Nothing good can come of this, Blaine thought as he shuffled down the sidewalk, getting closer to his destination and even further from a decision. The Lima Bean was only a few short strides away, so he slowed his shuffle to a near standstill as his mind went back and forth between bolting the other way and strutting his ass into the coffee shop. He reasoned with himself; there's nothing wrong with meeting a friend for a nonalcoholic beverage after school. Though of course, he knew that this particular friend would take full advantage of his presence and proceed to make Blaine both incredibly uncomfortable and flattered as a result of his incessant flirting. The argument to turn tail and run was only strengthened when he thought of Kurt, his boyfriend. So Blaine may have neglected to tell him about his little rendezvous with Sebastian, but he knew Kurt would only forbid him going. Granted, he wasn't without reason to do so, but something about Sebastian made Blaine feel… Confident? Wanted? Powerful? He didn't know, but he felt something good and just wanted more. He wasn't technically doing anything wrong. Well there, decision made. Blaine wanted to see him, and so he would. He mustered up all of his schoolboy dapperness and walked through the entrance of the Lima Bean coffee shop.

His eyes were immediately drawn to the confident lanky figure and cool grace that was Sebastian Smythe. His heartbeat sped up a bit just at the mere sight of him. It was exciting. Taking a deep breath, Blaine managed to stop himself from overheating and made his way toward the coffee laden table. He could feel Sebastian's eyes wandering up and down his frame, making his walk turn into a bit of a strut.

"Well hello there, handsome," greeted Sebastian as he patted the seat next to him, "glad you could make it." He paired the charming statement with a winning smirk that left Blaine feeling nothing short of a little flustered.

"Hey Sebastian!" However flustered he was on the inside, nothing could make Blaine lose his endearing enthusiasm and manners. "How's it going? The Warblers treating you right, I trust?"

"Oh yeah, they're really a great bunch of guys. Though I have to say, you've left them a little heartbroken," Sebastian leaned a little closer to him as he said this, his piercing green eyes capturing Blaine's own hazels.

"Well, they're lucky they have you to pick up the pieces then, huh?" replied Blaine, perhaps a bit cheekily.

"I'd like to think I'm good for both breaking and healing hearts. Perhaps stealing," he winked with a laugh.

And here's where the uncomfortable starts, thought Blaine. But despite this mental acknowledgment, his body seemed to react a little differently. Red faced, he ducked his head into his shoulder, choking on a chuckle. Sebastian graciously, with a knowing smirk, placed a hand on his back, rubbing slow clockwise circles. The soothing gesture obviously did not soothe Blaine at all and he was positive that that wasn't Sebastian's intent in the first place. The coffee shop was getting a little hot; Blaine pulled away from Sebastian's touch, from his inviting warmth and composed himself. Placing a smile on his face,

"I'm sure you are Sebastian… Thanks for the coffee." he diverted the conversation, taking a sip of the warm drink sitting in front of him, courtesy of the new Warbler. Sebastian stared at him as he drank, contemplating what to say next. Apparently he would take the blunt route,

"You know Blaine, I think we both know why I'm here right now, with you; I like you. A lot. What I would like to know is why you're here? Why do you keep agreeing to meet me?" There really was no escaping those green orbs, hard as icicles that seemed to melt a little bit more every time they met Blaine's warm, expressive hazel eyes.

"You're my friend," was the immediate answer.

"No, I'm not, and I don't want to be. I'm a potential suitor Blaine, nothing less. Don't push me into the friend zone. I know I'm more than that."

"I… I just. I don't know, Sebastian. I love Kurt, I do. But-"

"Are you sure about that? Are you sure you even know what love feels like? He's your first relationship, Blaine, how in the world can you be sure that he's the one for you? That we can't be more?"

"I just know that I do love him. But whether or not I'm in love with him… The answer isn't so clear anymore." Blaine's dapper attitude fled him, his shoulders slumped forward. He felt small.

Staring at Blaine at that moment was akin to watching Frodo mourn the loss of Gandalf. This sexy, adorable hobbit was lost and sad, that much Sebastian could see. Sebastian was surprised to find it hurt to see him like that, but was somewhat hopeful that perhaps Blaine doubted his love for Kurt because of him. Maybe he stood a chance.

