My life changed the second I got the letter. I guess I always knew it would come, what with my hair changing whenever I asked and my odd obsession with fantasies. The letter was not delivered by a mailman for normal people or an owl for normal wizards. It came by a giant man named Rubeus Hagrid.

"Rubeus Hagrid. Which one of ya is Luna?" he said the second after he walked in the door. "I've got yer letter."

I looked at him. He was tall, almost twice the size of my father, with a beard about as long as my arm. He wore a long over coat with dozens of pockets. From one of the pockets he pulled out a white letter that looked so small and insignificant in his large hands.

"I'm Luna,' I said, as bravely as I could. I wanted to see my mother's face as I acted strong. I knew she stood behind me trembling in terror. She hates anything out of the ordinary.

"Well Luna, this is from the headmaster himself," Hagrid said, looking pleased.

"Headmaster of what?" my mother asked her voice as shrill as ever. "Luna was never signed up for any test of any sort and if you think she can just be whisked away to some private school, than sir I'm afraid you-"

"Luna, read this." Hagrid said, as he gave me the letter.

I did. Honestly, I felt like I could fly. I was accepted to a Boarding school called Hogwarts that taught witchcraft and wizardry. I was ecstatic. Away from this place for a whole year, and I was going to learn magic!

"Does this explain how I can change my hair color?" I asked.

"Hair color?" Hagrid said. "You can change your appearance at will?"

"Yeah. Is that normal?" I said unsure. Hagrid looked at me strangely. To prove that I could, I closed my eyes tightly, wrinkled my nose, and imagined bright pink, short hair. This was the kind of hair that the woman who I would see in my dreams wore.

My mother screamed and said, "You change that this instant, Luna Andrews, you know that is just a medical disorder. The doctor said to stop doing that."

"Medical disorder? Are you mad? That's Metamorphagus powers if I've ever seen it," he patted me hard on the shoulder. "Awfully uncommon on a muggle born though. You sure you have no wizard blood in ya?"

"I am adopted. Perhaps my birth parents had magic," I said hopefully.

"Perhaps. Any ways, if you want to come, all I ask is the fee for yer books. There in me pockets somewhere," Hagrid started rummaging around in his pockets.

"If Luna wants to go, Luna has to pay," my mother said deviously. She thought I didn't have any money.

"How much," I asked sadly.

"In muggle money, $107.94," he replied.

I grabbed my wallet and gave him the exact amount. It was everything I had but I knew it would be worth it.

"Very good, here's yer train ticket and books. See you than," Hagrid shook my hand and he left my house.