Hey Guys! Long time no see huh….. *Grins sheepishly*…..Sorry about that.

Anyway Before we get started with the chapter I would just like to say a few things. First Vlad's finally making an appearance *distant cheering* Second I would like to take a moment for a bit of a PSA.

I DO NOT support body shaming of any kind. So later on when the ghost that's fighting Vlad mentions that the store she's destroying "teaches girls that the only way to be beautiful is to starve yourselves." That is not a jab at thinner girls. Hun if you're thin and you like it, then you're drop dead beautiful, and if you happen to be more of a plus size (Like me) then rock those curves! You're just as much of a goddess as any other girl. What is important is that YOU feel happy with how you look, no one else's opinion should matter.

And the last thing I would like to address is that the "feminist" ghost in this chapter is more of a spinoff of what a bad feminist is (Because like Vlad mentions most feminists are good people who just simply believe that men and woman are equal.). Because yes any type of eating disorder (in this case she mentions anorexia) is a very big problem and if you know anyone suffering from any of those things then you need to get that person help (I would also like to say that piece of advice is not just directed to all the ladies out there. Boys can suffer from an eating disorder too). However the amount of make up a girl wants to wear, or how she chooses to dress herself, is her choice. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for wearing what you like. (that goes for guys too)

With that said you can go ahead and start reading now, you wonderful people!


Vlad started his day by trying to stop a homicidal ghost girl from killing the occupants of a local Abercrombie & Fitch. He normally didn't have a problem with feminists, they were generally very nice and well educated people. Unfortunately that wasn't the case with this chick.


Her beaded and crumpled purple dress rippled around her as her yellow aurora got stronger. The glow almost made the fiery red head look angelic. Too bad her actions didn't reflect her appearance.

Vlad turned intangible to avoid getting hit by floating clothes racks and regarded the young woman with a board smile.

"I understand your frustrations my dear, but attacking this store and its employees isn't going to do much good in the long run."

"Like you would know!" She screeched. "You're a Man! You don't care about our rights!"

Vlad sighed, she was right with that one. He didn't care. He really didn't care about anyone outside of Maddie and her two children. He wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for his utter disregard for others. After all he became a billionaire by overshadowing the CEO's of successful small businesses and forcing them to sign off their companies. It's why Dalv industries became such an unparalleled mega-conglomerate almost overnight. He loved to rattle the foundation of the business world, and he didn't care about who got hurt in the process. But enough piss-posh, he had a job to do.

He charged up an ectoblast and flung it at her. The girl let out a squeak of surprise as the pink blast collided with her stomach. It sent her spiraling into several cloths racks before she landed in an ungraceful heap at the base of one of the stores glass windows.

"Well, my dear. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to cut this short. I have other things that I must attend to." Vlad cooed as he snatched a small cube from his belt.

The girl shakenly pushed herself up from the ground and turned to face him in enough time to see him press a red button on the side of the cube.

"What's that?" She rasped as she gripped her midsection, it was obvious that she was barely able to keep herself a float.

"Oh just a little experiment," Vlad said with a grin as he tossed the cube at the girls feet. It flash pink twice before a blinding light engulfed her, she didn't even have enough time to move to defend herself. Vlad used his cape to shield his eyes and when the light recede he looked back to find nothing but his smoking cube. He grinned and bent over to pick it up before immediately dropping it again.

"Oh, cheese logs that's hot!" He cursed as he whipped off his right glove and stuck his burning fingers into his mouth. He then unclipped his cape and used it to pick the cube up off the floor. "I Guess I need to go back to the drawing board because that cooling system I installed certainly isn't doing its job. Hopefully my new guinea pig survived."


"So what do you say? Feel like causing a little havoc?" Ember grinned as she poked her friend's burly chest.

The older man grunted and swatted lightly at her hand as he moved passed her to rip his pick from the cave wall. He continued on with his mining as if Ember hadn't said a word.

"So you're just going to ignore me?" Ember deadpanned as she crossed her arms. She loved Huckabee, The ghost miner was her mentor after all. He took her in and showed her the ropes when she first became a ghost, but that didn't mean she didn't find him agitating sometimes.

"Blue, bring around the Irish baby buggy." Huckabee called out gruffly as he worked to pull a red crystal from the caves purple rocks.

Ember rolled her eyes and grabbed the wheelbarrow he was referring to and dragged it over to him.

"That 'a girl Blue, glad to know you haven't forgotten my lingo. Considering you've been gone for nearly a decade, I was thinking ya fore'got about little ole' me." He rumbled, giving a soft grunt when the crystal he was working on came free from the cave wall. "Ya never even stopped by to say hello in all those years. Can't blame an old man if he feels a little something about that."

