A/N: Hi Everyone! I'm back in record time... a few people have asked if I'm affected by the floods over here, thankfully we've only had some slight damage and flash flooding, my family up north in Brisbane and North New South Wales haven't been so lucky, so if you believe in that sort of thing please keep everyone who's been affected in your prayers.

Thanks to ZombiePrincessSlayer, JudgeTenderlyofMe, and for reviewing.

I hope you like this chapter, let me know what you think!

- Ms Gatsby

Eventually they stopped in front of a curtain towards the end of the ward, Molly turned to Rose and put a finger over her lips, indicating for Rose to be quiet, and she nodded in reply and focused her eyes ahead. Molly pulled back the curtain quietly, and there he was, Jack. He looked perfect lying there, there wasn't a scratch on him; it was as if he was sleeping like nothing had happened. Rose started trembling in shock, Molly quickly moved her over to a chair in the corner of Jack's area. She sunk into the chair and covered her mouth as she gasped, tears forming in her eyes. "How?" she asked, her voice barely audible.

"I was a nurse before we came into the money; it's not just the rich who have good connections." Molly explained with a smile, at this moment Molly couldn't be happier, she knew they were both going to be ok. As Rose got up and moved towards Jack she slipped away, she knew they needed time to themselves, and they knew how to find her if they needed her; as far as she was concerned her job was done.

As if he sensed her there, Jack suddenly stirred; Rose rushed over to him and sat in the small chair beside his bed. He mumbled incoherently, awakening slowly, he began to move as his words became clearer. "Rose" His voice was so hoarse it was barely audible.

"Jack, I'm here." She answered stroking his face, her voice straining with happiness.

"Rose." He repeated, his voice getting stronger.

"I'm here Jack," Rose reiterated "You're OK, you're in hospital."

He mumbled again and shifted his body as if he was going back to sleep. Rose sighed, how long would she have to wait?

Suddenly his eyes shot open "Rose!" he exclaimed. She smiled back at him through tears of joy. Before she could speak he closed his eyes and put a finger up, asking her to wait a moment. He felt strange, he thought he would have felt tired or in pain but he didn't feel any of it, he was guessing he'd been out for so long that the symptoms of hypothermia had passed. He was overwhelmed, they had both made it, he gave himself a second for it all to sink in as Rose sat beside him with a confused look on her face, had Jack lost some of his memory?

Taking Rose by surprise he jumped up and kissed her, it was a deep, long, passionate kiss; it gave Rose butterflies, and even made her brush a little. Their arms searched each other, exploring every feature; it was as if they hadn't seen each other for an eternity. Through his kissing Rose noticed that Jack was smiling, she suddenly felt a surge of happiness she'd never felt before, she began to giggle, breaking their long drawn out kiss.

"What?" Jack said with a grin, puzzled.

"I'm not sure," Rose said through her laughter, "I've never felt this...this happy before, I'm not sure what to do with it."

Jack reached over and stroked her cheek, he couldn't believe they'd both made it out alive; he was so sure he was never going to see her again.

Rose's mood suddenly changed, "Jack" she pulled away from him and took his hand, "What happened to you?"

"Not now." He answered as he pulled her into another kiss, his body was aching for her, he didn't care about being proper as he moved his hand down to her leg and gently caressed it, he then broke the kiss and moved to her neck, nuzzling the area where her neck met her shoulders, he began to tenderly kiss her neck, she showed no signs of objection as she tilted her head, allowing him more access.

Her breathing was quicker now, she wanted him, she needed him. He made his way up her neck, she felt the warmth of his breath as it met her ear, and it made her shudder. "Rose" he whispered into her ear, up until now she hadn't noticed how much of her body had ended up out of the chair and into his bed. "Rose" he repeated "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Jack" she replied as his lips continued to work their way down her neck.

All of a sudden they heard a curtain open; they thought nothing of it until they heard a voice to accompany it, "Well I Never!" they turned to see an older nurse standing over them. "How improper, a hospital of all places" she continued, her voice tinged with outrage. She turned to Rose who was now standing beside the bed, staring at her feet looking rather embarrassed "Are you any relation to Mr Dawson?"

"Oh no, I'm not-" she began, only to be cut off by Jack

"She's my wife, we're married" he said, thinking on his feet, if the nurse knew they weren't related Rose would be kicked out for sure.

"Yet I see no rings." The nurse sounded skeptical.

"We lost them in the sinking." Jack explained.

"My apologies." She answered "However I must ask you to refrain from that lewd behavior, we are in a hospital, after all."

Rose and Jack nodded silently, acknowledging the nurses request. Jack had his head down and was biting his lip trying not to laugh, no matter what had happened, there was always room for properness, he thought to himself sarcastically.

"Now, Mr Dawson, I'll have to do some tests now you're awake. Mrs Dawson I'll have to ask you to wait outside, when I return I expect you to be gone." With that she turned and left to get the equipment she needed.

"Someone's no fun." Jack said with a grin.

"You're really something, Jack Dawson." She said shaking her head in mock disbelief.

"You'd better go before she comes back and starts breathing fire on you."

Her face dropped, she didn't want to leave his side, not even for a moment, she sighed, "I'll be right outside." She said, still holding his hand.

"And I'm not going anywhere; you have nothing to worry about."

She leant down and gave him one last fleeting kiss and without words she started outside, their hands staying intertwined as long as the distance between them allowed. As they were forced to part, Rose reminded herself it was only for a few minutes and in the grand scheme of things it didn't really matter. Nothing mattered anymore, not Cal, not her mother, not the fact she was poor, nothing. They had each other and it was all they needed, that was all that mattered.

A/N: I know what you're thinking, 'another Jack lives story' but I've got some big twists planned so stay tuned.

Thanks for reading!