A/N: Oh my, Gaga...how much do you guys hate me? Hopefully, not that much. I'm so sorry for not updating in forever! I'm going to disagree with what Dianna said about life loving us because right now life isn't loving me... I've been busy 24/7...literally. Anyways, I promise to update UD (Unwritten Destiny, for those who are reading it as well) and TG (That Girl) as much as possible during the summer since I will be at Harvard and I won't be updating for the next two weeks (Finals), and hopefully before I start a new Puckleberry story :3. I think you guys are going to like this one...it's kind of both: a bit OOC and AU. More information at the end of the chapter.

"Goodbye" Episode: I know this is a Puckleberry fic and you guys probably hate Finchel (I apologize for those who don't) but I love Finchel and Puckleberry...sometimes St. James. But this episode nearly killed me. Especially when Rachel left...I was crying hysterically! The whole thing is just...depressingly good! Who hated that Quick moment? *raises hand* Seriously, no point to put that kiss if they didn't even end up together at the end. And what about SWEET JOE? My heart broke...when Finn ran after the train; Kurt didn't get in New York, the news of Brittany getting kicked back, and Rachel's obvious pleading and heartbroken face :(

Happy Reading!


"I want to join Glee Club again, Will." Puck asks Mr. Schue after his football practice. He's lucky he caught him grading papers after school so he can get this plan of his on the road and not wait any longer.

Mr. Schue raises an eyebrow and glances up from his papers. "It's Mr. Schue, Puck," he puts down his papers and leans back on his chair. "And why all the sudden interest in returning to Glee, Puck? I thought you were going to concentrate solely on football and basketball for your last year here at McKinley."

Puck shrugs. "Things...change." He's not about to tell Mr. Schue about his secret relationship dilemma between Rachel and Quinn. God knows what his crazy Choir Coach will try to do to. Seriously, Mr. Schue is probably the best teacher Puck has ever had, but sometimes Mr. Schue has to stop being Pinocchio and butt out of people's business. If Mr. Schue finds out, he'll probably try to fix it, which leads to Rachel to find out, making the Glee Club suspect something, leading to Rachel getting mad, leading to the Glee Club getting even more suspicious, leading to Rachel getting to the point where she will never forgive or even speak to him ever again, leading to an angry and desperate Puck, eventually letting his secret out and everything going to hell. This will give Baby Gate a run for its money due to all the drama...


Puck sighs in frustration. "Look, I overheard a fruit bird saying something about not being able to compete for Sectionals because of the lack of people. So, me being the nice guy I am," Mr. Schue's eyebrows went so high, it almost touched his hairline. "Am offering myself as one less wanted musician for New Directions."

Mr. Schue smiles in amusement. "Really? Sectionals is almost here and we're missing four more people. There is no way we can get that many people in less than two weeks, Puck."

"I can recruit some people, Mr. Schue. I can get Mike back since he's already been planning on coming back, and there's a new guy that's into music! His name is Joe and—"

Mr. Schue shakes his head. "It's too late, Puck. We just simply can't compete this year."

Puck grabs the strip hair on top of his head, irritated and frustrated. "So then why is there still a Glee Club, huh? There's no reason for it, anyway."

Mr. Schue narrows his eyes. "Glee Club isn't only about Show Choir competitions, Puck. Glee Club is a family and we've agreed that we'll still do what we always did before; pick a homework assignment and perform it."

"Well, whatever it is, I want in."

"I thought you wanted to join Glee because of the competition...?" Mr. Schue asks skeptically.

Puck sighs. Damn teachers and their nosy asses...

Puck shakes his head. "I did, but in reality I...m-miss Glee." Puck chokes out the lie like if he swallowed a tablespoon of cinnamon. I don't miss Glee.

...but Rachel on the other hand…my baby…

Mr. Schue chuckles emptily. "Yeah, I'm no idiot, Puck." Mr. Schue leans forward, planting his elbows on his desk and giving Puck a Don't-try-to-fool-me-this-time look.

Puck runs his hand through the strip of hair above his head and then dragged it down his face. He sighs once again, this time his annoyance evident. "Look, Will—"

"Mr. Schue,"

Puck rolls his eyes. "Yeah, Will," Mr. Schue glares at him a little bit. "I believe that my reasons for wanting to join Glee again is none of your business. My reasons are personal and I just want to give you a warning that you'll see my ass in Glee for now on."

