I know another story but I get ideas at the oddest of times and so I write them out and post them! So, pretty much this is about Bella and Edward loving each other but their parents hate it and so they go to drastic measures to be together, they runaway. I know running away isn't glamorous, or even wise, but remeber this is a fanfiction. What happens in Fanfiction, Should only stay in Fanfiction :D

So now that, that's all said and done, Read on and make sure to review at the end

Disclaimer: I only own the plot


"Where the fuck have you been?" My dad demanded as I walked through the front door. It was nearing two in the morning and I knew that I broke my curfew but you know what, I didn't give a shit.

"Out," I said, cryptically as I headed toward the stairs. My dad seized my wrist and spun me around so that I was looking at him.

"I asked you a question, Isabella," He fumed. "I want to know where you've been and who you've been with, now."

I saw my mother standing behind him, her arms crossed and her eyes narrowed.

"I was out with a friend," I said.

"Do you know how worried we've been?" Mom asked. "We thought you were dead!"

I rolled my eyes, "This is Forks, Mom."

There was no need to add that I wasn't in Forks but Port Angeles with my boyfriend. Again, I didn't need to add the boyfriend part either as they thought I was some innocent virgin who still hadn't took a liking in boys.

"You were with Edward Cullen again, weren't you?"

"So what it I was?" I challenged

How did they know about this? I thought I've been doing a good job at keeping it a secret.

"You know you aren't allowed to see him," Dad fumed. "He's no good, just like the rest of the fucking Cullen's."

"Its none of your business who I hang out with, Dad" I argued

"You're seventeen," Dad said. "Which means it is my business if my daughter is running around acting like a tramp with that Cullen kid,"

"Fuck you," I spat

"Watch your mouth, young lady," My mother scolded. "Don't argue with us, Bella. You know you are forbidden to see him,"

"I don't care," I said.

"What has he done that has you so wrapped around his finger?" Dad asked. "Did he show you a little attention?"

"Charlie," My mom scolded. "Stop,"

"I'm not Jane," I said, angrily. "I don't spread my legs for any guy who gives me attention."

"Bitch," I heard from the top of the stairs.

"You told them didn't you?" I asked, spinning around.

"I was worried about you," She snickered. "I saw you sneaking out and hoping on the back of Edward's motorcycle so naturally I told Daddy,"

"Thanks a lot,"

"Don't snap at her," mom said. "She did the right thing coming to us."

"Now you listen here, Isabella," Dad said. "This is the last time I'm telling you to stay away from the Cullen's. Do you understand?"

I glared at Jane, who just smiled sweetly at me.

Over the last few months, I had been sneaking around to see my boyfriend, Edward. My parents only caught us one time, when Edward dropped me off after school.

They gave me a lecture about how bad the Cullen's were and then left it alone. After that, I worked hard to keep our relationship secret but thanks to Jane, all my hard work had pretty much gone down the drain.

"Do you understand your father, Bella?"

"Fine!" I yelled. "I'll stay away from him, okay? I'll go to school, come home, pretend to be a good little girl like Jane, finish school, marry some prick like dad, and be unhappy the rest of my life. Is that what you want?"

My dad turned me around again, his anger all gone, "We want you happy Bella,"

"But Edward Cullen isn't the right guy for that," Mom added. "Once you get to college I'm sure you'll meet plenty guys who are wonderful."

"And if you're so eager to date, Jacob black is…"

"A moron," I finished. "Jacob is the stupidest guy I've ever met in my life. All he cares about is how 'great' he looks. Oh, and his cars,"

"He's immature," My mom agreed. "But all boys are at this age,"

"Sure, mom," I sighed. "Whatever, I won't hang out with Edward again. Can I go to bed now? I do have school in the morning,"

"Of course," Dad said, letting me go. "Just remember we aren't doing this because we hate you."

"Yeah, okay," I trudged up the stairs, pushing past Jane, and headed into my bedroom. I locked the door behind me before running to my bed and falling face first into it.

It wasn't fair.

Just because my parents hated the Cullen's, I couldn't be with Edward.

Why do they hate him, you ask?

Technically, only my father hated them but my mother decided that if her husband hated someone, she would as well.

Anyway, twenty odd years ago, my dad and Carlisle were best friends in high school. They were both big sports fanatics and both decided to try out for the football team and then the baseball team.

Long story short, my dad didn't make it but Carlisle did. Carlisle apparently changed and started treating my dad like shit.

Ever since then, my dad swore that Carlisle, along with the Esme and Edward, were horrible people.

It was childish but my dad was stubborn which meant that I couldn't change his mind.

As long as I was living under his roof, I was going to have to deal with his hatred for all things Cullen.

They don't hate her, they just don't want her with Edward. Let's clear a few things up first

1) Bella is 17 (Bella's a junior in high school). I've changed her Birthday to May instead of September.

2) Edward is 18 (He's a senior in high school). His birthday is June 20th. He's a year older than Bella.

3) Esme and Carlisle- Edward's parents (Edward has no siblings)

4) Renee and Charlie- Bella's parents (Jane is her younger sister)

I know the school situation might get in the way a bit but i've come up with something for that. Next chapter will be either later tonight or in the morning tomorrow.

Review, please