OC Characters:

True Mercy Hart: Brown hair and parted to the left- cut into wavy layers, longest going to mid-back and shortest going to chin with left side-swept fringe, blue-violet eyes, peach-toned skin and full, rosy lips.

Alex Marie Stone: Auburn-brown hair and parted down the middle- cut into a bob style, shoulder length all around but longer to collarbone in front with choppy bangs, blue eyes, lightly tanned skin and full, pink lips.

Jenny Anne Stone: Strawberry Blond hair and parted to the left- long curls to mid-back with long bangs blended into hair, brown inner-green outer hazel eyes, pale skin and cupid arrow, pink lips.

A/N: I do not own Harry Potter or anything related, just my Ocs and plot. To explain, Alex and Jenny are twin sisters and True is their step-sister by her father marrying their mother. Read, Enjoy, and Review please.

True Mercy


"Come on, True! You said you'd go with us," Alex called from the bathroom where she was putting her hair up.

"She's right. Plus, you need to get out more. I don't think J.K. Rowling knows Harry Potter better than you do…and that's saying something," this comment came from Alex's fraternal twin sister, Jenny…who was sat on her bed looking thoughtful.

Rolling her eyes, True shut the fifth book of the Harry Potter series. The seventeen year-old stood and slid her green army-style jacket on after putting her beloved book back in its place.

"I'm ready when you two are. I said I'd go and I'll go," the brunette said, resisting the urge to roll her eyes again.

"Now, it's you holding us up, Alex. True is annoyed. I can tell by her eyes…they're starting to look more violet instead of blue," Jenny called to her sister, smirking when the aforementioned started cursing under her breath before coming to join them.

"I'll drive," Alex yelled out, regardless of the fact of them being within feet of one another.

Jenny through a 'really' look at True to which the only response was a silent shrug. The two girls followed their sister outside and to the car. They were going to the mall for summer shopping since a few of their clothes from last summer didn't fit any longer. After they found a bathing suit each and a few other articles, Jenny and Alex went to the food court to order some lunch while True went to get some fresh air after being in such large crowds. Spotting a stone bench in a secluded corner, True walked over and sat. Sometimes it felt as if she was just going through the motions- sleep, eat, work, shower, eat and repeat. When times got difficult, Alex and Jenny would always make an effort to bring her from her depression- usually it worked well but the doubt was always at the back of her mind. True didn't know what would happen or would've happened if she didn't have her sisters (step-sisters but their bond was strong). They provided her with a strength that she wouldn't have otherwise. Her thoughts were interrupted abruptly when a brown owl swooped down from the awning and headed straight for her. In her surprise and eagerness to protect herself, True fell over backwards off the bench with her legs remaining slung over the seat. Her position would've been comical enough to elicit a laugh if her heart wasn't beating rapidly in slight fear- after all, owls were known for their sharp talons that could rip through flesh. The owl, seemingly uncaring of True's reaction, landed gently on one of her raised knees and turned its gaze to the girl.

True searched the owl's eyes, less afraid but still cautious of the animal before being satisfied that it meant her no harm. Running her eyes over the owl, that was quite beautiful up close, she noticed it had something clutched in its beak. When her eyes appraised the piece of jewelry, the owl jerked its head forward- almost in a manner that told True to take it. So, cautiously and slowly, True reached her right hand forward while her left supported her upper body. As soon as her fingers brushed the silver, a feeling of warmth washed over her and she grasped the proffered object more firmly. When the cool metal was enclosed in her hand, the owl hooted softly before nudging her hand with what can only be described as loving affection before taking flight. Pulling her feet to the floor and sitting up straighter, True opened her hand to find a silver ring with a white stone and a peach colored stone on either sides of its center. The design seemed old but held quality workmanship and it seemed well taken care of. True studied the ring as it seemed to draw her attention before slipping it on the middle finger of her right hand. The warmth returned and True could only associate it with love. Before she could further think on her new piece of jewelry, why it felt so right on her finger or its manner of deliverance, Jenny's voice brought her to reality.

