Rouge smiled as she landed silently on her feet; the thrill of what she was doing caused her heat to beat faster as she pocketed her prize and leapt from the top of the building. She waited until the last second to open her wings and glide gently into the shadowy side street so she could further admire her new treasure.

"Impressive" someone muttered.

Rouge glanced up from the treasure to find a pair of ruby red eyes resting on her. The owner was almost invisible in the darkened street, just a tan muzzle and red streaks leaning again the wall.

"Do GUN know about you little hobby?" he asked with a grin.

Rouge smiled "they don't care what I do off the job; the information I provide is too valuable to lose"

Shadow laughed lightly "Is it now?"

Rouge folded her arms "Of course I know something about everyone; some things they'd rather keep hidden" she smirked.

"I doubt that" the ruby eyed hedgehog replied "I know you don't have anything on me"

Rouge looked at him thoughtfully "No yet but with my connections I could find something"

Shadow smiled "You can try in the meantime..." Shadow had now moved to trap the bat against the wall; he was so close she could see the tones that made up his eyes. The hedgehog's smirked grew as his hand closed around Rouge's own. The bat opened her mouth to speak but he dropped his hand as quickly as he'd raised it. With a final grin the hedgehog raised a finger to his lips to silence her and leap off. Rouge looked down at her hand and noticed the absence of the treasure. She scowled as a guard torn round the corner.

"Excuse me miss have you seen anyone run past here?"

Rouge shook her head. She was surprised she had been followed. The guard ran off and once Rouge was sure he was of earshot she called out.


There was no reply so the bat laughed "I'll see you again Shadow and when I do you owe me a gem"

A pair of red eyes gleamed as he watched from the top of a building "So I'm your new game" he smirked before vanishing.