Ramen. Sweet delicious ramen. If there was anything better than ramen, the trio wouldn't care. Naruto introduced Sasuke and Sakura to the wonders of ramen and they got hooked after their first few bowls. They were regulars at Ichiraku's, so much that they had their own stools reserved just for them! Teuchi was amazed by the amount of noodles they inhaled down, they ate more than what he sold in a week easily! What was more interesting to see was them defying the laws of proportion; they never seemed to gain weight from the amazing heap of starch they swallowed daily!
Coming to this little old noodle stand was a past time for them whenever they did anything, whether it was from training sessions, to pranks, to winning at hide and seek from the ANBU, to just plain hunger; they always came here to eat.
"You guys think we went overboard with Kakashi-sensei? He looked terrified to tell you the truth." Sakura said as she took a breath from her ramen, the others stopped eating as they listened.
"Nah The guy is a jounin, one of the elite, I'm pretty sure he's seen worse. We just caught him by Surprise that's all." Sasuke replied as he wiped his mouth with a napkin.
"I guess, but we could've gone easier with him, don't you think? I mean, yeah we're all about first impressions and all, but we left him tied up in a trap infested training ground!"
Naruto and Sasuke nearly choked at the realization of what they did. Their wire was special. It was stronger than steel due to the fact that all three of them infused their chakra into each individual wire. They thought of the idea after they saw some one throw a chakra infused blade through a tree and half way into a boulder. It was their own creation and only a blade infused with their chakra can cut the wire.
They once tested the wire with an Akamichi, they placed the portly man in front of the wire. They then risked their lives by making a rude gesture about the mans weight. The results? A VERY angry, VERY hungry, and very IMMOBILE Akamichi. They classified that experiment a success.
Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura shrugged and continued eating ramen. Kakashi sensei would be fine right? Right.
Sarutobi sighed. Kakashi had a sense to always be late but not by this much. 6 hours they waited for him, and they had to. More than half of the jounin present fell asleep while the other half plotted ways on how to eviscerate Kakashi.
Before their diabolical thoughts continued, however, the door opened and they saw something they thought they would never see.
Kakashi sighed as he opened the door. 'Lets get this over with.' He thought as he crawled through the room. His clothes were torn, scorched, bitten, dissolved, wet, and dirty. His hair looked like it got into a fight with a blender... and lost. He was crawling towards the Hokage like if he were a caterpillar; he used his chin to push onward. After a awkward silence, he made it to the Hokage and replied.
"Team 7... Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha. Pass. Ugh" Kakashi barely managed to speak as he turned around and continued to crawl towards his home.
No one laughed, no one blinked, and no one breathed. They didn't know what scared them more. The fact that Kakashi finally passed a team, or how they manage to leave him afterwards. They all made a mental note to avoid Team 7 as much as possible.
Storage seals were really useful, the trio concluded as they saw Naruto's masterpieces cover their small hideout in the Forest of Death. The seals were separated into different categories. Food, clothes/blankets, weapons, and scrolls.
When Sasuke and Sakura asked Naruto where he learned about seals the only answer they got was that it was naturally easy for him. They shrugged and paid attention to him on how to activate the seals. It turns out that the seals could only be activated with their chakra once they put it into the seal itself. This gave them a wide variety of possibilities, they could put the seals onto their bodies and store equipment or weapons 'inside' of them for easy access!
They spent the night in their humble abode, talking about how great their missions would be, exaggerating the missions and how they would deal with them.
"Tomorrow is going to be so exciting!" They screamed in unison.
"This is so boring!" They whined in unison for the umpteenth time as they picked up trash from the floor near the village gates. Their amazing idea of missions completely got shut down when they faced the wrath of D-ranks.
It had been two weeks since they formed Team 7, and it had been a constant barrage of the dreaded D-rank missions. They wondered if it was Kakashi getting revenge on them from that fateful day with the bell test. He was quite mad after all.
Kakashi had his typical eye smile as he read his favorite book. Those brats had to pay for what they did, he would tell himself. They made him extremely proud though, his team was the best out of all the other teams out there. He even joined them with several pranks on the villagers. The way he thought about it, a ninjas life is short, he had to make the most of it while he still could. Besides, those pranks were real fun. Who would've thought painting the ANBU headquarters, inside and out along with all the inhabitants of said base, rainbow color could've been so fun? He chuckled at the memory.
