I'm so sorry for the delay in completing this chapter. I hope you all enjoy

CH 4: Nothing Else to Live For

Draco couldn't feel a thing. He tried to feel his heart slowing to a pace in which it almost stopped. He tried to feel the single tear which cascaded down his cheek. He tried to feel anything at all, but he couldn't.

Hermione Granger pulled her hands to her face and began to sob. Ron Weasley ran up behind her with a sickened expression.

"We 'ave to go out there...or else he'll come in here." Seamus spoke authoritatively although he had the same saddened expression as everyone else. All the people within the Great Hall looked as though they were about to give up. They had tears in their eyes and grimaced looks on their faces, but within a few moments, they all stood to their feet. All but Draco Malfoy. He couldn't bring himself to move.

"We need to get ready. We need to devise a plan." Dean choked out as he turned to Seamus.

"What'r we supposed to do?" Seamus shook his head. "We 'ave to give ourselves up or else he'll kill us all."

"He'll kill us all anyway!" Ron snapped, his arms around Hermione as she wiped the tears from her face. "Harry wouldn't want us to give up." His voice softened as his gaze dropped to the floor.

Suddenly, with a loud whoosh, the doors to the Great Hall swung open and a hoard of Death Eaters entered with Lord Voldemort, wearing his pet snake around his neck, at the front of the crowd. Everyone went quiet and pulled out their wands.

Draco stood shakily from his chair and his eyes widened. His mother and father were standing in the midst of the Death Eaters, clutching each other's hands tightly, their expressions bare and exhausted. They were alive. He wanted to lunge forward and run to them, but he knew that would not be so smart. Instead, he locked his eyes on his mother and swallowed heavily, refusing to draw attention to himself.

From behind the Dark Lord, Hagrid emerged; in his arms was Harry's lifeless body.

Several screams erupted from the hall and some people covered their mouths. Draco felt his knees become weak. He couldn't take his eyes away from the body. Many of Harry's friends came forward, shouting things at Voldemort, but Draco couldn't hear them. He was numb. At that moment he wished it were him dead instead of Harry.

The Dark Lord ordered for Hagrid to put the body on the ground and Draco couldn't bare to watch. He felt his chest rising and falling rapidly, his hands sweating and his head feeling as if he could faint.

Harry's dead. He's really dead.

Coming out of the crowd, Neville Longbottom broke past everyone, his wand raised. The Dark Lord disarmed him quickly, but the Gryffindor retorted, his words sharp. "I'll join you when Hell freezes over!"

Draco tried to think of what Harry had meant about finding Neville. What was his plan? Right now, Draco couldn't tell if this banter was part of Longbottom's plan or not, yet when the Sorting Hat from out of nowhere, was placed forcibly on the Gryffindor's head and lit aflame, everyone in the Great Hall let out gasps and screams.

Draco stepped back, his eyes widening. He shifted his eyes from the flames and back to Harry, but when he took his eyes off Harry for one moment and turned back to him, he was gone. A feeling of panic rose up inside him and Draco looked around nervously. No one seemed to notice Harry's disappearance. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Neville ripped the burning hat from his head and pulled from it, a glimmering silver sword.

A bustle of commotion erupted as Death Eaters scrambled about and the rest of the people inside the hall stepped back cautiously. A shield of light came out of nowhere and the snake slid from the Dark Lord's neck only to be decapitated in one swift motion by Neville's sword.

Then everything exploded.

The Dark Lord let out a scream and Neville ran back.

"Where's Harry?" Hagrid yelled, causing everyone else to finally notice the absence of his body on the ground.

"Harry!" Hermione called, searching around frantically as her and Ron gripped each other's hands tightly.

Centaurs and giants came forth, toppling several Death Eaters. The crowds merged and duels broke out. Draco burst through the crowd, dodging a curse. He had lost sight of his parents when the fight commenced. His throat was raw but he called for them.

A centaur rode past him and Draco fell to the ground. Looking fearfully from left to right, he saw off to the side, several students taking down Death Eaters. Sparks and lights were flying everywhere.

Draco crawled across the floor, avoiding an ongoing duel nearby. Then he heard his parents voices. They were calling for him.

Pulling his wand from his robes, Draco clambered to his feet. He ran past those around him, bumping into several people as he followed his parent's voices.

"Mother! Father! I'm here!" He yelled.

Someone knocked into him and Draco turned around quickly. Theodore Nott was running towards the exit and they exchanged a mutual worried look before Draco continued past.

