Just a little one shot about a convo with Grover and Annabeth.

"Grover, I just I don't get it!" Annabeth said half to herself.

Grover and Annabeth was taking a walk. They were soon to leave for the Roman camp, where hopefully Percy will be. Grover looks over at Annabeth, "About what?"

Annabeth stops and takes a deep breath, "I thought it was over, I really did. I thought maybe Percy and I would finally get a break. But no! They don't even give us six months before they send there problems to us." Then she hesitated, "I actually thought Percy and I could easily work out and be happy together."

"But you can, you will," Grover said. "Don't doubt stuff just because you're worried about Percy." They both knew what stuff was, stuff equals relationship, their lives as demigods, everything really.

"This hero thing doesn't always feel worth it if nothing ever gets better," Annabeth murmured.
Grover almosted laughed, "Not worth it! Last time you played "hero" you saved Olympus, Western civilzation, and," Grover smirked a bit, "Percy and you finally got together."

Annabeth finally smiled a bit. Grover added one last thing, "Besides as soon as you see Percy I can almost guarantee you'll say nothing but totally worth it."

Annabeth rolled her eyes a bit, but she was happy.

"I have to go meet Jupiter," Grover said, thinking it was probably time to leave Annabeth with her thoughts. "And Annabeth, please get some sleep. Percy will clobber me if I don't have his girlfriend taken care of."

"Oh go see your girlfriend already!" Annabeth said almost normally.

"We both know I'm not kidding," Grover said then trotted off.

Annabeth thought about all the adventure and the dangers of heroness, and if she finds Percy it will be worth it.

Hope you all liked it review, review, review!