'If only Obito and Rin could see me now, they'd think I went crazy.' Kakashi thought as he absentmindedly turned the page on his book. Then it occurred to him, Obito and Rin... He hasn't even visited Obito ever since he became the leader of Team 7. He found it disturbing that he didn't even feel a bit sad about the realization. The book in his hand, Icha Icha Paradise, was the first he ever got, and it suddenly got extremely uninteresting, just what was going on?
Kakashi looked over to his little darlings and noticed their hateful glances directed to him. He eye smiled at them and motioned them to come closer.
They were somewhat suspicious when they noticed the infamous orange book being placed away, and completely shocked when he began to pick up several cans and throwing them away. He was helping them!
Neither of the three mentioned anything and continued to pick up the litter in a more, happy spirit. They may have gained a new member on their small group, he had already joined in several pranks, and it would never hurt to add an adult to their group.
Team 7 finished their last D-rank without a hitch.
Tazuna looked at the team he got assigned for protection and almost keeled over at how CREEPY they looked. He would have figured hiring a Konoha ninja would involve happier genin, or at least one that he could make fun of. But that's not what he got. No. NO. Far from it. When the Hokage called him in to meet the team all he saw were four figures dressed in what seemed to be a doctor's coat. ALL of them dressed in blood splattered coats. He shuddered when the shortest one of them, a blonde, turned to face him.
Naruto approached Tazuna and sniffed the air around the man. He pushed his thin-rimmed glasses up with his index finger. "Did you know the liver turns a sickly green after consumption of alcohol? Hahaha... I can't wait to see one, oh! The joys that will bring me..." Naruto nearly moaned as he laughed a psychotic giggle.
Tazuna stepped back from the twisted blonde and turned around to leave only to see pink hair.
Sakura stood in front of the client and wiped off excess blood from her coat as she inspected the scared man. "Don't fret Naruto, with the way this man is treating his body he'll probably die before this mission is over... Hehehe..." Sakura pushed her glasses down and finished with a blush. "The possibilities of having a recently deceased corpse are so wonderful!"
"I agree Sakura." Sasuke turned to face Tazuna and narrowed his eyes with fascination. "You look like you need surgery, sir." He walked closer to Tazuna and pointed to his chest. "Right here, the heart. So many arteries, so much blood." Sasuke paused and leaned his face closer. "So much Fun!" Sasuke finished with a twisted cackle.
Tazuna paled as he saw that it was only them in the room with him. No one else.
Kakashi felt like it was time to intervene. "Ok my wonderful little angels of death; let's leave the client alone for now. And in case the worst comes to shove, we'll have a new body to dissect! But, in the mean time, we have to protect him from anything that happens, understood? So if he gets a splinter we have to perform extreme surgery, if he gets a headache we have to go deep into his noggin to dig it out. He cannot get hurt whatsoever! Yes Sasuke?"
Sasuke, who was raising his hand like the good boy he was, pointed towards Tazuna. "What about cardiac arrest? Because I think he got a heart attack just now."
Tazuna was currently foaming from the mouth as he resigned to his fate.
Several hours after they left the safety of their cozy little village, Team 7, along with a severely traumatized client, walked past a puddle along the road but completely ignored it.
Without warning two figures jumped out of the puddle and sliced Kakashi in half in a single second. Blood splattered across the faces of the students and the old man, but instead of getting terrified, the genin smiled. And not just a plain "oh hey look I found a ryo' more like a 'oh hey look I ripped your dog inside out and sold it for a ryo' kind of smile.
Before the brothers could even introduce themselves, they got cut off by laughter. The old man, the target, jumped into the bushes while he yelled "You've doomed us all!"
"So much blood... Hehehe... So much BLoOd... PreCIouS Blood! HAHAHAHA!" The genin in the center, a blonde, began to mutter then laughed maniacally as he wiped the blood even further down his face and lab coat.
"Hehehe... We need more... Hehehe-HAHAHA! MoRE BLooD! THe DEaTh ANGeLs deManD iT! WE mUst GeT moRE... WE NEED MORE!" the other two genin began to howl with laughter as they screeched their diabolical needs.
One of the brothers looked to the other and whispered "These kids kind of..."
"...remind me of Zabuza." The other brother finished for him.
The genin began to slowly walk to their enemies, every step their smile grew more lecherous, their blood lust became suffocating. The brothers instinctively backed away.
"Z-Zabuza Momochi? THE demon of the Mist?" Sakura asked with awe.
The brothers nodded nervously, the genin seemed to think it was a compliment!
"We're flattered that we remind you of him...hehehe... But the truth is..." Sasuke began.
