that I wasn't playing around she got even more serious. Like two cats fighting in an ally, we never let up when we were coming at each other, but me being afraid I might really hurt her, I didn't even use half my strengths. What I didn't notice was that we were getting closer to the woods and farther from the campsite. Everyone followed us, only looking at us, not bothering to look ahead. The baby one, Yaya, and Ikuto were cheering for Utau to win while the brain boy, Kairi, tried to quell the fighting, the short blond one Rima was following us while recording this on her phone, and the orange head, Kukai, was laughing his ass off pretending to be the announcer for our little fight .
It wasn't until we fell that we notice we were heading for a cliff. Luckily the cliff was pretty slanted, so when we fell it was more like was slid down, unluckily, there was about a ten feet drop at the bottom and we were now lost.
~Back to the present~
(Still Amu's POV)
And that's how we got here. Now my foot and head hurts and i think i might have a fever, not like I'd tell any of them, and I have to take care of them if I don't want them to die. Although I was wondering if I should just go out on my own, knew that if I left these people alone they would defiantly die out here. I have experience in this type of situation but that don't. Hah, curse my niceness, what little of it I have.
"MOU! Yaya is hunger!"
"Hey Kairi, I bet you I could climb up that tree."
"Heh, your on."
"My phone is BROKEN, NOOO!"
'Hah' I thought again, 'this is going to be a long couple of days.' Although on the out side I wasn't showing any emotion, well maybe annoyance, on the inside I was crying for someone to save me. 'I guess karma id finally catch up with me, huh?' This time I outwardly.
a long first chapter right? its 4 pages and 2073 without the autors note so there must be alot of mistakes. origanally when we got to amu on the bus i was gonna do another flashback but i decided to hid her past for alittle more. notice that there is no tadase in this, well thats becasue i forget about him, but if you want him in tell me and i'll try to find away to fit him in. nagi will also be joining the group later too. now in my other chapters it might seem like this is going to be a nagimu (NagixAmu) but dont worry its still amuto! ok please R&S!