Hi guys~ So, I was watching, reading, and breathing Anime, as usual, when I came across Baka and Test. I figured I'd give it a shot, seeing as I was bored and looking to kill time. Then, what should I see, but a Yaoi Fangirl's dream? Ah, my dear, sweet Hideyoshi…what manner of dreamy, forbidden desires dost thou hide away in thine heart? Thou must cast away thine inhibitions, and embrace thy love with open arms~
Disclaimer: I do not own it, or it would likely turn R rated and poor, poor Akihisa wouldn't be picked on so much because of his trust. I REALLY dislike bullies….even when they happen to be your friends.
Hidehisa? Or is it Akiyoshi? Or should I say screw it and take the easy way out with a harem? Decisions, decisions….
Soft lips prepared to meet soft lips as Akihisa, Aki, or just plain Idiot knelt next to the strange pedestal/bed made of a strangely familiar off yellow wavy pattern, breaking the curse on the beautiful person lying before him. Hundreds of princes, princesses, and various fancy people had attempted to awaken the beauty before him, and all had failed. The magicians had tried their magic tricks, the princesses their womanly charms, the princes all their odd ideas, but all had failed.
Akihisa, however, had a foolproof way. A talking pink cat had told him that to awaken the sleeper, one of a pure heart and an Test Score of under 50 (whatever that meant) must place their lips upon the sleeping beauty, and…he?...Would awaken.
Of course, the cat had demanded tuna before divulging the secret, to which Akihisa had to go fight a fire breathing frog to get. But it had been worth it. And now, kneeling next to the sleeping person, Akihisa decided everyone was mistaken, because in no WAY could this beautiful angel be a boy. Though, for some reason, the person looked so familiar….
Akihisa frowned. Something was missing. Didn't all the princes and knights in stories slay a dragon or something first? Yes, that was it. He had first slew a dragon before coming here.
Somehow, through pure, unquestioned belief, a small chibi with reddish hair, a saber, appeared behind him, knocked out cold with his avatar standing with one foot on it in a victory pose. Akihisa nodded to himself, deciding that he had already slew the dragon who had haunted him for so many years, before leaning down and pressing his lips against the pretty "boy" before him. As their lips met, a hand reached up and pulled him closer as pretty deep sea green eyes slowly opened.
Akihisa blinked, suddenly recognizing the "princess" for who it was. "Hi-Hideyoshi?"
Hideyoshi smiled, a soft red tint appearing to his cheeks as looked away in embarrassment of having kissed back so obviously.
Akihisa took that moment to look behind him, also seeing the "dragon" for who it was; Manami, to be precise. "She's gonna kill me. Break my spine in three pieces, then pull my legs off and feed me to her avatar." Akihisa yelped, beginning to panic. A delicate hand reached up, cupping his cheek.
"She will not, for I shall stand by your side, brave knight. Thou hast rescued me from mine enchanted sleep, set upon me by mine sister. Thou wilt not be assaulted when in my power to prevent it." Hideyoshi slowly sat up, his previous dress suddenly changed a white gown as he kissed Akihisa's cheek.
Akihisa blinked. When had he changed clothes? His pondering was cut off by a rush of blood to his head as the shoulder of the gown slipped down perfectly smooth and creamy skin, looking so delightfully tempting that his brain froze up.
"U-um…Wha….huh?" Akihisa stammered, his eyes drawn to the exposed skin like a magnet. Hideyoshi let out a soft giggle. Akihisa nearly leapt back in shock. Hideyoshi just…giggled…WHY DID HE FIND THAT SO CUTE?
Akihisa, contrary to popular belief, knew the difference between male and female. He simply didn't care. Hideyoshi was, and always would be a special case. Akihisa had never been attracted to other boys, until Hideyoshi came along. Something about him had just….drawn him in. He had no doubts that had Hideyoshi been born a girl, he'd be as drawn to him as much as he was Himeji.
"Akihisa…" A soft voice interrupted his thoughts as a soft hand cupped his cheek, pulling him down slowly. Akihisa knew what was happening, what Hideyoshi was about to do to him, but something about those soft, cute lips and those green eyes drew him in, robbing him of the will to fight. Once more his lips met, eyes closed, and Hideyoshi's hands ran through his hair. It was odd, to be kissing one of your friends, Akihisa decided. Those soft lips caressing his…the hand tangled in his hair…the smooth fingers running trails of heat over his chest…wait, his chest?
Where did his armor go?...for that matter, where the hell was his shirt? Akihisa opened his eyes, to find the area had changed. No longer was he in a decorated castle, kissing Hideyoshi upon a pedestal bed of Ramen. He was in his room, kissing his friend on his bed, who had the cutest blush on his cheeks…FOCUS! FOCUS, AKIHISA! Hideyoshi was still wearing a white gown-like garment, but he, himself had only his shorts.
"Akihisa….is something wrong?" Hideyoshi was looking at him, he realized. He opened his mouth, but for once, he could think of nothing to say. Hideyoshi…was he always this cute?
"…Was my bed always this big?" Hideyoshi giggled again, and once more, Akihisa was struck with how cute it was. Why was his heart pounding like this? It wasn't supposed to be that loud, was it?
