Sadly I don't own The Big Bang Theory

Penny trudged up the stairs, she was done with today. Five birthday parties with screaming toddlers and running after a few to stop a food fight from breaking out over an action figure. All she wants is peace, silence and a hot bath to relax her. She walks up the stairs to the fourth floor and is about to put her key in the lock when the door to 4A opens, revealing a frightened theoretical physicist.

Penny turns around to look across the hall when she sees Sheldon darting toward her and grabs her arm, pulling her toward his apartment.

"Sheldon, what are you doing?" She asks venomously as he closes the door behind him and locks all ten locks along with one door chain. He grips her shoulders and studies her intensely, moving his eyes down to her neck, arms and torso before looking down toward her calves.

Penny is too tired to yell and protest about his erratic behavior. She so doesn't need a psychotic rant from him now. He spins her around and checks her over once more, turning her to face him again.

"I swear, you better tell my why you're doing this or-" She stopped; looking at the relief washing over his face.

"Penny it's a relief you haven't been injured." Sheldon said finally speaking.

"If you don't tell me what's going on someone will be injured." She replied as Sheldon glared at her.

"Now is not the time for threats. On your home from work have you encountered anything out of the ordinary?"

"Umm our conversation right now."

"Please, Penny I'm serious. Think, any increase in traffic or road blockages?"

"Well there are a lot of construction signs on several roads. I had to take a few detours to get here why?"

"It's starting." He breathed, moving toward the couch and plopping into his spot.

"Sheldon I understand you much better than I did 4 years ago but you need to explain what the hell is going on."

He gestures for her to sit down beside him on the couch. She complies and Sheldon turns to face her.

"Precisely eight hours ago Bernadette and her team accidentally created a virus in their lab at Cal Tech. One of the men cut his finger through his gloves while touching said virus and was immediately infected. The transformation was completed seven hours ago and has been spreading from person to person mostly through saliva."

Penny blinked and stared at Sheldon as if he sprouted wings. "Um, so Bernadette created a virus that transforms people through kissing? Kinda like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? I don't see the need to freak out. You're acting as if an apocalypse is coming."

Sheldon looked into her eyes, blue piercing green. "It's not coming, it's already here."

Penny stared at him as he continued. "The virus killed the man within an hour."

Her eyes widened. "So he's dead?"

"Technically yes, but he's still walking. Well, what one can pass off as walking. This is essentially why incompetent minds shouldn't be working in laboratories."

"So you mean he's like a chicken with his head cut off? The nerves are still working?"

Sheldon rolled his eyes. "How can you miss the subtle hints? We've had several drills over the years regarding this matter should it ever occur."

"You have drills for everything. Look I'm tired, can you just get to the point?"

He paused before answering. "Zombies."

Penny let out a laugh, earning a glare from Sheldon. "Are you serious? This isn't a movie."

"Penny this is hardly the time for jokes and the possibility of a zombie apocalypse happening is far from the truth. Why do you think I was preparing us for one all these years?"

"I don't know. I thought you were having fun imagining it, you know like kids do."

He looked at her as if she had just slapped him in the face. "Well, now you know. I've already acquired all the supplies that we will need in order to survive. Water, non-perishable foods, battery powered radios, a generator and a couple of weapons. However it won't last long, we may need to quest for essentials sooner or later."

"Wait, you have guns in the apartment?"

"Of course I do. I'm not taking any chances with my life." Sheldon replied getting up from the couch walking toward his bedroom.

Penny sat there perfectly still, the gravity of the situation sinking in but she still wasn't convinced. She definitely would have seen them on her way back from work, this wasn't making any sense. Did Sheldon finally snap and go bat-crap crazy?

He came back with four guns, placing them on the coffee table. Penny's eyes widened. He was dead serious about this.

"Why do you have four guns? There should be five."

He looked at her. "Do you think I would trust Leonard with a real gun?"

She nodded; he would probably shoot himself accidentally. "Honey, are you sure you're not over-reacting? I haven't seen a zombie at all today."

He checked the last gun to see if it was loaded. "Consider yourself lucky, even though I don't believe in luck."

Penny stood up and walked over to the front door, unbolting the first lock, causing Sheldon to shriek. "What are you doing! You can't go out there!"

She turned to look at him. "I need a bath and clean clothes along with sleep."

He walked over to her and pressed his back to the door, blocking it. "Unacceptable. I forbid you to leave for our safety."

Penny's eyes narrowed into slits but he didn't back down. "I have already taken whatever items you may need and have put them in your suitcase while you were at work. There is no reason for you to ever go back into 4B."

"So this is my home now?"


"Where's the suitcase?"

"Behind the couch."

She walked over to it and unzipped it, taking out shorts and a tank top. "Alright. I'm taking a long bath and then we'll talk."

Penny walked into the living room as Sheldon was scribbling formulas on his whiteboard. She glanced over at him and made her way to the window, there was nobody in sight. He really needed to be tested again or maybe he was drugged by a student that had enough of his condensation. She plopped down on the couch.

"That's my spot." Sheldon said not looking away from his board.

"You're not using it."


"I don't care."

He tore his eyes away and stared at her before capping his marker. "I haven't been able to contact Leonard, Howard, or Raj."

Penny nodded. "What about Amy and Bernadette?"

"Well since Amy was visiting Bernadette today for lunch we can assume that the two of them have already been infected. I also couldn't reach them."

She glanced over at the clock, it was already eight pm, and Leonard should have been back by now. It was very strange and out of character for him.

"So what is the plan Sheldon?"

"Given the requirements I laid out years ago we are to stay here until either one of our friends come back to the apartment. This is the designated rendezvous and they have 48 hours to show up. Either that or we may have to relocate in the event our safety is compromised or if the government doesn't offer assistance."

"Alright, then where do I sleep?"

"Either the couch or Leonard's room. Take your pick, although sleeping in his room shouldn't be a problem since you already slept there on several occasions."

"Gee thanks for thinking about my feelings."She replied with sarcasm.

"Your welcome and goodnight Penny."

She walked past him. "Goodnight Sheldon."

Thank you for reading and please review!