Hey, sorry it took so long to update. And sorry this is such a short chap, I have work and kids that take up most of my time. I promise to try to update again very soon but you know how RL can be, things are very unpredictable.

Disclaimer: SM owns Twilight


We did it.

We left Forks late last night, early this morning actually. After withdrawing all that we had in the bank, we were gone.

The further we got from Forks, the happier I felt. I was excited about what lie ahead of us.

There were so many places that I wanted to go, so much I wanted to see. And I was glad that I was able to share this adventure with my girl.

I glanced at Bella out of the corner of my eye. Late last night, er…early this morning, we traded spots. She hadn't thought to take a nap and was about to fall asleep at the wheel.

She didn't put up a fight when I told her to pull over and get in the passenger seat. She stumbled over and curled up with the bedspread that she had brought.

She fell asleep in seconds.

For the longest time, I had worried that she might start to regret this but she constantly assured me that she was beyond happy. However, I still wasn't so sure.

However, her sleep talking quickly changed my mind. I knew that she really wanted this. She wasn't just doing this to appease me. She was doing this because she loved me, as much as I loved her, and was willing to risk anything to be with me.

As I pulled into the gas station, Bella's beautiful brown eyes fluttered open. She stretched and yawned before grinning at me, "Morning, Handsome,"

I chuckled, "Good Morning, Love,"

I leaned over the center console and brushed my lips across hers. God, I love her.

"Where are we?" she wondered, looking around.

"The Shell gas station," I said.

She rolled her eyes, "I know that. I meant what state?"

Oregon was nothing special.

We had both been down there before so we didn't take our time there. We sped through the state, thankfully no cops pulled us over, and finally crossed the border into California about an hour ago.

I smiled, "California."

She grinned and looked around, "Finally!"

I laughed and got out of the car, "I'm hungry, would you like anything?"

"I'll come with," she said, getting out of the car. "I need to pee."

"I bet." We walked into the shell and went our separate ways. I bought us a box of donuts, a red bull for myself, and paid for some gas. The clerk, who was named Melina, eyed me as if I was something to eat as I paid for my purchase.

"Where you headed?"

"I'm taking a cross country road trip with my girlfriend," I said.

She sighed, "Such a shame."

"Pardon me?"

"You're so fucking hot," she said. "Why stick with one woman?"

"I love her,"

"In other words, she's got an amazing pussy," Melina guessed. "I'm open to doing a threesome, if you'd like."

"Yeah, no thanks," Bella said, glaring behind me.

"Is this your girl?"

"Yes," I said, laughed.

Melina whistled, "Damn, now I see why you're a one woman man."

"Uh," Bella coughed, uncomfortably.

"I'll meet you in the car," I placed a sloppy kiss on her cheek and headed to her car.

As I filled the car up with Gas, I watched Bella and Melina talk. Bella looked uncomfortable and I couldn't help but chuckle.

Although, the idea of Bella with another girl made Eddie jr stand at attention. Hey, I was a guy! I couldn't help shit like that.

When Bella finally emerged from the gas station, her cheeks were bright red, "Not funny."

I chuckled, "I'm sorry, Love."

"Mhm," Bella rolled her eyes

"What did she say?"

"She was highly unprofessional," Bella said, laughing. "She kept licking her lips and offering to…well you get it."

"No, I don't think I do," I teased. "Elaborate please."

"She offered a threesome," Bella said, rolling her eyes. "And said if I wasn't into that, we could always hook up,"

I smirked

"Don't even think about it," Bella scuffed.

I pulled her to me, "I…will try not to."

Bella grinned at me and wrapped her arms around my neck, "I love you,"

"I love you too, baby,"

"I would so kiss you right now but Melina in there would probably faint," Bella giggled as she pulled away.

I pulled her back to me, "I refuse to let you go without a proper good morning kiss."

Bella giggled and slid her small hands into my messy hair. "Fine, one little kiss."

She pecked me on the lips and tried to pull away. I wasn't having any of that and I pulled her back and quickly deepened the kiss.

"No that's a good morning kiss," I panted.

"Mhm," Bella agreed. "I call dibs on driving," she said as she took the keys from my back pocket.

"I call dibs on sleeping," I joked.