"You're joining Glee, Puckerman?"

Puck turns around at the new voice and sees no other than Santana whose face is contorted in disgust and her hands on her hips, the sharpness of her nails intimidating many of the students in McKinley due to its shining, sharp tips.

Puck scoffs. "You bet your ass I am, Satan. What's it to you, anyway?"

Santana glares at him. "Puckerman, if you may allow me to brace the knowledge I hold within my scrumptious self that your pea sized brain can't grasp because you're too fuck-dumb that it's amazing you're graduating this year, but Glee Club is for losers."

"Remember when you used to be in one, Santana?" Puck points out, annoyed.

"Yes, I do," She says, eyes in slits and shooting daggers at Puck. "But I wasn't like Manhands and Teen Gay who were losers to begin with and had no hope in being liked at all in this school."

"Santana," Mr. Schue scolds at Santana. "Don't talk about Kurt like that,"

"Or Rachel," Puck added, glaring at Mr. Schue for not defending his girl. Well, hopefully she's still my girl... Puck thinks bitterly, and turns back to Santana who is rolling her eyes. Santana can deny it all she wants, but once upon a time she liked Glee Club. Hell, probably even more than cheerleading! Santana is the female version of Puck, making him able to read her like an open book, the font being seventy-two, and the lettering bold for God sake, therefore granting him the power to know exactly how she's feeling or thinks. And right now, whatever she's going to say next is going to be bigger bullshit than Puck promising to give up sex for the rest of his life. Yeah, it's that big of a bullshit.

Mr. Schue nods. "Yes, Rachel too," Puck rolls his eyes. "Now, Santana, is there a reason why you're here?"

"As a matter of fact, yes I am," She walks up to Mr. Schue desk and sends a look to Puck that he can only describe as ominous. "Mr. Schue, it's come to my attention that my girl Brittany misses Glee, and plans to join..."

Pucks furrows his eyebrows. What the fuck is she up to...?

"And I'd like to join Glee Club as well as Puck and Brittany." She says rather confidently. She shoots a look at Puck and he immediately reads what she means by joining Glee Club just by that one look...

"Santana, step outside with me for a second," Puck says before making his way outside without a response from her. Santana starts to complain, but Puck just gives her a hard, serious face that makes her roll her eyes and strut towards the door. Puck smiles at Mr. Schue confused and perplexed face before shutting the door and turning to the smirking Latina, devilish eyes staring back at his accusatory hazel ones. He knew something was up with this harsh Latina he used to involve himself with back in sophomore year. He always knew there was nothing serious between him and Santana, and never over-thinks their relationship. It was literally pure sex up until she realized she plays for the other team. He didn't feel bad, just a little blow to his ego. And knowing Santana? This look means shit just got real.

Santana sucks her teeth. "Well, Puckerman, I'd never see the day where you'd risk being a loser...again for someone else..."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Satan," He glares at her after she scoffs at his obvious lie. "What the fuck are you up to, Satan?"

Santana laughs while looking down before taking a few steps forward and angling her face so they were in a heated eye battle, face to face. "You can't bullshit me, Puckerman. I can see right through your pathetic words you call lies. Now, are you gonna tell me who the unfortunate lady or man you're sadly trying to impress by joining Glee Club?"

"I'm not trying to impress anybody, Lopez. So I suggest you butt out my fucking business and crawl back into the closet where you were when you were a wee bit tolerable at the time." He growls out, lunging himself a bit at her to try and scare her off or make her flinch, but all she does is glare at him, her eyes hard.

"When was that, Puckerman? When I was riding you, or sucking your dick?"

Puck rolls his eyes. "What I saw in you in the first place is beyond me..." He goes around her so he can walk away before he has to deal with her and her rampage. She was just another hot body, nothing special. Nothing like Rachel's... Puck's heart lurches and he curses himself for feeling this way. Like he longs for her when it has been barely a week and a half that he had her in his arms and he felt good and whole. He feels like an asshole and like such a douche—especially the comment about him being exactly like his father. That was a low blow, but he probably deserves it.

He shakes his head, and before reaching out of sight, he bangs on his teachers door, and he hears an un-manly scream which makes a satisfied smile stretch across his face. "I'll be in Glee today, Mr. Schue! Just thought you might know..."