"True? What are you doing sitting on the ground like that?" Jen asked, the look of curiously confused but no less amused on her face.

"I fell off the bench," True said, standing to her feet and wiping any acquired dirt from her jeans.

Jen simply shook her head and laughed, "That's so something you would do. Come on, we got your favorite."

True smiled and followed Jen inside, pushing the ring to the back of her mind to think on later. After all, she was hungry and it was her favorite. They joked around and made plans for the summer before school started again as they ate.

"I can't believe we'll be seniors and this will be our final year," Jenny said.

"Me either," Alex replied. "Maybe I'll finally give Dan a chance at a date."

True and Jen laughed at this comment. It was so Alex to think about guys and bring them up whether it had something to do with the current discussion or not. True zoned out as Jen and Alex talked about their crushes last year and if any guys had changed over the summer.

"Hey, guys…" True interrupted the pair. "I'm going to go check out a store I saw earlier. I'll meet you at the car in half an hour, ok?"

After they nodded, True made her way through the crowds for the store she had seen earlier. It was fairly new and the girls hadn't been in it yet but True thought it might hold some of the answers to her questions. Coming upon the store, the sign read 'Antiques and the Like' seemed peculiar with its lettering done in old English style and antique décor. Entering the shop, True looked around at all the old furniture, décor, lamps, rugs, paintings, stationary and random nick-knacks.

"May I help you, Miss?" an elderly man asked from behind a glass counter, holding jewelry and intricate pieces of sculpted crystal.

"Yes, Sir. I have something and was wondering if you could take a look at it," True asked, walking closer to the man.

He seemed to be sixty at the least and wore a white-collared polo shirt with brown pants and a vest to match. He even had a pocket watch with the chain that attached to his waistcoat. His hair was white and combed in an old-world style while his light green eyes shone with a young light and wisdom. True slipped the ring from her finger already missing its comforting weight and handed it over to the man.

"I was wondering what the stones were and if they meant anything," True reiterated her questioned with more specifics.

"Hmm, let's see." True watched as the man got a jeweler's glass out to closer inspect the stones. "Well, the stones are all the same but different in color. The middle is a white Selenite and the ones on the ends are peach Selenites. I have a book over there that tells you about all sorts of stones, minerals and gems…you can have a look if you want."

"Thank you, Sir," she said, retrieving her ring back and almost sighing in relief at having it back on her finger.

"If I may, Miss. That's a very old piece and I imagine it being expensive. Best to keep it close," he told her.

"I will," True assured before going to the aisle he pointed out.

Finding the book and flipping through its pages, True found the page on Selenite and read it quickly.

Selenite is named for the Greek Goddess of the Moon, Selene, because of its moon-like glow. It is exchanged between lovers and will bring about reconciliation. It makes a great protection stone.

Brings mental clarity.

Helps one to access angelic guidance.

Quickly unblocks stagnant energy.

Instills a deep peace.

Peach Selenite is a transformation stone, in addition to the properties of the white Selenite. It helps to heal old emotional wounds and transforms negative energy into healing, forgiveness and acceptance.

True smiled, the words having an effect on her heart as ringing true before closing the book and putting it back. Turning around, she was about to leave before seeing a leather bound journal. It had paw prints running up the outer edge and was tied around a brass button to keep it closed. Grinning, True picked it up and took it to the counter to pay for it. After purchasing the book, she made her way to the car feeling better than she had in the past four years. How does the saying go? All good things come to an end? Or was it anything that can go wrong, will go wrong? Yea, that's it.

Thirty Minutes Later…

"My name is Rebecca Whitlock for channel five news and I'm on the scene of a car accident that happened just ten minutes ago. It seems a truck driver fell asleep at the wheel and drifted into the opposite lane. To avoid the collision, the driver of a silver Subaru Forester swerved out of the way but was flipped in the remaining momentum. Unfortunately, the car caught fire and the flames are still being put out. Hope for survivors are low but we will report identification as soon as possible. Now, back to Ronald for Sports."

No one noticed on the screen but high above the woman giving the report on the fatal car accident was a brown owl swooping in circles.

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