A/N: No amount of groveling can make up for my tardiness, I know. I've become the author that I hate the most. But I'm sorry, anyway. I'm also terribly uninspired, I can't fathom how you authors do it! You guys are simply amazing. Edited the other chapters a bit, and I actually have a plan for the rest of the story now, and I am off work this weekend (which is odd, but I'm no ingrate) so I'll try my best to finish it up. I've also revised my previous chapters, apologies if there are any outstanding errors. Enjoy, hopefully!

Kurt's texts

Blaine's texts

Sebastian's texts

Blaine was in a daze as he shut the door behind himself, peeking out the side window to watch Sebastian pull away. He had a perfect date. Sebastian definitely swept him off of his feet, he'd been so thoughtful yet still so deliciously snarky. He could swoon. In the solitude of his own home, of course. And that kiss. His heart felt like it was about to fly from his chest; it had fluttered so violently, even though it had been so small and sweet a kiss. But the joy of thinking about his evening with Sebastian was tainted with the guilt of having cheated on Kurt. How could he throw a perfectly adequate relationship away, over one guy? Relationships are always tested and Blaine had to make sure that he was willing to fight for it. A weekend experiment quickly formulated in Blaine's mind as he thought more about Kurt. He quickly fired off a mass text to all his friends, excluding Kurt and Sebastian, saying that he could not be disturbed that weekend, as he was incredibly sick. To Kurt, he sent a message stating that he was sorry he didn't see him at the end of school, but he hadn't been feeling well, and that he had passed out as soon as he had gotten home, only to, just now, wake up feeling worse. He was absolutely refusing any visitors and calls during the weekend, and his throat was too sore to speak, so they'd have to stick to texting. To Sebastian, he didn't send anything. He wouldn't be seeing him that weekend anyway. Blaine had decided that his only form of communication with other humans would be with Kurt and Sebastian, through text. Obviously, this sounds a bit strange, but it made sense to him; by the end of the weekend, he'd finally have an answer as to who he wanted to be with most, without any external influence. Who did he look forward to talking to more? Who's message did he anticipate? Who made him laugh, or made his heart melt? He'd be one on one with both of them, at the same time, so surely, he'd find out.

Kurt was slow in responding, but a couple hours later, Blaine's phone vibrated on his bedside table. Oh no! Are you ok? How do you feel? Is there anything I can do? Blaine smiled. Kurt was so concerned about him, it warmed his heart to know that he cared. He replied, No, I'm fine, thank you. Just need a lot of rest. But you can keep me entertained by texting me? :D. Feeling satisfied that that would initiate a conversation, he sent it off. Then he started thinking about Sebastian, and how he would respond to Blaine's claim of sickness. Perhaps he'd mention that he wasn't feeling well in the morning. Or maybe tonight? At least, he should thank him for the lovely night out, right? His pondering was cut short as a loud buzz signaled a message on his phone. Of course! You'll be sick of me by the time you feel better. ;p Sadly, Blaine thought that that was certainly a possibility, with the way he was pining after Sebastian. You know I could never be sick of you. (: So what did you do tonight? But, speaking of Sebastian, whether he texted him tonight or tomorrow didn't make a difference, did it? Hey, just wanted to thank you again for tonight! I had a great time. Think I caught something though, not feeling too swell. Sebastian responded immediately, much to Blaine's excitement. I'm glad that you enjoyed yourself! I also find it incredibly endearing that even though you're sick, you still manage to be dapper enough to say, no, text, "swell". Hope you feel better, killer. Anything I can do? Want me to come over tomorrow? I can gift you with soup. And wasn't that just the sweetest thing? Kurt responded just seconds after, Oh you know, just spent the evening at Rachel's house watching musicals. Just finished my moisturizing regimen. Oh, the moisturizing routine. Blaine has many a fond memory of the nightly session, over the phone with Kurt. His skin has been noticeably softer since he'd started dating Kurt, he's pleased to note. To Kurt he sent Aw, sad I missed it. But speaking of musicals, I think I'm in the mood to snuggle down with Singin' in the Rain. And to Sebastian, How thoughtful of you to propose soup. But no thanks, I'll keep my germs to myself for now. You can gift me with hilarious texts, instead? :D

Hilarious texts? I don't normally do scripted comedy, but... Why did the hipster burn his tongue?

He licked fire.

What an amazing piece of musical genius. Put it on, we can be cheesy and watch it at the same time.

Putting it on right now! And cheese is delicious, so nothing can ever be too cheesy.

No. Well, perhaps another hipster did, but not this one. This one burned his tongue because he drank his coffee before it was cool.

Oh. That was actually good.

Am I entertaining you yet?

Sufficiently. Thank you. You should do stand-up. I'd watch it.

...But I probably wouldn't pay for it.

Oh god. I forgot how much I love this movie. Can we just take a moment to appreciate Gene Kelly?

Or a few moments? He's a lot to appreciate. Still blows my mind that Debbie Reynolds mothered Princess Leia.

I'm a little insulted, but don't worry. I'd let you watch me do my thing for free; exhibitionism is a total kink. This is mutually beneficial.

My voyeurism fuels your exhibitionism? Well, I'm sure you'll get really aroused from me laughing at your display. It is, after all, a comedy show. Watching you... perform, would be hilarious.

Lol Blaine. You're adorable, but I will never get your references.

Oh come on. Star Wars? You will watch the most epic saga of all time. I'll make you. I swear.

Most epic saga of all time? FYI, I have watched Twilight. All of them. Multiple times.

I am facepalming so hard right now.

I think you should be the one doing stand-up. Ouch. Hold on, I need to go ice my wounded pride. Is this how you repay me for a lovely night out?

Aw, I'm sorry. How will you ever forgive me?

Well, you could start on your knees.

I'm assuming that you mean I should grovel on my knees.


Or suck up to you? Kiss your ass? Would you forgive then?

Oh Blaine, where has my bashful schoolboy gone? You're making me blush.

Blaine got no sleep that night. Well, he managed a few reluctant hours, after much insistence from both Kurt and Sebastian, and then passed out for a while after 4AM. Maybe sick wasn't the best excuse. Maybe he should've said that he had a pressing family issue, instead. No matter though, he enjoyed himself immensely and could scarcely keep his grin from swallowing his entire face. When he woke up at about noon on Saturday, there were two messages waiting on his phone: Morning sleepyhead (: You feeling any better today? and Blaine! Awake yet? Better yet? I still have soup. His weekend was full of texts, borderline sexts, and innuendos, and lyrics, and joy. It was a very entertaining weekend, and it also proved to be very productive for Blaine. Not seeing either of the boys gave him a clear head and enabled him to sort through the muddled mess of his emotions. They were both so good to him, how could he hurt either one? But he couldn't string them both along, either. They deserved more than that; he'd be a good boyfriend to one of them and maybe, if they let him, be a friend to the other. He'd made a decision. He just hoped that it was the right one.

A\N: Well, that's that. Short, but hopefully sweet? Two more to go, one of them an epilogue!

- 1950's