And with that, Noah Puckerman walks down the hallway, his Get-The-Berry plan an official go.


Finn was casually at his locker, a goofy smile framing his face, dimples prominent on his cheek. Why, you may ask? He just scored a date. With who? With Jasmine from the volleyball team. Or was it Janelle? Finn curses himself for forgetting her name...again. He knew he should've paid attention! Now, he didn't even know her name because his pee brain only noticed her in spandex...but God, who wouldn't?

As Finn grabs his History homework, he hears a squeak that sounded a lot like his name. Finn furrows his eyebrows before turning around and having a tiny brunette crash into his chest, sending her flying to the floor landing on her butt.

Finn looks down to his predator and sees Rachel rubbing her what must be her sore butt since it was a hard hit. "Rachel? Are you okay?"

Rachel huffs out, "Gosh, Finn...what do you have? A body of steel? Jesus..."

"Sorry, I didn't know you were there! Here, let me help you up..." He grabs her arm and starts helping her up. Rachel jumps up and winces at the new jab at her behind.

She mumbles a thank you and says, "Finn, we need to have girl talk."

Finn's eyes go wide and he gasps. "Oh no, not thegirl talk..."

Rachel nods rapidly. "Yes, girl talk. And we have to have it now because it's very urgent, Finn. Come with me, we're going to the auditorium."

Finn whistles lowly. "Damn Rach, that urgent? We're gonna miss the bell and be late for first period, y'know that right?"

Rachel sighs. "Yes, I am very much aware of that, Finn. I just need your help...a favor, if you prefer." Rachel turns around and starts power-walking towards the auditorium.

Finn follows behind her, but not before trying to catch a peek of panty and watch her hips sway for two seconds. "Rach, slow down!"

Rachel looks back for a second to cast a glance at the whiny oaf. "Finn, stop whining! You have long legs, you should be fine."

Rachel opens the doors to the auditorium and waits for Finn, who is about ten feet away from the doors. She huffs. "Finn! Hurry up we have no time to waste!"

"It's too early for this, Rachel!"

"Hurry up! Aren't you a football player? You should be fit by now!" She bites out.

Finn scowls at her. "I'll have you know, I just ate." Finn smiles goofily at her as he walks into the auditorium.

Rachel rolls her eyes. She lets go of the door and waits for it to close. "Okay, you Big Baby—"

"Oh, I'm far from a baby, Rach..."

Rachel's face crinkles in disgust. "Ew, Finn! Really?"

Finn puts his arms up with an innocent smile. "Hey, I wasn't talking about that...but you already knowRachel..."

"Moving on," Rachel pulls out a stack of papers from her book bag that was sitting on a chair, and thrusts it into Finn's direction. "This is for you, Mr. Hudson."

Finn's eyes widens as he stares at the thick pile of papers that are now gripped in his hand. "Jesus, Rachel, this is thicker than your sweaters in sophomore year!"

Rachel's eyes widen and her mouth goes agape. "Finn!" She punches him on the arm and he winces. Damn, she can hit for a girl her size.

"Sorry! It's true; did you ever get hot in them?"

Rachel's nose flares and Finn quickly shuts up. Knowing Rachel, she was going to yell with her wide-range lungs and touch him in a way that won't be pleasurable or comforting. Finn remembered the last time Rachel blew a gasket and he cringes. They were fighting and he apparently said something stupid, causing her to freeze in a facial expression that can only be described as a face of shock and disbelief before throwing a picture frame—made of glass!—and throwing it in his direction before charging herself at him herself, which made him scream like a little girl and attempting to run away. He nearly cried! Yeah, it was that bad.

Finn shakes his head and laughs nervously, trying to dismiss his last comment, seeing she was completely serious. "Ignore me, please..." He begs. "Anyway, what's all this for?" He asks wiggling the stack of papers before holding one side firmly and flipping through the pages.

Rachel purses her lips. "Aren't you going to read it?"

Finn scoffs. "Rachel, these pages are full of words and their font size is, like, eight! No way am I reading this!" Rachel pouts and bites her lip. Finn sighs. "Instead of me reading a thousand copies of the American Constitution, why don't you just tell me what's basically written in here, sound good?"

Rachel sighs. "Fine, this here," she points to the papers. "Is a contract."

Finn raises an eyebrow. "About what?"

Rachel bites her lip and entwines her hands behind her back. "A contract for a fake relationship...with me?" She says more like a question.

