A/N: Well, this is the end of the road. Just tying up some loose ends and since this story sort of had a soap opera theme, there's a little drama to close things out.

Disclaimer: All Twilight characters belong to Stephenie Meyer. This twisted alternate universe belongs to me. No copyright infringement is intended. There's no beta, so please forgive my boo boos.



"Edward, you have to try this," Leah said, holding piece of fudge to my lips. I took a bite and savored the sweetest piece of chocolate I'd ever tasted. She casually wiped the corner of my mouth with her finger as she waited for my reaction. "It's good, right?" she said and then ate the rest of it.

"It's delicious." I slowly licked my lips. "What is that?"

"Gramma Jane's Famous Fudge." Leah pointed to a white box on the kitchen counter. "Rebecca brought some home from the Food and Wine Festival she was coordinating."

Rebecca's job as an event coordinator for the Port Angeles Convention Center definitely had its perks.

A look of fiery passion flashed in Leah's eyes. "She brought a bunch of it home. I bought some strawberries earlier. Maybe we could melt some of that chocolate over them." Her finger traced down my chest to the buckle of my belt. "You know, when we're not wearing so many clothes."

"Oh, baby." I slipped an arm around her waist. "Who needs the strawberries? Maybe, I could pour it over you. I bet that chocolate would taste really good then."

She bit her bottom lip and grinned coyly. "Promise?"

"I swear!" Rosalie's voice sounded behind us. "You two seem to forget that you're not alone! There are people in the living room!"

"I don't care," Leah said boldly, grabbing my shirt and planting the sweetest kiss on my lips. "I cannot keep my hands off this man."

My hand eased down to her butt and squeezed. "I'm not going to fight you on that." I leaned in and nibbled on her neck, making her giggle.

"All right, all right!" Rosalie pulled us apart. "Enough of that!" She turned to Leah. "This party is for you, Leah. You'll have plenty of time to screw Edward later."

She pushed Leah through the kitchen door, making sure to stand between us.

"I found them!" Rosalie called out. "They were making out in the kitchen." She took a seat next to her new boyfriend, Demetri. Rosalie said she found him stranded on the side of the road with a flat tire, and he didn't know how to change one. So she did it for him and didn't even break a nail.

"Well, I'm glad you could step away long enough to enjoy your party!" Rebecca said, leaving her husband's side to hug Leah. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Yeah, we all are!" Jacob said from the recliner with Angela perched on his leg.

We were celebrating Leah's new position at the University of Washington's Port Angeles campus. She'd gotten the job as an adjunct professor. Even better news, one of the professors couldn't teach during the summer, so she didn't have to wait until the fall to start.

To celebrate, Rebecca invited Jacob and Angela as well as Rosalie and Demetri. Since Rosalie was allergic to dogs, Sarabi and Mufusa were confined in the den, but Rebecca and Kyle would check on them every now and then.

We sat on the loveseat, my arm around her shoulders holding her close.

"So, what are you going to do next?" Angela asked from Jacob's lap.

Leah looked up at me. "Well, I'm looking for my own place." She looked out at everyone else and squeezed my leg.

There was an awkward silence that followed. I'd hoped that Leah and I would be able to find a place of our own. Apparently, everyone else thought the same thing. It wasn't an exaggeration that we couldn't keep our hands off each other.

But Leah said she needed to do things on her own for a while. It didn't mean that she didn't love me, but she'd been living with Sam for years, and she needed to prove to herself that she could do this alone if she had to.

Part of me was disappointed, but a bigger part of me was proud. This was the strong, independent woman that I loved. There probably wouldn't be too many nights when we wouldn't be sleeping in each other's arms anyway.

I cleared my throat. "Tomorrow, we're going to look at some apartments. Alice said there are some really great ones near the university."

"Well, that's good." Rosalie offered an encouraging smile.

Leah smiled and looked around the room. "Thank you, all of you!" Her eyes shined with tears. "I went through a tough time, and I wouldn't have made it without you."

"You'd do the same for us, Leah," Rebecca said. "This is what we do for the people we love."

"And we love you." I tilted her head up to kiss her.

While the women the room "awed", Jacob muttered to Angela, "Geez, were we like that?"

"What do you mean, 'were'?" Rebecca cut in. "You're just as bad as they are."

Jacob looked up at Angela who was sitting on his lap with a guilty grin. "Yeah, you're probably right." With that, he kissed his wife. She protested a little, but not enough to get him to stop.

"Well, if you can't beat 'em…" Rosalie grabbed Demetri's shirt and kissed him too. He was surprised, but it was obvious that he enjoyed it.

"Okay, okay, stop!" Rebecca exclaimed, holding her hands up. "I swear. You guys are hornier than teenagers!" She looked at her husband. "Don't you get any funny ideas, mister. You'll get what's coming to you later on tonight."

"I'd better," Kyle said in a low voice. "I've been away from my wife for days, and I'm going through withdrawal."

Everyone laughed.

"My mother finally agreed to a date with Charlie," Leah said. "He's been waiting for years, and she finally said yes to him."

"Yeah, I heard," Rosalie said. "That would explain why the chief is in such a good mood. He's got his new chief deputy, and he's dating the one who got away." Rosalie looked at me. "Tell your father congratulations, by the way."

Edward Masen, Sr and I didn't get along, but I was still happy for him. "He deserves it," I said. "I think that's why Joshua resigned."

"No." Rosalie shook her head. "Joshua was asked to resign."

"How do you know this?" Leah said, narrowing her eyes.

