A/N: This is, (I believe) one of the first stories I've put up. (I revised it a bit, just the format so it's easier to read.) Any way... please leave a review if you have time and let me know if there are any errors to be fixed! Be prepared for fluff and cheese!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. All credit goes to ALW and Leroux!

Christine walked into the ballroom and looked around. Raoul had had to go with his brother on an emergency business trip. She looked for Meg and spotted her talking with a dancer, Maurice. Deciding to leave them alone she walked over to a table filled with drinks and foods. She carefully took a sip of the colored punch, not wanting to spill it on her dress.

She had walked into her dressing room earlier and there, lying on her bed, was the most beautiful dress she had ever seen. Her original dress, a pink fluffy gown that Raoul had picked out for her, was nothing compared to the new one. She guessed that Erik had picked it out. It was made of the most shimmering white silk and lace. It was like nothing she had seen before.

Her pink dress had come out in a large ball gown while this white gown was much slimmer, resembling most of her day to day outfits. It fell to the ground and flourished with each step she took. The neckline was lower than usual, but nothing too risqué. The sleeves came off the shoulders, but were long and covered with lace.

The whole dress was over-laid with lace. It moved with the silk however, and gave her skin an unnatural glow. Her mask had silk with over-laid lace as well and allowed her to breath. She had curled her already curly hair, making it standout more than usual, and pulled back falling curls with clips she had found in her jewelry box. The clips were little figurines of sliver angles. She had found a necklace that matched it as well. She applied make-up with glitter in it, dusting it over her face and chest, so it would catch in the light and look as if she were an angel.

Erik watched as Christine looked around and danced with several men. He clenched his fists every time he saw someone touch her. He wouldn't dare step in and ask a dance from her. Not yet. It would do no good to raise attention to him if she rejected him.

He had been away for more than six months. He had been off finishing Don Juan. While he had immersed himself in music, he had let his Christine slip away. She had gone to that boy. Erik had only been vaguely aware of their actions. He finally heard that that boy had proposed. Christine hadn't accepted or declined, this made Erik curious.

She finally sat down. Her cheeks were pink, she must have gotten tired. He slowly approached her. Although he had not wanted to draw attention from a conflict, he had no problem with his costume. His mask went over the top half of his face and was white. He had smudged black make-up around his eyes, making his already sunken eyes appear further back in their sockets. His entire costume was scarlet in color. He wore a sword on his belt and black boots. To complete his ensemble he wore a cape embroidered with gold.

As Christine wandered around she was asked several times to dance, and she accepted, until she could dance no longer. She sat down to catch her breath, some of the dances were so fast paced she looked in awe at those who were able to continue. She closed her eyes for a few moments when suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder.

Shocked she opened her eyes and turned, finding a tall man dressed head to toe scarlet, staring down at her with glowing eyes. Erik. He had come. She smiled and took his hand. He silently led her onto the dance floor and they danced as the music became slow. Christine's heart quivered as she felt his breath on her face. He held her tight and she clung to him, reveling in the closeness.

Sudden guilt struck her. What was she doing? She had led Raoul to believe they were in some sort of relationship. Where they? Did she want to be? She wanted to be in a relationship, but not with Raoul. She wanted something so much more special, but she wondered if she could have it, him. She looked into Erik's eyes, silently questioning her actions. As the dance ended they bowed and she turned, signaling him to follow, and ran out of the ballroom.

Bewildered, Erik raced after. Everything had gone so smoothly. That boy was gone on an emergency trip and Christine was here alone. She had even chosen to wear his gifts, the dress and jewelry. They had danced in silence, but it was peaceful, and he could feel her slipping. Slipping and falling in love with him. She had clung to him while they danced. He could feel her need for him. He needed her just as much. Then, as soon as the dance had ended she had run from him, but she had motioned for him to follow, where on Earth was she going?

Christine ran into people in her hast to find the right staircase that led to her destination. She would look back every so often until finally, Erik had caught up with her and grabbed her arm.

"Where are you going Christine?" he asked.

"The roof, but I can't remember where the staircase is…" she whispered.

"Let us take my way," he suggested and took her hand.

Christine held tightly as he they seemed to walk through walls before ending up in a secret hall. "Why the roof?" Erik asked, "It is very cold, and you could slip Christine."

"It does not have to be the roof… I just wanted to find somewhere where… somewhere where we could talk, alone," she replied, a slight blush creeping up her cheeks.

Erik walked over to a staircase and sat down, indicating to her to take a seat as well. She sat a step lower than him and sighed.

"Christine, what is the matter?" he asked concerned.

She suddenly realized how bold she had been in asking him to talk alone. "I'm confused," she blurted out without thinking. She stood and began pacing, something she had picked up from Erik. He looked at her curiously.

"Confused about what?" he softly asked, although he felt he knew.

"Everything…" she replied uncertainly.

"Christine, you are going to have to be more specific," he said.

She laughed nervously. "I think you know what…" she said quietly. She stopped to look at him, seeing if he had heard. He had. She swallowed.

"About the boy and I?" he responded.

She couldn't bring herself to answer verbally, so she nodded. He stood and walked over to her. He stood close to her, making her heart race and breath uneven.

"How do you feel, right now?" he asked calmly.

"Nervous… excited?" she answered looking at her feet. Many more emotions flashed in her mind, although those were the two safest.

"And with the boy?" he questioned.

"Safe…" she replied, looking up at his face.

"Anything more?" he inquired.

"No," she breathed.

He advanced her, backing her against the wall. She leaned against the wall and looked up at him. He moved his head closer to her face and spoke in her ear, "And now?" He wrapped an arm around her waist and cupped her face with his free hand. She barely breathed as she was brought closer to him.

"What am I doing?" she thought. "How do I really feel? I love him. Do I love Raoul? Yes. But not like I love Erik. This is so much more… it is different, special."

She raised her head and wrapped her arms around his neck, knowing that what she was doing was wrong, but not caring. Erik lifted her into an embrace. She sighed in relief and she heard Erik echo it. He set her down on her feet and leant his face to hers. His mask allowed them to kiss. But Christine didn't want to feel his mask. She pulled back and removed hers. She reached for his but he wrenched back.

"Don't! Please… let me," she pleaded. With fear still in his eyes she silently removed his mask. She smiled and kissed his cheek. Christine's heart felt as if it were to burst, she was filled with such happiness. Erik began cry silently. She kissed away his tears and felt her own rush down her cheeks.

"I love you," they both breathed.