"I can help you clarify," he replaced his hand on his back, refraining from re-initiating the circular motion. He spoke in a low murmur, so only Blaine could hear him, "we have a connection Blaine. Since day one. A real, honest connection, attraction, that I know you didn't feel when you met Kurt. I know you think I just want your body, that I say this to every man under the sun, but I don't. I wouldn't be here right now if that's all I wanted. I want you Blaine, all of you. You're one of the very few crushes I've ever had, and I don't want to miss out on what I know could be a great relationship. We could be unstoppable, Blaine! What you have with Kurt is cute. But it's not hot, it's not sexy, it's not exciting, it's just comfortable. It lacks passion. He's only holding you back, and he'll probably leave you for some kid in New York. You are so much more than that. You are so much more to me. Look at me Blaine," Sebastian gently placed a hand on his face, turning it upwards. Blaine's eyes were quickly reddening, becoming glossy with unshed tears of frustration and indecision. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that I am insanely confused. I don't know what to feel."

"What do you feel when you think of me? When you think of Kurt?"

Somehow Blaine couldn't face the taller boy as he answered the question. He fixated his gaze on the coffee cup he was shifting from hand to hand, trying in vain to relieve the pressure he was feeling; to calm the rising blush creeping along the back of his neck.

"With you I feel kind of invincible...?" he pondered aloud. "Like I'm at the top of the world. I feel sexy and confident, content. But I feel warm and fuzzy with Kurt..." he raised his eyes to Sebastian's, full of questions with no absolute answers. "Isn't love supposed to be warm and fuzzy?"

"Sure. Alcohol can make you feel that way too. But love? It's also supposed to make you feel complete, like you are the best thing in the universe and Blaine, you so deserve to be treated like it. You are the best thing that's come into my life in a while, Blaine; don't make me watch you walk out of it."

Blaine's eyes, always so expressive, looked absolutely tormented. He felt so conflicted. How did he get here? Why did this beautiful man have to come and ruin everything? He sat in silence for a few moments, and Sebastian seemed to tire of it.

"Blaine? Can I try something?"

Not looking at Sebastian, he gave the tiniest of nods, still at loss for words. Sebastian quickly turned Blaine's face to his and promptly met his lips with his own. It was quick, but it was enough for Sebastian to know that fighting for this boy was worth it. So smooth and plump, the emotion that lurked behind Blaine's mouth and spilled onto his was simply breathtaking. He could feel Blaine responding, nothing if not eager and felt satisfied with their first kiss. It wouldn't be the last, Sebastian would make sure of that.

That was new. Blaine had never experienced a kiss quite like that before. So in sync, their lips moved as one, evoking heat, stirring his loins. So this was passion. Sebastian had started to pull away, but Blaine just followed him with his mouth, he didn't want the moment to end. But it did. It was all too swift, entirely too rough, somehow tender and completely intoxicating; just a smidgen of ecstasy. He sat there for a moment, taking in the experience. He couldn't help but compare it to Kurt's kisses. Kurt was breakable, almost porcelain, and utterly controlled. Sebastian was all Kurt wasn't and Blaine was unsure of whether or not he liked it more or less. Blaine opened his mouth to say something, anything, but was interrupted by the loud vibrations of his phone. Mechanically, he pulled it out of his pocket, frustrated with the interruption but also a little relieved. It was a text from Kurt. Of course it was.

Hey hun, are you free tonight? The fam is out, so i have the house to myself ;)

His mouth left a gaping hole in his face. He quickly glanced up at Sebastian, wanting to see if he had seen the text. He had. His face was a tad flushed, his eyes staring hard at the screen. He lifted his gaze to Blaine's, determination making his eyes hard and vulnerable, and said,

"Are you free tonight? I'd like to take you out."

Blaine didn't know what to say. Kurt: faithful, caring and comfortable, was waiting for his response but so was Sebastian: exciting, lustful, they had potential. They had a connection.

A/N: Hey! This is my first fanfiction, so reviews would be immensely appreciated and cherished. What do you think? Is it boring? Should I continue this story? Do I have a decent writing style, plot? Any errors? Please let me know! (:

- 1950's