"Typical Akihisa…" Hideyoshi laughed softly. It was a slightly nervous laugh, Akihisa thought, as Hideyoshi looked away, working up the courage to ask something. "A-Akihisa…Can I…um..can I sit on your lap..?" He looked away, crimson red staining his cheeks at such an embarrassing question. "I-I'll understand if you don't want to, because I'm a boy." The last bit was said quickly, as if he wanted to take back his question.
It was out of his mouth before he thought about it. "But you're not a boy." In an odd moment of insight, Akihisa realized he had said the wrong thing as Hideyoshi began to pull away. For once, however, Akihisa's bout of speak before thinking saved him. "Hideyoshi is Hideyoshi. You aren't a boy. Boys are mean, selfish people who throw their friends into classrooms to get beaten, knowing they would get hurt. Boys are people who lie about their friends to get out of trouble. Boys aren't nice, like you. You aren't a girl either. Hideyoshi is Hideyoshi, and nothing else."
"…You idiot…" Akihisa opened his mouth to apologize, but was cut off when a pair of lips coved his own. "…You really are an idiot…but you're a special idiot." Hideyoshi murmured. He let out a soft, startled noise when Akihisa, for once reading the mood right, pulled him onto his lap and kissed him.
What am I doing? Akihisa asked himself. He wasn't sure. Were all lips this soft, this intoxicating? Or was it just Hideyoshi's lips? His right arm held Hideyoshi up as he panted softly, reaching up to touch his lips as the boy in his lap blushed.
Warm breath caressed his cheek, sending shivers though his body, making him wonder just how special Hideyoshi was. Arms wrapped around his neck as Hideyoshi pulled in close for another kiss, before stopping.
"Akihisa…something's poking me. It's….a little uncomfortable."
OSHI-! Akihisa felt his cheeks grow hot as he flushed in embarrassment. "U-Um….so-sorry." What the hell do I say to that? I got….by kissing Hideyoshi!
Hideyoshi, however, had begun to smirk deviously, laugher and more than a little happiness dancing in his eyes. "Why are you sorry? I'll just have to…adjust a little bit. We're both guilty of the same crime, anyway." Unbidden, Akihisa felt his eyes begin to travel down Hideyoshi's face, down his suddenly uncovered chest before his eyes snapped up, looking straight ahead in shock. Something was touching him. And by him, he meant something was touching him in a spot people normally didn't touch. Soft, gentle fingers were wrapped around him, and he was at a loss as to what to do.
Then they started to move. His eyes widened as his body froze. His heart was pounding like a drum as he felt his awareness drifting.
"Are you okay with this, Akihisa? Even though I'm a boy?" Hideyoshi breathed into his ear, the smirk apparent in his voice as he teased Akihisa.
Akihisa was trying to sift through the fog in his mind to find where his thoughts had gone, his eyes sliding closed on their own accord as he took short, shuddering breaths. Hearing Hideyoshi's teasing voice; he found a coherent thought that didn't focus on what Hideyoshi was doing to him.
"Y-you aren't a boy…" He managed to gasp. "Hi-Hideyoshi is H-Hideyoshi…" Oh, WOW…was it supposed to feel like this? It was like his body was gone, leaving only the part being stroked by the beautiful boy in his arms. His lips suddenly covered by Hideyoshi's, and he kissed back hungrily. His body was warm, oh dear lord, he was so warm right now. The boy in his arms-Hideyoshi, he corrected himself- was doing something to him, and he didn't want it to stop.
"What's wrong, Akihisa? You seem…distracted. Should I stop..?" Hideyoshi was teasing him, and he wanted to say yes, but something prevented him.
"Hi-Hideyoshi…" Stop. Stop, he wanted to say. But…did he really WANT him to stop? His mouth answered for him. "Hide-Hideyoshi….I-I…I can't…I-if you don't stop, I-I'll…"
Hideyoshi smiled. It wasn't mocking, it wasn't teasing, it wasn't devious, it was just…a smile. Yet it was radiant to the besieged Akihisa. Hideyoshi leaned up, his smooth skin rubbing against Akihisa's chest. "I love you, Akihisa…whatever I am to you, loves you. Boy, girl, or Hideyoshi…" Their lips met one more time, and Akihisa couldn't hold it in anymore.
"H-Hideyoshi!" He wasn't sure why, but he couldn't help it. The name on his lips, the boy in his arms, what Hideyoshi was doing to him…it all overwhelmed him at once, and when it did…Climax hit him, and he couldn't contain the urge to say the name of the boy in his arms.
Akihisa's eyes opened. He was in his room, his head on the floor as he blinked the sleep from his eyes. "Hideyoshi..?" Then it hit him: He had been dreaming.
He'd had a wet dream.
About one of his friends. And not a girl friend.
He'd had a sex dream about Hideyoshi.
School….was going to be hard to handle.
Yeah….may be a oneshot, maybe a full story, dunno yet. As for a harem…it's a harem anime. I'm shocked to find it HASN'T got a bunch of stories like that. And why so little love for the Idiot and the Hideyoshi? I don't get it…