Here Kitty Kitty:
Chapter: Prologue
Me: Hey, this is a story dedicate this story to my Aunt & Uncles cat that was shot yesterday... (Wildtalon Snow hopes he makes it...) I got this idea from their cat when I was down there, and right now he is fighting for his life. Also I do believe in God! it's just how the story starts out and stuff that may make it seem that I don't... This is rated T for violence, cursing and beating. Flames are welcomed! I also want to thank to Wildtalon Snow for beta-ing this. I normally don't use a beta but she was very happy and creative so I'm giving it a chance. Plus I don't usually write this pairing so can't wait for you to all read it!
"..." = Talking
'…' = Thinking
Bold= important, notes, emails, etc.
A freak of nature. That is what they call me because I'm nobody. Trash that was just abandoned for the amusement of others. Until one crazy day, one crazy guy, and one crazy twist force their way into my life. BakuraXRyou. More specifically my first BXR fic. (so be nice!)
Me: Enjoy! and please review!
Who could love a demon? A creature from the pits of hell that escaped its fiery gates? I mean, a demon is a person considered extremely wicked, evil, or cruel. God must have cursed me and surely has no compassion for a beast like me. They say he loves all his creations, but if so where are my mercies, my savor? I was born a monster in people's eyes, so how could I have been made in the image of God? I don't worship the devil, but THEY say the woman who gave birth to me must have.
My friends, or fantasies, or hallucinations may I tell you my secret?
When my mother gave birth to me she bled out and died. I was born into a world of misery already when that happened. The doctor claimed to have tried his hardest but he still couldn't save the divine creature. My father...(should the word unloving come into play when addressing him?) well, my so called father couldn't even look his own son in the face, Me! His only child, because I was born a murderer.
I don't remember what happened, because I was so young, but THEY told me father had driven for over five hours specifically to find them. He walked up to their door and gave them the only thing that reminded him of his beautiful love. He then turned back to his red car and drove away leaving his one priceless baby boy all alone with THEM forever. Without even a second glance...
The THEY are my masters, my teachers, punishers, and above all else... my family. THEY are my "Aunt" Kasey, "Uncle" Mark and my "cousin" George. THEY kept me locked up in the cold, dark, scary basement where THEY chained me to the wall. THEY called me a monster, a villain, a demon, a murderer.
I'm a freak because on my fifth birthday... I grew two kitty ears and a tail. My long
white hair suddenly had two pure white car ears with rosy pink tinges in the middle. You would never really even notice them unless I sit, cry, or just let them be seen. My tail is long, fluffy, and white, I am slightly disgusted by its appearance. At the very least, I didn't have fur and whiskers like a cat. I probably would have been considered more cat than human at that point... I've never even glimpsed the outside world, or breathed in clean air. Those things so foolishly taken for granted.
How could God be so cruel to a poor cat demon?
Apparently easily.
As I finally begin to drift into a stupor of despair, I hear a soft voice echoing throughout my prison... the wind whispered to me "Your Savor will come when your time is done."
Me: I hope you like it! Please leave a review for your loving, creative and caring author of this semi okay story! I broke my elbow and can barely type so bare with me for updates.