Characters: Renarad, Nick, Hank, Monroe and Wu
Pairing: Nick/Renard
Rating: PG with some descriptions of violence and a future kissing scene

A/N: Written for a prompt on Grimm_Kink.

Nick and Hank are assigned to the murder of a prostitute. They work the case off and on for over a week, but do not have any luck tracking down leads. Then out of a blue, someone points them in the direction of a witness who agrees to testify, all the evidence gathered starts to makes sense, more witnesses come forward, and, everything comes together in a rush. Both detectives spend their days and nights working to build the strongest case possible against their prime suspect, a member of the city council, Thomas Jones.

Renard gives his reluctant seal of approval when they ask for his permission to bring it before the DA, but since, they are going after a high profile suspect, he insists on being made aware of each step Nick and Hank take from then until the end of the case. The DA takes one look at the case before getting the judge to sign an arrest warrant for their suspect. Both detectives determine the best time to arrest Thomas is as he leaves his office in Portland's city hall for the day.

It is why Nick finds himself standing with Hank and Renard as well as several uniformed officers in front of the city council member's town car. Dusk is falling on the city, but Nick cannot really tell the time without looking at his watch because of the clouds that threaten to start dumping rain on everyone. As Thomas comes out talking to one of his aides it is starting to mist rain. Their suspect takes one look at the police officers waiting for him and takes off running.

Hank and Nick start running after him without hesitation despite the fact that it is growing darker by the second. The streetlights are coming on, and the pavement is damp looking. The rain continues to pick up as they chase him into a series of alleyways. When they come to a split in the alley with Thomas nowhere in sight, Nick pauses for a second to look at his partner.

"Split up or stick together?"

"Split up." Hank answers. They split up and head off down their respective directions.

Nick draws his gun as he comes to the end of his section of the alley where it dead ends at another building. His flashlight beam does not penetrate all the way into the shadows that lurk where buildings rise up towards the cloudy sky. He tries to look everywhere at once, but cannot quite manage to see everything. After a couple of minutes of searching, Nick determines that Thomas is not there. He turns back to go find Hank when something distinctly non-human moves in the corner of his eye. The next thing Nick knows he is on the ground.

Nick drops his gun and his flashlight in the fall. Both go skittering across the ground out of his reach and stop just under the edge of a dumpster. Nick focuses on the man – Grimm creature – standing above him. He quickly realizes that the creature and Thomas are the same person. Nick is more worried about the fact that Thomas is holding a piece of scrap metal that might have been a tire iron in a previous life, than the fact that Thomas is a creature he has never seen before.

The man's eyes widen when he meets Nick's eyes. Nick knows that he has been identified as Grimm, especially when the Thomas's hands grip the piece of metal a bit tighter as if he is even more determined to use it as a weapon. Nick takes a split second to wish that his non-Grimm and Grimm lives would quit intersecting. He already lost his chance with Juliette because of his Grimm life.

He has to roll out of the way as the creature tries to bring the metal down onto where his head had been a second before. The metal hits the ground with a dull thunk. The man brings the rod up again and aims for Nick's head again as Nick scrambles to his feet.

"Wait." Nick cries out. "I don't want to kill you. I'm a cop. I have a warrant for your arrest."

"Lies." Thomas hisses. "Fucking Grimm. Stop telling me lies." He says it loudly enough so there is no way Nick could not have heard his words.

Nick dodges the bar again, but finds himself with his back against the brick wall of one of the buildings. He has nowhere else to move as Thomas advances towards him. Nick blinks water out of his eyes as the sky opens up to a downpour. Nick's attacker brings the metal back like it is a baseball bat. Nick is not armed, there is nothing he can do to arm himself, so he braces himself for his inevitable fate to have his skull bashed in.

The blow does not come. Thomas is frozen in place even though he is still tensed for a fatal blow. The rain continues to fall. Nick has to suppress a shiver. The suspect twists his head towards the front of the alley as if he can hear something Nick cannot.

Nick takes advantage of his distraction. He surges forward towards Thomas. He manages to knock him off balance, but Thomas is not surprised enough to let go of the metal rod when Nick makes a grab for it. Nick heart pounds faster as he wrestles for control of the situation.

Nick is tired from the amount of time that he has put into the case. He is cold from the rain. His reflexes start to slow the longer the fight goes on even with the adrenaline pumping through his veins. Nick starts to lose the fight. He manages to get his back to the head of the alley so he starts stumbling back in the direction he expects help to eventually come from. Someone, not Thomas, yanks him by the back of his jacket. Nick lets go of the pipe to try and balance himself. His attempt does not work, and he falls backward to the ground.

Renard appears between Nick and Thomas. Renard is carrying his service weapon, not wearing his suit jacket, and looks pissed off. Nick takes the opportunity to try and catch his breath. The Grimm wonders when Renard had time to lose his jacket. He also wonders where the weapon came from because Renard certainly had not been carrying it while they were waiting for Thomas to appear. The suspect takes one good look at Renard as a surprised look slides over his face. He drops the raised weapon.

"Sire," Thomas gasps out.

Renard waits like he is expecting more. Thomas does not disappoint.

"This Grimm came after me. He wants to kill me," he claims. He says it like it should explain and justify his actions towards Nick.

"This man is a police officer. He was trying to arrest you." Renard answers. "I have no doubt that he identified himself."

"But he's a Grimm." Thomas protests. He puts more feeling into this explanation. The result is that it just leaves Renard looking more pissed off.

"He's mine." Renard growls deeply.

To say that Nick is shocked by the statement and possession in Renard's voice is an understatement. Thomas does not look any less surprised as he glances in between the two men.

"You're siding with a Grimm."

"He never meant any harm to you. He's my Grimm, and I would not allow him to run unchecked in my city." Renard glares at Thomas. Thomas opens his mouth again, clearly to protest this statement. Nick wants to say something because this conversation has definitely taken a turn for the weird, but he does not really want to draw attention to himself.

Thomas clearly realizes that he is not going to get help from Renard. So, he takes a couple of menacing steps in their direction as if he is going attack again. Renard tenses. Nick, who has only his seen his captain truly angry once, can only imagine what Renard might do.

"He's mine." Renard growls again. "He was promised to me. You can't have him, and you're certainly not allowed to harm him."

Nick cannot quite see Thomas's face, but since he raises the iron to strike at Renard, it must have revealed something about his intentions. Gunshots echo through the alley as Renard empties his clip into Thomas. The piece of metal clatters as it drops to the ground from the man's slack hand. He falls shortly after his weapon.

It only takes a few seconds for uniformed officers to appear at the head of the alley. They are shouting as they do, but Nick is not paying attention to what they are saying. He is still trying to wrap his brain around Renard's words. He stays sitting on the ground until a hand enters his field of vision. Nick takes Renard's hand and lets himself be pulled to his feet ignoring the little shocks that move up the arm Renard is gripping.

Hank appears with the second wave of uniformed officers. He immediately heads towards Nick looking very concerned for his partner's safety. Renard steps back as Hank steps up to them. Nick watches as he wanders towards officers trying to gather as much evidence as possible before the rain washes everything away.

Renard starts talking rapidly to one of the officers as he hands over his weapon. Another officer is retrieving Nick's gun and flashlight from under the dumpster. Nick really wants to ask Renard questions. An alley filled with others is not the place to do it though, and Nick does not even get the opportunity to as Hank bustles him off towards their car saying something about taking Nick to the hospital to be checked out.