Embers bad attitude deflated. She watched as he chucked the red rock over his shoulder and into the buggy, before glancing back up again to find him looking at her with all the gentleness of a father. Which to some degree he kinda was.

"Sorry….." she huffed out quietly, avoiding eye contact.

"It's alright girl." He said with a hearty laugh, "I'd be lying if I didn't say I hadn't done something similar to my folks at my first taste of freedom. Now what's this bit about stirring up some trouble?"

Ember smirked. "My ex-boyfriend is a huge jerk…."


Phantom was in her gym class…..

Valarie didn't know how to feel about that. She didn't trust the ghost in the slightest….but if he really was part human…

"Hey Val!"

Valarie jumped, thoughts grinding to a halt, before glancing over to her left. Sam Manson was busy fiddling with the dial on her locker. She and Valerie had been locker neighbors for most of the semester now and despite the fact that they both initially hated each other at the beginning of the year, they had developed a mutual respect for one another.

"Oh hi," Val replied as she grabbed her sneakers out of her locker. "You're later than usual."

Sam rolled her eyes as she peeled her crop top off and slipped on her gym shirt.

"No thanks to our stupid star struck classmates. I had to cut through the commons because the hallway that I normally take was crawling with people who were trying to talk to that phantom kid." Sam grumbled.

"Sounds like a nightmare, glad I have a free period before this class. I came in early because I kind of figured that would happen." Valarie replied as she absent mindedly patted her shorts. She also came in early so she could try and figure out how many ecto-weapons she could get away with hiding. She had a laser tucked away in one of her socks, a foldable staff in her bra and a mini ecto-cannon in her pocket. Just in case things turned sour. After all, phantom knows her secret identity, so it was probably in her best interests to keep her guard up.

"Lucky you," Sam deadpanned as she pulled her hair up into a pony tail. "I'm just hoping that gym class isn't going to be as chaotic."

Valerie shrugged as she finished tying her shoes.

"I doubt that Ms. Tetslaff will let anything get too out of hand. You know how that woman is with rules and respect."

"True," Sam snorted. Their gym teacher didn't put up with crap in the slightest. "This is going to be interesting."


Danny hated gym. It had been a source of bad memories and constant torcher growing up. It got a little bit easier on him after he got his ghost powers though. All those nights of ghost hunting had helped to whip him into shape, however that didn't mean he could let anyone else know that. So Danny 'Fenton' remained the same wimpy nerd that he always had been. The same nerd that also doubled as all of the jocks favorite source of entertainment.

Now was different though, and that's the thought that had been haunting him as he pushed his way through the large crowd of students that were trying to get his attention and followed Dash through the door to the men's locker room. He was going to class as Phantom, he didn't need to hide his strength or put up with the jocks pecking order. That fact alone made him smile faintly, the smile didn't last long though.

The locker room was filled with laughter as two lacrosse players played keep away with Mikey's back pack. The Small red headed nerd was busy stumbling back and forth between the two trying to get it back.

"Please stop," He wheezed "I-I need my inhaler"

Danny could tell the kid looked like he was ready to collapse, his breathing reminded him of the sound that his family's vacuum would make when he had the suction going in reverse and it got clogged. Danny felt his blood boil.

One of the jocks yelped when the bag was suddenly encased in glowing green light and ripped from his fingers. It flew off in another direction, straight into Danny Phantom's hands.

The jock gulped as he regarded the very pissed off looking hero.

"Y-you wanna join in phantom?" He mumbled nervously. That had apparently been the wrong thing to say. The locker room went quite when Danny's eyes flashed a toxic green. The only sound that could be heard was Mikey's labored breathing.

"No," Danny gritted out "I don't."

Danny walked over to Mikey, who was watching him with an air of nervousness. Not that Danny could really blame him.

"Here," Danny said as he handed the red head his back pack, his eyes losing their green glow. He watched as Mikey hastily unzipped one of the bags side pockets before jamming the inhaler in his mouth.

Danny turned his attention back to the two lacrosse players.

"People can die from asthma attacks. You're lucky it didn't get that bad."

With that said, Danny started to make his way over to the locker he was assigned.

Dash stood, numb, at the entrance of the locker room. A sick feeling settling in his stomach as he remembered all the times that he'd done something similar to the red headed band geek. Suddenly afraid of what would happen if Phantom found out.


Hey guys! To answer a few questions. I don't have a regular updating schedule because my life is pretty constantly crazy, but what I will promise is that I never abandon a fic. And trust me when I say that I've got a long way to go before this one is done!

Thank you so much for reading! Don't forget to leave a review! I love to hear about what you guys think!

Have a good Day!