"Draco!" His father's voice took him by surprise and he saw to his right, his parents hurrying towards him. Narcissa's eyes filled with tears as she sprung forward, only to be pushed aside by another Death Eater. Draco tried to hurry to them but there were too many people in his way.

He saw his father fall to the floor from a stunning spell and his mother's worried look as she realized he wasn't beside her and she was unarmed. The Death Eater raised his wand and smiled.


"STUPEFY!" Draco screamed, a white light exploding from his wand and knocking his mother's challenger to the ground. He ran forth and embraced her tightly, tears streaming from her eyes as she held him close. Pulling apart from Narcissa, Draco knelt down, taking his father's hand in his and pulling him upright.

"Merlin, Draco, we thought you were gone." Lucius said as he rubbed his head, hugging his wife and son.

"We need to leave here." Narcissa spoke frantically as curses were fired around them and people fell to the floor.

"I-I..." Draco looked around for any sign of Harry.

"Draco, we have to go now." His mother grabbed him by the wrist and they hurried towards the exit. Just then, their attention was diverted to Bellatrix and Molly Weasley dueling at one end of the hall. Narcissa covered her mouth as the killing curse was fired.

In the middle of the Great Hall, everyone's attention diverted to Voldemort, a look of despair on his face and him roaring in anger as his best follower fell to her death. He gripped his wand tightly and raised it above his head, but before he had a chance to do anything, a figure appeared before him.

Gasps were heard all around and someone yelled, "He's alive!"


Without thinking, Draco leapt forward, only to be pulled back by his parents.

"What do you think you're doing?" Lucius hissed.

"Harry-" Draco whispered, not taking his eyes off of Harry as he offered the Dark Lord a chance to cease fighting. Was this real? Was Harry real? Draco's mind was racing.

Lucius and Narcissa both furrowed their brows. "Yes, there is still a chance that he may win." Narcissa said softly.

"We must go." Lucius snapped, grabbing Draco's arm tightly.

"No...I can't." Draco's voice was hoarse. His heart raced in his chest as he watched Harry and the Dark Lord, speaking to each other rather than dueling.

"Are you mad?" His father clenched his teeth and squeezed Draco's arm tighter.

Draco shrugged him off. "I need to stay." He demanded.

"Draco, darling, your father is right. What if Potter loses?"

"He won't." Draco replied quickly.

"It doesn't matter, we must leave. It's no longer safe for us here." Lucius had a look of sheer hopelessness in his eyes.

Suddenly something was spoken and all three of them turned to face Harry and the Dark Lord.

"The true master of the Elder Wand was Draco Malfoy."

Draco felt his stomach clench.

"I can attend to Draco Malfoy." Voldemort hissed.

Harry narrowed his eyes.

Lucius and Narcissa turned to their son in shock, as did several people around them, finally noticing the Malfoys being there.

"You're not going to touch Draco Malfoy." Harry said harshly, gripping his wand tightly in his hand.

Draco couldn't breathe. Had he really been the master of the Elder Wand? Did Harry really just defend his life in front of all these people? His mother grabbed his hand, her face paling in astonishment. Draco felt his own face reddening.

The Dark Lord snickered and in a sudden moment, both wizards aimed their wands at each other and bright, powerful light emerged from both.



Draco covered his mouth, his eyes widening. This was it.

Please, Harry don't die.

The golden-red light was overtaking the green. Sparks flew out on all ends as the spells collided.

Please, Harry, not today.

Harry gripped the hawthorn wand tightly, holding his breath.

Don't die.

The Elder Wand flew up in the air. Harry caught it. The Dark Lord's eyes rolled back in his head and he crumbled to the ground.

Everything was silent for a moment.

Lord Voldemort was dead.

Harry let out a staggered exhale and suddenly the entire Great Hall burst into cheers.

Ron and Hermione ran forward, wrapping their arms tightly around their savior.

Then more appeared, hugging and cheering, smiles and tears overtaking their faces. His other friends, the Weasleys, even professors and people he had never met before were surrounding him.

Circles of people were embracing and Death Eaters were leaving as fast as they could at every corner of the Great Hall.

Narcissa and Lucius turned to each other, realizing that they too should leave. Yet as Draco stood there, being knocked into by people running towards Harry, he felt tears well in his eyes. They burned as they fell down his cheeks.

"Draco, come. We must leave." Lucius said softly, taking his son's arm.

But Draco did not listen, for at that moment, Harry let go of one of his friends and turned to face Draco. Green eyes met with grey. They stared into each other's dirty, worn out faces and Draco pulled free from his father and bolted forward, pushing several people aside.