"Sounds good,"

Once the car was filled with gas, we were off. This time Bella was driving and I was the one trying to catch a few hours of sleep.

Of course, with half the red bull I drank, sleep evaded me. So, instead of sleeping, I sat quietly in the passenger seat. My fingers entwined with Bella's as I looked out the window.

Peaceful was how I could describe what I was feeling right now.

I didn't feel the need to look over my shoulder and pray my parents would spot us or Jane would run her big mouth or Bella's parents would ship her away.

God this was such a great feeling.

I sighed in content and looked at Bella

"What?" she asked


"Do I have something on my face?" she asked

"No, you're perfect,"

She laughed and glanced at me out of the corner of her eye. "What do you want?"

"Nothing," I chuckled.

"I want to go to the beach," she said.

"Then let's go," I said.

"Yeah, I don't exactly know where the nearest beach is." She said. "We should probably get a map. It'll be…"

"We don't need a map,"

"Don't be such a boy," Bella snorted. "We need a map or we'll end up in some buttfuck county."

I snorted, "Fine we can get a map."

"It's better than asking for direction," Bella countered.

"True," I sighed. "We can get a map."

"I was planning to anyway," she said, pulling into a gas station. "You coming or do you want to wait?"

"I'm coming," I threw her blankets into the backseat before getting out and walking into the circle K.

We found the maps next to the emergency phones and the postcards. It was five ninety-nine. A rip off if you ask me but Bella was right, it was better than getting lost.

"What do you think of this postcard?" Bella asked

"It's nice," I said, staring at the map.

"You haven't even looked,"

I glanced up, "I love it."

Bella rolled her eyes and took the map from me, "Just because you look at it doesn't mean you can mesmerize it."

"I know,"

"Liar," she laughed

I stuck my tongue out at her and paid for our things. I was happy that Bella wasn't putting up a fight about the money thing. She usually did. there have been times when I've wanted to buy her things but she's downright refused.

She's not a normal girl like that. Any other girl would jump up and down at the chance of getting diamonds, a car, or something else that was extravagant.

But not Bella.

However, that was one of the reasons that I loved her so much. She didn't care about material things. She fell in love with my personality not my wallet.

Of course, when my dad found out that I was dating Bella, he tried to drill it into my head that that she was after only my money. I didn't believe him then and I still don't believe him now.


I wonder what's he's thinking now. Does he know I'm gone? Does he care? I'd say yes to both. He had to drive me to school because he got rid of my only means of transportation, which means he would've tried to wake me up at about seven.

Does he care that I'm gone? Well, yeah. But I'm sure he's more pissed off and can't wait until I get home so that he can laugh and say that he knew I wouldn't last on my own.

I sighed, that was my dad for you.

He's always thought little of me. He figured that I'd still be mooching off him at forty fucking years old, that I'd have six kids with six different women, and I'd have no college degree.

Well, I planned to show him how wrong he was about me. I wasn't just some dumb jock who had no future ahead of me. I'd graduate high school, go to Dartmouth, and major in business, and then I'd start my own business and make sure that I work my ass off so that it takes off.

He'd hear about me one day, I just wish I'd be able to see the look on his face.

"You okay?" Bella asked, stroking my arm.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said, running a hand through my hair. "Do you mind if I drive? I'm not tired,"

"Yeah, sure," she said. "I should probably try and get some school work done."

I nodded

"Let me know if you get tired."

"I will," I promised as I helped her into the car.

"You sure you're okay?" she asked, again.

"Yeah, sorry," I said. "I was just thinking about my dad."

Her face fell, "Do you want to go back?"

"No, never," I said. "You know how I get when I think or talk about my dad. He just frustrates me. I hate that he thinks so little of me."

"Screw him," Bella said. "That's our past. We have so much more to look forward too."

I smiled, "I know, love."

Bella smiled back

I love this girl.

Soo? They're in Cali! There will be more on Cali, I'm hoping I can squeeze a lemon in ;). For those of you who read my other stories: The day the dead awaken, is being update today as well (Check it out if you haven't read it) I'm working on another chapter for Isabella, The new Chapter for Alliance will be up soon (I'm halfway done)

Review (And check out my other stories)