Monroe tugs at his bowtie nervously as he examines himself in the mirror. When there is a honk from outside, he gives the bowtie one last tug before dashing outside. A beat-up Toyota is sitting at the curb. Monroe easily slides into the driver's seat and peeks over at his companion nervously.

"Thanks for coming to pick me up." Monroe tells his companion.

Wu rolls his eyes as he shifts the heavy book full of rituals sitting on his lap. "I picked you up and you're driving because I need to know where we're going. If I was going to arrest you, I would have already. Besides, someone needed to make sure you would come."

"I'm not the one you should be worried about." Monroe mutters sulkily. "I would have gone anyway."

It is true. Monroe hates getting dressed up, but the ceremony needed a creature witness. Nick asked him as a favor for a friend, and Monroe just does not have many friends who would ask him for favors so he agreed.

The drive is completely silent. Neither Monroe nor Wu really have anything to talk about. Monroe is being a witness as a favor, and Wu is the minister because he is the only human Renard seems to trust with something so important. Other than this ceremony, they have nothing in common to discuss. By the time they reach the park at the exact center of Renard's territory, it is almost midnight.

Renard is already there leaning against a sleek black car that is certainly not within the budget of a police captain. He is not in a tuxedo, but his appearance, in a suit, matches his car, he looks sleek. Monroe does not even try to suppress the urge to briefly kneel before the king as soon as he gets out of the car. Wu just gives him a strange expression when the Blutbad stands again. Renard, on the other hand, looks faintly amused.

As all three wait, an awkward silence stretches over them because they really do not have anything to say to one another. Monroe has met the Renard exactly twice before, but they have not interacted beyond basic greetings. Wu feels out of place because while he knows about the Grimm world, he is not part of it. Renard is just silent.

Midnight crawls closer. Monroe starts to tug at his bowtie again. Wu shifts the book to one hand and smacks at Monroe's hand to get him to stop. Monroe glares and adjusts the bowtie a single time to annoy Wu before allowing his hand to drop to his side. Renard spends his time staring down the road of the park as if he is looking for something, obviously Nick's car.

With only a few minutes left before the ceremony deadline, the rumble of Nick's truck can be heard. The detective throws his truck in park at the end of the parking lot before sprinting towards the small group. He skids to a stop in front of them and runs a hand through his hair to straighten it.

"Sorry I'm late." He pants. "I passed a bad traffic accident on the way that no one had responded to yet so I stopped to help. I didn't think that it would take quite as long as it did."

Renard looks amused by his announcement because it is exactly like Nick stop for someone else. Yet, he still lets out a breath he had not realized he had been holding. Nick sends a quick, reassuring grin in Renard's direction as if he knew Renard had been worried that he might not show up. The Grimm might have been very reluctant in the beginning, but had, in the past few months, grown more attached to the idea of marrying Renard. The growing compulsion to go through with the ceremony had certainly aided the agreement along as well.

"Let's get started so we can all get out of here." Wu announces as he opens the book.

"I have the silver bowl we need. I found it in my aunt's belongings," Nick adds. He holds it out, and Monroe accepts it without prompting. The Blutbad has seen quite a few Grimm weddings go on. He knows exactly what to do.

Renard draws his own piece of the ceremony, a silver dagger, out of his pocket. Nick eyes it warily while Wu ignores it completely in favor of trying to trip through the German in book. The ceremony goes fairly well, but is entirely in German. It means that they have to stop a few times for Renard or Monroe to coach Nick through what he is supposed to say. Other than that, the Grimm does not hesitate in performing any of the tasks required by the ceremony, even when he has to cut his palm with the dagger Renard provides.

Most of the way through the ceremony, Nick determines that he wants translation of everything he is a agreeing to just so nothing takes him by surprise. He has only been able to understand about every third word that comes out of someone's mouth. He gets the general idea of what is going on, but he definitely does not get everything. It has Nick wishing that he studied harder in his high school and college German classes. He is enjoying listening to Renard speak in German though, and loosely wonders if his captain can speak any other languages.

Everyone is a bit tired by the time it ends. When Wu mutters the last words, he closes the book with finality. Nick looks to Renard for an explanation, but instead, Renard happily leans forward and to kiss Nick, the final act of the ceremony, instead of explaining. He lets one arm slide to the small of Nick's back to pull the man closer while keeping his other hand cupped around the back of Nick's neck. Nick slides his arms under Renard's to wind around the other man's waist while he kisses back eagerly.

"Get a room." Wu calls.

"I completely agree." Monroe adds.

Nick breaks the kiss to glare at the two of them. Renard only grins because the end of the kiss means the ceremony is over. Then, just like that, they are married.

A/N: AND IT'S DONE! At just over 11,000 words this is by far the longest story I've written, edited and posted! But it's done! *fist pump in air*