Finn was even more confused judging by his expression. "Fake dating?"

Rachel closes her eyes and nods slowly. She opens her eyes fearfully, afraid that he'll say no and what she said to Puck would be a lie, making a fool of herself. Before she can stop it, her nervous rambling came out like word vomit. "It's not real dating, Finn! I am aware that our relationship, though an amazing experience, is fairly over and I am not doing this to take advantage of you. I-I simply just want to act like we're dating for a few weeks, enough to convince people that it's serious even though it really isn't. I'm not trying to ruin your reputation either! I-I'll make you banana bread like I used too-"


"And I won't go around and tell everyone like a desperate woman trying to stake claim—"

"It's okay—"

"I'll clean your football gear, or any request which is also mentioned in the contract if you want to read it one day—"

"Rachel, shut up!"

Rachel stops abruptly and stares at Finn wide-eyes, mouth agape, and a wave of red flooding her cheeks. Finn studies her face a little to figure out if she is flushed of embarrassment, or anger. Finn pales visibly when Rachel narrows her eyes into little slits, her gaze a dagger through his face.

Oh sh-

"Finn Hudson, do not speak to me like that!" Rachel storms towards his frightened figure and smacks him repeatedly to wherever she can reach.

"I am a woman," Smack!

"With rights," Smack!

"And a human being," Smack!

"That deserves respect just as much as men do!" Smack!

Finn whimpers and tries to dodge her hits, just for her to aim her hits at his legs. Finn cries out her name and gets on top of one of the auditorium chairs trying to escape his ex girlfriend's fiery. "I'm sorry! Please, stop!"

Rachel grabs the pack of papers and flung it at Finn, watching it hit him and fall on the floor. "Do you talk like that to your mother, Finn Hudson? Huh? Do you tell every woman in the world to shut up?" She grabs a handful of paper and throws it at him. "You are a disgrace to the word gentlemen, do you hear me?"

Finn cries out another apology, blocking his face and body from Rachel's attack. "Jesus, can you please stop! I'm sorry!"

The auditorium door opens and in enters no other than the Cruella of the school, Santana Lopez in all her Latina glory with Brittany at her side, holding hands. Rachel and Finn don't seem to take notice of the new faces in the scene, and Rachel keeps attacking Finn while he tries shielding himself with his long arms. Brittany stares blankly at them, while Santana looks at them with a 'WTF?' face and just stand there at the door. Rachel grabs two handfuls of paper and throws them all at once at Finn, him trying to grab them to no success.

Finn lets out an un-manly cry as he shakes one of his hands and cusses. "Fuck, Rach! I got a paper cut!" Finn looks like he's close to sobbing.

Santana scoffs in utter amusement and disbelief while Brittany frowns sadly at Finn, feeling sorry for him and his injury. Santana raises an eyebrow at the duo. These two are something else...

Finn grabs some papers and throws them back at Rachel. Rachel stops with a surprised, flabbergasted look. She then crumbles a piece of paper and throws it at his face. "You can't throw papers at me, I'm a girl!"

"You started it!"

Santana grabs the piece of crumbled paper that bounced off Finn and un-wraps it like a present. Santana's eyebrows shoot up like a rocket as she stares at the words heading.

Fake Relationship Status - Rachel Berry vs. Finn Hudson

Santana chuckles. "Aren't you two something?'

Santana has never seen someone turn around as fast as Rachel did at that moment, her entire expression guilty and looking like a deer caught in headlights. Finn looks under his arms that were guarding his face and looks at Santana, his face still scared.

Rachel smiles warily. "H-Hello Santana! How are you—"

"Yeah, cut the crap, Yentl," Rachel frowns and bites on her lip nervously. "Do you two dimwits want to explain to me your newly, fake relationship?"

Rachel was about to respond but Finn spoke before Rachel can say a word. "What me and Rachel have isn't fake, Santana. Me and Rachel are really dating, like, legit."

Rachel glares at him. "Rachel and I, Finn." She corrects.

Santana lets go of Brittany's hand and crosses her arms across her chest. "Oh, really?" She turns the sheet of paper around so the text of the page can be showed to them. "Fake Relationship Status?"

Finn looks at Rachel incredulity. "Really? That's the title?"

Rachel glares at Finn. "Shut up, Finn. I was not in the right state of mind to think about the possibilities of someone finding out."