"Lauren Mallory is one of the biggest gossips at the police station, especially after she'd had too many Long Island Iced Teas. She said that Chief Swan was leaning toward your father for a while. There were little red flags about Joshua's integrity and morals."

"Why was Joshua asked to step down?"

"Because he was sleeping with his assistant."

"What!" everyone said together.

"With Emily?" Leah exclaimed.

"Yep, and they were doing it everywhere, his office, his company car, his condo. And it gets better." Rosalie leaned in. "Emily's pregnant." While everyone's mouth dropped open, she continued. "And here's the kicker. Since she was also sleeping with Sam, she's not sure who the father is."

"So Sam's having a child or a sibling?" Jacob scratched his head.

"Yep. Apparently, Joshua wanted to take care of things, but Emily wants to keep the baby. So that means one of them has to step up. When the chief found out, he was furious. But seeing as Joshua was with the force for so long, he let him resign. That way he kept some of his benefits. He'll need it for the child support if they find out this child is his. As far as his career, he's done. No upstanding law enforcement agency will touch him. Maybe he could get a job in the private sector."

"Haven't they heard of birth control?" Rebecca interjected.

"In the heat of the moment, I don't think they were thinking with the right head." Rosalie pointed to her temple. "Lauren thinks that Emily was in love with Joshua, so she was hoping to have his baby. Maybe that would get him to finally leave Allison."

"Guess that didn't work," Leah muttered.

"It did in a way. Allison is divorcing him, and she's asking for alimony."

"What about Emily?" Leah asked.

"He doesn't want anything to do with Emily."

"How did the chief find out about this?" I asked.

"They forgot to lock the door." Rosalie laughed. "Jessica Stanley, the chief's assistant, dropped by to give Joshua some paperwork, and she caught them in the act. She went straight to the chief. There was an internal investigation, and witnesses were questioned. Everyone knew that Joshua was sleeping around on his wife. Hell, even Allison knew, and she was pissed. Knowing that her son and her husband both slept with the same woman was enough to make her sick."

"Is Emily still working there?" Leah asked.

Rosalie shook her head. "Since she wasn't there for a long time, she's not getting the same severance as Joshua. The chief let her have the money for her vacation time, so that's something. What's worse is that neither Joshua nor Sam will step up without a fight. They just keep blaming each other."

"But a child is at stake!" Angela said. "I can only hope that once the child is born, they'll at least come together for the baby. It's not the child's fault they were irresponsible. It's time to take responsibility. If Emily doesn't want to give the child up for adoption or have an abortion, then it's time to man up! One of them needs to step up." Angela looked around the room and blushed. "I'm sorry. I get on my soapbox when it comes to the life of a child. There are just so many kids out there without homes because of situations like these."

"It's okay, honey. I love it when you get on your soapbox." Jacob smiled. "It's sexy." He nuzzled her in the crook of her neck.

"And here we are back to the orgy." Rebecca rolled her eyes.



"This one looks nice," Edward said from the bed.

He was laying on my bed, shirtless with his glasses on. God, he looked so hot with those things on; sort of like a really, really hot Clark Kent. His laptop rested on his legs, the light reflecting in his glasses.

"Come look!" he said.

I hurried over to the bed and crawled underneath the blanket next to him.

"It's two bedrooms, so you can make one an office, and it has a nice patio." Edward pointed at the floor plan. "And there's a park nearby where you can run."

"It's nice, Edward and only about fifteen minutes from campus."

He pulled out his notepad. "I'll put it on the list for tomorrow."

I stared at him and sighed. The love I had for this man was almost too much for me to contain. To think, he was right in front of me for years, and I didn't see him.

"Thank you, Edward." I ran my fingernails down the back of his neck.

"For what?" he said, as he scribbled on the notepad.

I put my hand over his to still his writing. "Thank you for understanding why I have to do this alone." He slowly looked up at me and pulled off his glasses. "I know that you wanted me to move in with you, but I need to do this on my own first." I looked away. "And, I don't want to rush things. I rushed things with Sam, and I think that's one reason we didn't make it." I laughed. "That and he couldn't keep his dick in his pants."

"And there's that," Edward quipped.

"Seriously, thank you."

His lips curved lightly in a smile. "I won't lie, honey. I wanted you to move in with me." His hand cupped my cheek. "But I see how important this is for you. You need to do this for you, and I'll be here. I'm not going anywhere. And FYI, my dick only comes out for you."

I leaned down and kissed him with everything I had. "I love you, Edward. So much."

"I love you too, Leah." Edward shut his laptop and stared at me. "We have a busy day tomorrow. We should get some rest."

"You're right." I took the laptop from him and placed it on the nightstand. "And you know how I get the best sleep?"

"How?" He raised an eyebrow.

I crawled on top of him, and his hands perched on my hips. I could feel his arousal steadily growing beneath me. "It helps when you make sweet, passionate love to me." I leaned in and nibbled on his lip. "That's when I get the best sleep."

"Well, it's a dirty job, but someone has to do it." He twisted me around until I was on my back and trailed kisses down my neck. His erection hit me in just the right place. "See, he only comes out for you."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this. It was fun to write. Some of you have asked if I hate Emily. I don't. I do, however, think she chose Sam over Leah and expecting Leah to just get over it and be happy for them was asking too much. Making her stand next to Emily while they got married was the last straw. Besides, I liked that Leah had a moment to say what she really felt. She didn't (and probably won't) get that moment in the series. And yes, it was fun writing Emily as a villain. :)