"Draco, what are you doing?" His father furrowed his brow, calling after him.

Harry ran forward as well.

They came together, arms wrapping around each other tightly, lips meeting in a rough, desperate kiss.

"Harry, what the Hell?" Ron barked.

"Shut up." Hermione glared at him, tugging his arm a little.

Draco's eyes shut. Harry was alive. Harry was alive and kissing him in front of everyone they had ever met.

"What is he doing?" Lucius's voice had become wary as he looked to his wife for an answer. Narcissa's eyes were wide. Her jaw had dropped and she did not answer.

Gasps and murmurs were coming from all around like the buzzing of bees in a hive.

They pulled apart from the kiss and opened their eyes to look at each other. Draco brought his hand to Harry's cheek and the Gryffindor smiled weakly.

"You did it." Draco said calmly.

Harry raised his eyebrows and nodded.

"And now everyone's staring at us." Draco's eyes wandered to the surrounding crowd, all with their eyes on the two of them.

Harry shrugged his shoulders. "Now we don't have to tell them each separately."

Draco laughed softly and a smile formed at his lips.

Lucius pushed through the hoard of people, his eyes narrowed and face heated in anger.

"What in Merlin's name do you think you are doing, Draco Malfoy?" He snapped.

Draco turned around quickly, the smile wiping from his face immediately and turning into a grimace.

"How dare you embarrass me in front of these people!" Lucius approached angrily, his fists clenched.

Draco stood in front of Harry, protecting him as much as he could.

"He just defeated the Dark Lord and saved all of our lives!"

"That doesn't mean you need to...kiss him!" Lucius spat.

"Wouldn't be the first time." Draco muttered and watched the fury in his father's eyes as he went to raise his fist.

Harry pushed himself in front of Draco and raised his wand. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"You have no business speaking to me in that tone." Lucius's eyes went to the hawthorn wand in Harry's hand. "And how on Earth did you acquire my son's wand?"

The voices around them got louder. Ron and Hermione were arguing off to the side.

Draco swallowed heavily.

"He gave it to me." Harry said nonchalantly. "That day at the Manor. He saved my life."

"He did what!"

"Lucius, dear..." Narcissa came up behind him and tried to pull him away but he wouldn't budge.

"You heard me. He saved my life along with my friend's lives as well." Harry gestured to Ron and Hermione, who at that time had become quiet.

Lucius glared at them. "My son would never save a blood traitor or a Mudblood." He hissed.

Hermione stepped forward, her eyes narrowed, but Draco pulled out his wand and stepped in front of her and Harry.

"Father, I think you need to go." Draco aimed his wand at his father. Hermione and Narcissa gasped. People all around them had gone quiet.

"Draco..." Lucius frowned, becoming speechless.

"Just go. I will meet you back home." He said sharply, gesturing towards the exit with the wand.

Lucius huffed out a breath and looked around with narrowed eyes at all the faces staring at him.

He brushed off his robes and grabbed his wife's hand, pulling her through the crowd and out of the Great Hall.

Suddenly everyone began speaking again, bombarding Harry with questions and giving Draco dirty looks.

"What are you doing with Malfoy?"

"Your parents would be so proud!"

"You just defeated Voldemort, what are you going to do now?"

"Harry, what did you mean about Malfoy saving you?"

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"But he's evil!"

"What would your parents say?"

"Why were you kissing Malfoy?"

Harry pushed everyone away.

"Stop!" He cried. "Please, everyone, just stop."

Ron stood behind him, guarding him from any more crazed people while Draco stood in front.

"I will explain everything. But right now...right now I need to speak with a few people alone."

"Anything you want, Mr. Potter."

"Of course, he needs some rest."

The voices continued as Harry took Draco by the hand and gripped Ron's arm, pulling them both outside the Great Hall with Hermione following closely behind.

Once they got away from the crowds of people and the sun setting on the horizon created a warm glow on their faces, Harry took a deep breath and stopped in the middle of the courtyard.

"Harry, you really need to explain." Hermione said, glancing over at Draco questionably.

"Yeah mate, what's all this stuff about Malfoy?" Ron asked.

Draco stood silent beside Harry and looked down at the ground.

"Alright." Harry began. "The thing is, Draco and I have been together for well...quite some time." He looked from one to the other, taking in their confused expressions.

"What exactly do you mean by 'together'?" Hermione put her arms at her hips.

Harry glanced warily at Draco. "What do you think?" He said quietly.

Ron cringed and glared at the Slytherin. Hermione's eyes widened.