Finn sighs and raises his arms. "Well, looks like our plan is ruined! I am late for my class, and I'll be heading out so..." He turns to Rachel and gives her a nod. "For a band-aid choice, you already know. The glow-in-the-dark basketball ones, please." And with that, he walks away.

Rachel turns to Santana and smile sheepishly. "So...how about them Cavaliers, huh?"

Santana just looked at her and Brittany tilts her head to the side, wondering who the Cavaliers were. Rachel sighs. "Look, whatever is going on is none of your business, so I'd greatly appreciate it if you would kindly not get into it, okay?"

Rachel starts collecting the papers from the floor before someone else sees them (Puck) and storms out, ignoring Santana's knowing look.

She sighs and makes her way to the nurses office to get Finn's band-aid.


Rachel enters the choir room and takes a seat next to Kurt, who was patiently waiting for his boyfriend Blaine (who else?) Kurt smiles at her. "Hey, diva! So, are you and Finn dating again?"

Rachel told Kurt about her slip up to Puck about her and Finn dating, and told him about her plans to pretend to date Finn so she wouldn't look like a fool in front of the guy that broke her heart. Kurt didn't hesitate to agree with her plans, and actually—even though he disagreed with the contract—helped her with some of the rules.

Rachel sighs. "Well, not really..."

Kurt squeezes her shoulder. "How are you feeling?"

Rachel breathes in a shaky sigh. "I'm still very much hurt like a raw open cut that someone cruelly put pliers in to separate the sides even more, causing an even more bigger wound and poured salt all over it. But other than that, I'm fine. Just a bit nervous."

"What for?"

Rachel looks at Kurt. "Santana knows about my fake relationship with Finn."

Kurt's eyes widens. "Oh, Barbara..." He grabs her hand and squeezes it. "I'd pray for you if I were Christian." He pats her hand and drops it on her thigh.

Rachel's nods in understanding and grips the hem of her skirt, biting her lip. She does not know what to expect, but hopefully nothing can get worse...



Why did I have to speak too soon?

"Everybody, let's welcome back Puck, Santana, Brittany and Mike!" Mr. Schue yells out to the Glee Club. Some are happy to see them back (like Artie and Mercedes), some are plain neutral because they don't know them (like Rory), and some that are rather unpleasant to see their faces back in Glee (like Kurt and Rachel).

Puck smirks at everyone, but when he catches Rachel's eye, he gives her a genuine smile in which she lowly growls at and turns away. Santana saw the interaction and raises her eyebrows, her look skeptical and suspicious. She's been keeping an eye on Puck ever since his confusing reason to join the Glee Club. Santana is starting to solve the pieces, but yet the picture still seems so blurry. Nothing could be going on between them, right? It can't be! Besides, he's with Quinn Fabray. He wouldn't dare cheat on her—the head cheerleader, would he?

Kurt raises his hand. "Um, Mr. Schue, sorry to interrupt such a...pleasant and warm greeting, but why are they back?"

Mike turns to look at Tina longingly, who was biting her lip and looking down at her lap, her arms crossed. "I came back because not only did I miss you guys, but because I needed to fix some mistakes I made."

Santana and Brittany step forward, holding hands and smiling at each other. "My girl Britt missed Glee and wanted to come back, so I decided to join with her."

Puck rolls his eyes at their excuses, even though his is some-what related to both of theirs—mostly Mike's. "I'm here because I want to be. Football season is almost over and I needed something to add on my college applications." Puck smiles, proud of his lie.

Mr. Schue turns to Puck and looks at him skeptically. That's not what he said in his room earlier in the day...

Mr. Schue decides to brush it off as another confused teenage boy that doesn't know what he's exactly doing. He claps his hands. "Okay guys, so—"

In that moment, Finn enters the room and sends a sheepish smile to Mr. Schue. "Sorry Mr. Schue, I got caught up."

Rachel decides this is where her plan would take action. She pushes Kurt to the other chair rather harshly, in which Kurt yells "Hey!" and she gives her 100-watt smile towards Finn's direction, puffing out her chest and waving frantically at Finn. "Baby! Come sit here with me!" She pats on the chair and blinks innocently at Finn.

