I hope you like this one :)!

Even her fucking name was stupid. Sandy. She had the usual equipment, supposed to seduce. Big boobs, provocative mouth and encouraging eyes. To be honest, it would have worked perfectly for me. I had taken a lot of women just like her to my bed, Jessica being the latest. Sandy had never made a mystery that she wanted me more than in a professional way. I usually preferred to keep my pants closed to people I worked with though.

Then, my eyes fell on Bella and everything changed. That sweet face, the smile she showed me more and more now. That fucking tenderness and weird stirring inside every time she talked to me, even when she yelled. What the hell was I thinking? I needed to do something before it blew in my face.

So I front of her. I told Sandy we would have that drink she had been asking me about for two years, knowing that I'd find a way to deflect anyway. Great, now I was being an ass to two women, on the same day at the same time. I just needed Bella to think I was an insensitive bastard. So I was exactly that. Because I couldn't not see the way she was looking at me sometimes, the way she confided in me like she trusted me completely, the way she let her guard down around me. If she thought I was a good guy, she'd blur the lines even more and I had to stop the process before it was too late.

The change happened instantly. Bella ordered me to stay in the waiting room and followed Dr Gray into her office without another word. Her face was pale but resolute and calm when they came back and she shook the doc's hand with a smile on her face. She didn't talk at all during our walk home. A cold feeling of loss slowly and snidely invaded me. I had what I wanted, I should feel good about this, I reasoned with myself.

The rest of the day passed in a blur. Everything seemed normal since Bella had started talking again but I felt terribly uneasy, sensing something bad was about to happen. I was waiting for an explosion but it never came. Bella stayed in her room mostly, mysteriously exhanging texts with someone and smiling mechanically whenever I checked on her. I was about to lose my fucking mind when the bell rang, finally giving me a welcome distraction.

What I found at the door I didn't expect. A young guy, about Bella's age, maybe a little younger, was there, all smiles and a small bouquet of flowers in his hand. I stayed there, dumbfounded and probably looking very stupid.

"Can I help you?" I asked, trying very hard to sound polite and not like I wanted to shove the bouquet up his ass.

"Hi, I'm Jacob Black, one of Bella's friends? I'm Angela's brother." He rushed to explain. I noticed with satisfaction that the smile had left his face when he took me in.

"What do you want?" I almost growled.

A throat cleared behind me and I closed my eyes, ready for Bella to lash at me, like she usually did.

"Edward, you've met Jacob, good! Wow, those flowers are beautiful, thanks Jake!" She fucking beamed at the guy. I could have beaten him into a pulp. Why the hell was she smiling at him like that?

"Hey Bella! I'm glad you like them. Are you ready to go?" Come again fucker?

"Absolutely. Let me put these flowers into water and then we can go."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where do you two think you're going?" My voice was so pathetically whiny I wanted to slap myself.

"Going out for a drink, Edward. Jake is Angela's twin and he was kind enough to ask me out tonight." Bella said, a sweet (too sweet) smile on her lips. She was loving this.

"You're not supposed to go out without me." I was grasping at the last straw here and I knew it.

"Edward, I know how serious and good you are at your job and I get that you want to come with me to the doctor's and all but what I do with my free time is my business. I'm nineteen, remember? Ok Jake, ready when you are."

Before she went out the door, following Jacob, she threw me a last look.

"I guess you're free to invite Sandy out tonight."

I spent the most miserable night, watching stupid TV and drinking beer like the idiotic moron that I was. Why were they not back yet? What were they doing? Was he trying to fucking kiss her? I wanted to break something just thinking about it.

The door opened quietly and Bella was back around eleven, all glowing and peaceful.

"Did you have a good night?" I asked, fists clutching the cushions of the couch.

"Excellent, yes. Jake is fun."

"Oh yes, I'm sure he is." Sarcasm. Too much, Edward.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She asked calmly.

"Nothing is wrong with me. I was just tired of waiting for you."

"You didn't have to wait for me, I'm a big girl. You should have gone out with Sandy." She sneered. The quiet veneer was cracking fast.

"Didn't feel like it."

"Really? You had no problem flirting and asking her out in front of me and now you don't feel like it anymore?" Her voice was getting louder and louder.

"She asked me out, not the other way around." I whispered, defeated. Who was I fooling here?

"Yes, you were the poor victim in there, weren't you?"

"I never said that I was a victim!"

"You men are all the same! You manage to make us vulnerable, feel things we didn't..." She stopped abruptly, her hand nervously torturing her hair.

"Like you women are better than us! Going out with a guy you barely know just to prove the point that you can do better than..."

"Better than what? And I know Jake!" She shouted.

I snapped. Damn the consequences.

"Does Jake know about your story? Does Jake know your moods, your habits, what you like eating for breakfast?"

I had kneeled in front of her, my arms on each side of the chair, caging her. Our eyes were glued, testing the other's resistance.

"Does Jake know how tokiss you like this?"

Yes I stopped here, yes you hate me right now but leave me your thoughts!