Hayy i'm back with the sequel to Why me? YAY

Hope you like it and please review. If your reading this but haven't read Why me? I would recommend you do and so on with the story.

I own nothing but my OCs and the plot

The cell door swung open before Hannah said "I never want to see you again, but I want you out of here"

She stood aside as she watched her parents get off the cell beds and walk out the door

"Bye" Hannah said

She watched her parents run out of the jail

Was this a bad decision? She thought.

It proberly was


1 week from now…

Unknown POV

"Its pointless struggling" the man said "You wont get out of it"

How did he get out of jail? I wasn't sure,

"What do you want?" I said I was angry and frustrated as my attempts to get free continued to fail,

"Revenge" the man said it as if it was obvious,

"Why? You can't gain anything" I yelled at him beads of sweat ran down my face, I had been here a long time and I was slowly dying of starvation.

The man gave me plenty of dirty brown water but hadn't given me anything to eat he believed a slow death was ideal.

"Maybe I can't" The man said, he gave a sly grin before exiting the dark room leaving me alone in the darkness


Present Day…

Normal POV

Light shone through the curtains and into the room, batheing everything in a yellow glow as the alarm went off.

Fabian opened his brown eyes and smiled, it had been two weeks since his parents were jailed and for the first time ever everything was perfect.

Even his twin sister, Hannah, had joined Anubis house

He slammed his hand down on the clock knowing that meant it was 7:30am, before pulling away the blue cover and hopping out of bed.

Mick had already gone for breakfast, not that he was surprised his roommate was OBSESSED with food.

Fabian headed for the dining room to see everyone already eating breakfast.

"Hello sweety" Trudy greeted the half awake Fabian

"Hello Trudy" Fabian returned the greeting before taking a seat next to Nina and Hannah, and grabbing a slice of toast of the plate in the middle of the table.

"Letter's" yelled Jerome, who was flicking through all the letter's in his hand.

Most of them was for Trudy and Victor but Amber also had a white letter too.

But there was one letter still in his hand, which landed in front of Fabian.

Fabian was buttering his toast at the time and was shocked when the letter landed before him.

He placed down the knife onto the plate and picked up the letter with both hands on the front it simply read;

Mr Fabian Rutter,

25 Longleaf Avenue,

Anubis House,


(Open in private)

"I wonder who it's from." He wondered aloud, everyone shrugged.

He got up off his chair and walked into his room to get dressed.

Fabian POV

Once fully clothed, I turned my attention to the letter.

I ripped to top of the envelope open and pulled out a sheet of paper, it was from the police

Dear Mr Rutter,

We are sorry to inform you that Mrs Lillian Rutter and Mr Tom Rutter have

escaped from our prison facility-

There was more but I stopped reading there, I knew what it was going to say.

I sat down on my bed and the memory of when my father had knifed me in the stomach flashed before my eyes, I could even feel the knife in my stomach just thinking about it.

I felt my arms go floppy and numb as I tried to push myself off the bed, I just couldn't get up.

I really couldn't believe that they escaped.

There it is hope you liked it and please review.