She notices Puck's jaw clench and his smirk is replaced with a hard line through the corner of her eyes. She sees Finn's confusion in his eyes, but he gives her a huge smile in return and sits next to her, wrapping his arms around the back of her chair and Rachel leaned into his arm. Santana tries to hold in laughter and scoffs at them and their obvious fake attempt, but luckily says nothing. Kurt smiles at them and whispers "Finchel is back on..." Low, but enough for everybody to hear.

Rachel looks at Puck this time, and she sees him glaring at Finn, and then turning his gaze to his hand that is running up and down her arms lightly. His gaze is burning green fire right now, and Rachel is almost afraid that Puck will pick up a fight. That is until she remembers that their relationship was basically a joke and he wouldn't risk his reputation fighting for her.

That is what happens to those girls, after all...

"Okay everyone, take a seat! We're going to start the lesson!" Mr. Schue yells out to the group.

Santana and Brittany walk over to a back corner where Rory was sitting. Mike looks at Tina, taking a step towards her direction but then stops in his track when he sees her grabbing her bag and putting it on the empty chair next to her. Mike sighs and takes a seat next to Artie instead. Puck walks towards Rachel and Rachel starts freaking out in the inside. He wouldn't do anything, would he? She tenses up and Finn looks at her, eyes creased. She looks at him and smiles, reassuring him that things were okay, when clearly they weren't. She turns and sees Puck practically seething at her before walking around her and taking the seat behind her. She breathes out a sigh of relief, mentally thanking her Jewish God. She sees Finn turn around and say hello to Puck, but he ignores him.

Rachel bites her lip. He can't act this way towards his friends! They did nothing to him!

"How's Quinn, bro?"

Rachel's face pales and her whole body tenses up. She can feel the tears coming and she bites her lip hard, trying not to cry in front of everyone. Her heart was literally breaking; she fears that people can hear it. She was so sick and tired of crying for him, but she just couldn't help it. When people are hurt that bad, tears come even in the most random moments, like when she sees a guy in a Mohawk. She just wants all the pain to stop. She doesn't deserve it!

She looks at Kurt and she sees him glare at Finn even though it wasn't his fault. She sees Puck shrug with a quite "Fine," and Finn turns around.

Glee is uneventful today and soon enough, the bell rings. Finn kisses her cheek and tells her he'll call before leaving. Tina dashes for the door, but not before Mike is right on her heels running after her. Kurt and Blaine leave with a wave to Rachel, and Rory leaves with Artie. Rachel starts making her way to the door, but was stopped by someone grabbing her elbow. "Rachel, stay for a minute."

Rachel shakes her head. "Sorry Puck, but I can't. I have to go."

"Rachel, we need to talk." He says firmly.

Rachel yanks her arm, yet a tingly feeling still lingers. She narrows her eyes at him. "No, Puck. We don't need to talk. Whatever it is it's over and done with. I'm not feeling good right now and I want to go home." She starts making her way to the door, but stops and turns around. "Don't think that just because you joined Glee Club everything is fine. You should probably quit; wouldn't want to ruin your reputation. Why don't you tell Quinn I said hello, huh?" And then Rachel is out the door, making her famous Rachel Berry storm-outs.

Puck stares after her, his heart burning at the thought of him never being able to be with Rachel ever again. He sighs, grabs his back harshly and storms out, punching the Choir Room door on the way out.

Little did they notice that Santana and Brittany have yet to leave, and they saw the whole interaction between the two troubled lovers. Santana huffs out and shakes her head, a devilish smirk on her face.

Shit just got interesting…


Once Rachel closed the door of her room, she felt the first of many tears spill on her cheek and the first of many heart-wrenching sobs rake her body to the bone.

Why me?


Quinn calls Puck that day, but he ignores it and continues rummaging his drawers until he finds a picture of him and Rachel, and stares at it for the remainder of the night, reminding himself that he ruined this beautiful girl and that he'll probably never be with her again.

He broke her…

Why her?

A/N: Review are greatly appreciate it! Again, I'm so sorry! I promise this summer (which is right around the corner) I will update regularly.

Anyways, the new Puckleberry story I have in mind involves gang, gang violence, love (obviously), alcohol, drugs, murder, drama—basically, gang life. It'll be a little bit softer than REAL gang life, but yeah. It'll be called Point That Gun, and I'll Have to Kill You. Seriously, you wouldn't want to miss it.

Hint: Two lovers in opposite gangs *wink**wink*

Again, review!