"We're worst!" All three genin yelled in unison as they charged at the two brothers.
The brothers went into full assault and charged the genin as well until two of them separated from the trio. Sakura, the one who stayed charging, pulled her arm back for a nasty punch and with her momentum there was no way that one of them could've avoided it.
A sickening crunch was heard as Sakura's fist met a human skull. The missing nin flew several yards away while the other dodged the endless barrage of kunai that Sasuke and Naruto continued to throw.
Kakashi looked from his vantage point in the bushes with Tazuna with pride. His little students taking on missing Nin in their first C-rank mission! It almost brought tears to his eyes. He noted one thing, Sakura could literally destroy someone with that strength of hers, must avoid that.
"Shouldn't you help them?" Tazuna asked as he tried to calm his rapidly beating heart.
Kakashi yawned as he saw a devastating kick to the groin on one of the missing Nin courtesy of Naruto. "Nah, they have it under control. Try to have faith in my team Tazuna."
Tazuna blinked and deadpanned. "I was talking about helping the missing Nin. Even THEY don't deserve this!" A high pitched squeal of pain was heard after Sakura punched yet another groin.
'I guess it's time I show up huh? Ugh fine.' Kakashi thought as he just walked lazily out of the bushes.
The two brothers tried to crawl away from the demented "children" before the brats grabbed their legs and pulled them back into the small clearing.
"We surrender! Just stop, please stop!" They screamed but their cries for mercy were completely ignored.
"Naruto, get the cucumber. Let's practice medicine!" Sasuke grunted as he continued to drag one of the brothers back. Sakura agreed and continued to drag the other back also.
"NOOO!" They both yelled and fortunately, Kakashi decided it was time to step in.
He grabbed a hold of Naruto and took away the cucumber and threw it across the horizon. "Sasuke! Sakura! That's enough; just tie them up for now." Sasuke and Sakura both groaned sadly. "We need to have a talk Tazuna."
Tazuna paled.
"Are you ready to die this time Kakashi?" Zabuza yelled with amusement as he saw the beaten forms of Team 7. True, he too was currently on his knees and he was probably coughing up things that shouldn't be outside of his body, but... it's nothing several soldier pills could fix. Haku was in the same condition but slightly better off, his legs wouldn't move nearly fast enough due to some seals that Naruto managed to put on him when they met on the woods. This didn't look good for either of the group of ninjas, but then again, what kind of ninja doesn't have a trick up their sleeve?
"This doesn't look good guys. We're in trouble." Kakashi managed to cough out as he put his Sharingan away. The fight had lasted longer than expected and he used all his chakra by protecting his team.
"Don't worry sensei... We got something that will turn the tide of this battle. Ready guys?" Naruto grinned as Sasuke and Sakura nodded.
Before Kakashi could object having his team battle such a dangerous foe, his eyes widened as hew saw something cloak each of them. He tried to yell but that was too much for him to take and he blacked out.
"Experiment: APECS-I Trial Number 1 begins." Naruto said before his face was completely covered.
Armed with Naruto's new armor, they looked like androids. This suit covered them from head to toe, it was basically weightless, yet incredibly sturdy. The suit was adapting to the air- making sure the wearer doesn't get too hot or too uncomfortable. The suit was all black, except for the eyes - there was a neon blue light emitting from the lens that covered the eyes - and the back - there was a neon blood red light that trailed right where the spine is. The suits, which Naruto named APECS-I (All Purpose Enhanced Combat Suit) attached themselves to the spine, through a seal that he CAREFULLY painted on each of his teammates back, the suit connects itself with the central nervous system and spreads through the body as soon as chakra is sent to the seal. The same is with removing it, chakra goes into the seal again and the suit recedes back into the seal.
Inside the suit the wearer can see in front, behind, sides, and above all at the same time- sensors attached to the back, front, sides, and head connect to the optic nerve in the eyes to show them all the images. They could see the durability of the suit, depicted by a percentage. While the suit was not indestructible it needed a chance to repair itself, cuts and tears would reconnect, not unlike the way how skin repairs itself -except 300% faster. Reaction time gets increased by a good amount and to top it all off, it looked pretty badass.
Zabuza and Haku didn't know what to make of this. They looked like a more menacing threat than ever before. They took their soldier pills and got into their fighting stances. This was going to be tough.
Wasting no time, Naruto ran towards Zabuza at a much quicker speed than ever before and tackled him brutally. Sasuke and Sakura in the meant time were having a hard time getting used to so much information getting sent to their minds. They could see everywhere with ease it was confusing them. Naruto had drawn the seal on them yesterday; this was their first time using the suits.