"But...but why Malfoy?"

"You hate Malfoy and Malfoy hates you."

Both Harry and Draco grinned slightly, though they weren't looking at each other.

"I don't hate him. He's not the person you think he is." Harry sighed and grabbed Draco's hand gently.

"He's a Death Eater." Hermione said darkly.

Draco tensed.

"He saved your life." Harry said, rubbing his thumb over the top of Draco's hand in an attempt to calm him down.

"He hates us!" Ron bellowed.

"No he does not!" Harry argued but Draco butted in.

"Listen, I don't hate you!"

Ron and Hermione both stopped talking and stared at him surprisingly.

"I know I'm not the kind of person you want Harry to be with. I know that I have done...awful things...but you both mean a lot to Harry and therefore I do not hate you."

Hermione opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Harry stood in shock, staring at Draco. Ron folded his arms at his chest.

"I don't like this one bit, Harry." Ron grumbled after a minute of silence.

"Neither do I." Piped in Hermione.

"Well I'm sorry, but he's staying." Harry sighed, turning to Draco and looking up at him apologetically. "Plus, we just won the war, I think that's more pertinent than mine and Draco's relationship right now."

Hermione sighed. "You're right." She shook her head.

"I think we should go see Dumbledore." Harry said, trying to change the subject. "I'd like to give this back to him." He pulled the Elder Wand from his pocket and smiled.

Hermione nodded.

"Wait, but you're not going to keep it?" Ron looked almost distraught.

"Of course not." Harry smiled slightly, pulling Draco's hawthorn wand from his pocket and handing it to him as the others watched. "Neither of these wands are mine, really. I'd like my old one back." He sighed.

Draco tucked his wand in his pocket next to the other one he had acquired during the battle.

"But first, I'd like to see Dumbledore." Harry said tiredly.

"Alright then, lets go." Hermione nodded, gesturing towards the castle.

"You two go ahead, we'll be right behind you." Harry said, taking Draco and pulling him a little closer.

Ron rolled his eyes and groaned. "Please, no more snogging."

"Then I'd hurry if I were you." Harry teased, waving them off as Ron stuck out his tongue, making a face. "We'll meet you there." Harry said, grinning.

He turned to Draco, pulling him so they were facing each other. Draco grabbed his other hand.



Draco paused, looking down at him. "I can't believe I just told your friends I didn't hate them."

Harry jabbed him gently in the side and they both laughed softy.

They gazed into each other's faces, pressing their bodies close.

"I thought you were dead." Draco said solemnly.

"I was dead." Harry nodded.

"You what?"

"In the forest, I died but I came back."

Draco stared at him, completely bemused.

"Voldemort killed the Horcrux part of me and I went to this strange place with Dumbledore, but I came back and your mum actually saved my life."

Draco cocked his head to the side. "What?"

"It's a long story, I'll tell you later." Harry smiled.

"Alright..." Draco answered even though he was still very confused.

More silence passed and they continued holding each other.

"It was awful." Draco said finally.

"I know." Harry lowered his eyes, his expression becoming dejected. "So many people died because of me."

"No, that's not what I'm talking about." Draco shook his head. "I mean when I thought you were dead."

Harry continued looking down. "Oh."

"I...I felt like my world was crashing down around me and that there was nothing else to live for."


"I couldn't breathe. I wanted to be there with you...to be dead instead of here without-"

"Draco, I love you."

The Slytherin's face went blank and he stared down at Harry, eyes watery with tears.

Harry finally looked up and brought his lips to Draco's.

"I love you." He said again, bringing his hands to Draco's face.

"I love you too, Harry." Draco said shakily, his heart beating out of his chest. He leaned down and kissed him fervently, caressing his mouth with his tongue, not caring about the sweat, dirt and tears mixed in with the taste of Harry's lips on his.

After several minutes they finally broke apart, leaning their foreheads against each other and catching their breath.

"Draco, I'm tired." Harry sighed.

"I know."

"We should go catch up with Ron and Hermione."

Draco nodded, taking Harry by the hand.

Together they walked through the courtyard towards Dumbledore's office.

"The look on your parents' faces..." Harry said, laughing to himself.

"Oh Merlin, the look on everyone's faces." Draco joined in and the two of them walked through the castle, meeting up with Ron and Hermione, finally placing the Elder Wand with its true master and eventually getting some much deserved rest.

Thank you all for reading! Please review! Stay tuned for the Drarry epilogue which will be in the form of a oneshot sequel to this fic. Lots of love to all my readers