Disclaimer: I don't own Shaman King. This is for the Stop Our Breath! category in SK-fan 7's competition.

He had seen, of course. He was a detective after all.

She looked at him with admiration, her pink orbs shining and her pale cheeks blushing. She would gather her hands on her lap and look down, ashamed, but she couldn't stop herself from glancing once more and smile her dreamy smile.

It was a pretty sight.

But he also knew that, Yoh, being himself, would never notice it. Because Tamao could never be Anna.

No; Yoh would just smile back at her obliviously and say that she was "a good kid." He then, would turn his attention back to whatever he'd initially been doing, not noticing the pain in her eyes from not being able to hold his attention for more than three seconds.

The truth was she wasn't able to hold most people's attention for more than three seconds.

Chocolove maybe, gave her a minute of the day, because she was the only one who giggled at his jokes out of urbanity. That was it though, no more than a minute. Pirika would glance at her now and then but she'd once more turn her attention to her brother who'd only acknowledge Tamao's presence, so she would pass him the salt. Ren had nothing to do with her, and he didn't really know if it was because he was naturally distant, thought her weak, or just plain didn't notice.

Lyserg noticed.

And he didn't understand her.

There was no riddle, no mystery he couldn't solve but he just couldn't figure her out. It didn't make sense.

He didn't understand what made her so shy and small and vulnerable. He didn't understand why she respected and actually cared for Anna so much, furthermore, he didn't understand why Anna cared back. Weren't they supposed to hate each other, being in love with the same man? Isn't that what happens?

But there was one, big issue, that crept into Lyserg's thoughts, more often than he'd like for it to.

He didn't understand what she found in Yoh that made her love him so much.

Sure, Yoh was a good person. He cared about his friends and he even cared about his enemies. He was loyal, and good and neutral. But what really was it that made this fragile girl attracted to him with such an unbreakable loyalty?

It wasn't jealousy. Lyserg never got jealous. No, you could call it, imperative curiosity.

Necessary for a detective and necessary for a dowser.

It was his job after all, the only thing he ever really wanted to after defeating Hao. He took another look at Tamao.

The young girl once again had her hands on her lap, cautiously looking around, avoiding any gazes. Anna caught her gaze though and she sent her a small smile. Tamao smiled back.

Lyserg slowly got up. It was time to use his imperative curiosity.

After all, there was no riddle he couldn't solve, and Tamamura Tamao was no exception.

Yay! Here it is! This is actually my first Shaman King fic even though I've been a fan for a long time. I was surprised with how little TamaoxLyserg fics there were, I always thought they'd be cute. I don't know why, normally I'm not that impressed with small gestures but I actually liked it when Tamao slept beside Lyserg's bed when he was injured/dead, and how Lyserg placed his blanket on her so she'd be warm (in the manga). I don't know it was cute :3

Well, I'm done rambling, hope you like it! I thank to anyone who read and reviews are always appreciated greatly :)

Lots of love;