Haku saw Zabuza getting tackled by Naruto and tried to help but the damn seals made movement extremely difficult and he still had to worry about those other genin. The only thing could do was throw senbon at Naruto so he could separate from Zabuza.
Naruto threw Zabuza on his back and got over him and began to punch his face with pure power and no intentions to stop anytime soon. He then saw senbon approaching from behind and he decided one thing. Test the suits durability. The needles struck Naruto, but had no success.
Suit Hold: 92%
'What? Those were fatal areas i struck! He should be dead now!' Haku thought in bewilderment as he saw Naruto continue to punch Zabuza without any delay.
'It works better than I thought!' Naruto thought in amazement as he looked at the percentage. Then he noticed something. Zabuza was now a puddle of water.
Naruto noticed too late however, Zabuza used his sword and slashed Naruto's chest and sent him flying back towards Sakura and Sasuke.
Naruto could hear a small beeping as he tried to get up after that debilitating blow. The suit was at 3%, he needed to give it time to recover or he'll be defenseless! 'What are Sasuke and Sakura doing? They should be helping me with this guy!'
Sasuke saw Naruto (and a bird from above, Tazuna dragging Kakashi to safety from behind, that Haku girl/guy from the right and Sakura from the left) getting slashed and felt powerless, and dizzy, extremely dizzy. He would not let anyone from his team die. Especially from this monster, he'll pay for what he did to Naruto with his life.
The stress was building inside Sasuke, stress for Naruto's life more than his own. He won't let his best friend die. Not here, not anywhere. Panic started to set in when he couldn't even move, even more so when Zabuza began to approach them. Then everything began to make sense, everything went a little bit slower but it felt normal, he could see just like he would normally except in all directions. He could move without stumbling, he was coordinated again!
Before he even knew it, he was sprinting at Zabuza at an unbelievable speed! He ducked as soon as he got within breathing distance and struck his legs with a powerful enhanced punch. Then he jumped back and the instant that he touched the floor he charged at Zabuza and kicked him straight in the face before he had a chance to recover from the first hit.
Naruto saw Sasuke fight and relaxed as he saw the percentage increase slowly to 100% again. The suit began to reconstruct itself from the chest wound he got earlier slowly. The gigantic tear began to stitch itself together again until it looked brand new.
Next to Naruto was Sakura who had up to this point almost thrown up at the amount of information being sent to her noggin. Although she wasn't as nearly smart as Naruto was, she was still a pretty smart girl. She calmed down and concentrated on all of the directions she was shown. The directions were beginning to slow down and they looked clean and natural. She dropped the concentration and sighed with relief as she could still see everything fine. Her eyes had finally adapted to the suit. Now it was her turn to help her squad.
Sakura picked Naruto up from the floor but didn't let go of his hand, Naruto was confused until she began to spin, while still holding him, and after getting some momentum she released her hand and threw Naruto straight towards the fight that Sasuke was in.
Zabuza was busy holding off Sasuke and had no time to react as he saw a black missile going straight towards him at an unbelievable speeds.
Zabuza heard something crack, he definitely heard a crack. His chest was covered in splinters and bruises. The real question was: "Was it my ribs or the trees?"
It was both. He had gone through three trees when he got hit. Oh yeah, he also got blown away off of the bridge and down into the woods near the lake where he had met Kakashi for the first time. In fact, he was pretty sure he wasn't breathing anymore. He checked his pulse and waited several seconds and concluded his discovery.
He was dead, but his body hadn't registered it yet.
'I guess the only thing to do now is wait...' Zabuza thought as he looked at the sky and waited for the cold embrace of death. It was not the way he had expected to die but for the most part... it was a pretty weird and undignified way to die. Three genin had beaten him... Three genin... Genin...
Zabuzas eyes widened with shock as he realized what had happened. But it was already too late to do anything.
A/N: Cliffhanger! Hahaha not really but I felt like it would be a good time to cut off here. This story is to pass the time. My updates will be slow but will be faster if I get more reviews, let's see... A good 15 should motivate me to update quicker. But seriously people, please review. Tell me what you want in this story and I'll try to put it in. Now, for Naruto's extreme intelligence, I can explain it (I can put an Omake about it.) Or you can just completely disregard it and read on. He will be a genius in making all sorts of things, not a genius like Shikamaru. If you want to suggest anything then go right ahead. Thanks for reading, next chapter will come soon. (depending on reviews)