so this chapter use to be like 14 pages long because I put SO much into this, I had to cut a lot and briefly described them, so sorry if it seems a little rushed. I didn't want you all to be bored reading such a long fucking chapter. Anyways, this is the final chapter of this story, but don't worry, a brief explanation of what's going to happen with this will be below. Also, make sure to check out my friend TheEnergyBender18's storys, yours truly co-wrote with him his two one-shots. Now, read on:

Aang came down the stairs in his shorts and tank top, his family already at the table eating breakfast. He pulled up a chair next to his cousin and his Aunt put some eggs on his plate, "How did you sleep Aang?" She asked, going back into the kitchen to bring out more of the food.

"Um, good," He told her. "Hey Aunt Amy…could you bring out another plate?"

"Is your girlfriend coming over for breakfast?" She teased him, a sly smile on her face.

He nervously rubbed the back of his neck, "No…she's kind of already here." His Uncle Aaron looked up from his Newspaper as his cousin just looked at him in shock. At that moment, he heard Katara come down the stairs and all eyes except for Aang's went to her. She stopped when she realized she was the center of attention.

"Good morning," She said awkwardly and sat down by her boyfriend, interlocking hands under the table.

"You two had sex didn't you?" Tenzin finally asked.

"TENZIN!" Both Mother and Father scolded, his mother lightly smacking him on his head. Amy sat down a plate in front of Katara and went back to get the hash browns. Aaron put down his paper, "Tenzin, if you're finished with your breakfast, go watch TV or something." He sighed and got up from the table. Aang's Aunt brought in the last of the food and sat down by her husband. "Now, I know your father had probably gone through this talk with before, but we have some rules in this house. First off…are you two being safe?"

Katara could feel the heat of embarrassment coming off of Aang, "Yes we are." Katara answered for him, "I'm on the pill and we use condoms."

"Good, I wouldn't want to have your life ruined by having a child so early." Aaron said, "Now, about having sex in this house. I don't want to hear anything or walk in on anything, do you understand?" Aang and Katara nodded. "I do understand that you won't be able to see each as often as you use to and that you two have needs. Just make sure that it doesn't affect us."

"We won't Uncle Aaron," Aang said.

He returned to his paper, "Okay, I'll get off my soap box now." They put almost the rest of the food on their plates, surprising Amy. She was use to Aang having a huge appetite, but didn't expect Katara to have also. They were finished in at least a minute and returned their plates and went back upstairs.

Amy looked at her husband, "Aaron, did you just see that?"

Aaron didn't look away from his paper, "They're growing teenagers, Tenzin will be the same when he's 18." She knew something was different with Aang and Katara, but she let it go while she went into the kitchen to start the dishes.

Sokka and Azula stood there staring at the cylindrical object. Suki came back with it after shopping with Toph the other day, but neither of them had any idea what it was. "Maybe it's one of those things for that popular movie 'Star Wars'." Sokka suggested.

Azula shook her head, "No, Zuzu made me go watch that with him so we could blend in with all those people that were talking about it. If I remember correctly, the technology showed in that movie is years ahead of us."

"You do know what it looks like though right…" Sokka asked her. She nodded. "But I don't understand why she would buy one…"

"Maybe she needs something in place of you," Azula mocked.

Suki came into the room, "What are you two doing?" She noticed the object on the table and rushed over and grabbed it. "That's not for you two!"

"We're trying to figure out who that is for and what it is for," Azula said. "So…what the hell is that?" Suki sighed and leaned up to Azula's ear. Her eyes went wide as Suki pulled away. "So it's?" She nodded. "They actually make those?" Suki nodded again. "So it's not for you?" She shook her head.

Sokka was still stuck in confusion, "Will someone please tell what's going on?"

"It's for me Meat Head." Toph interrupted. They turned to see her at the top of the stairs. She hopped over the railing and landed beside Suki. Toph took it from Suki and put it in her pocket. "Do you have a problem?"

He nodded, "Yeah, I do. I still have no clue on what that thing does!"

"You're just scared of things that you don't understand don't you?" Toph asked.

"Yes! I am very scared of that thing. It looks like it could be used as a weapon…" Sokka said.

The girls suppressed a laugh, "You think this could be used as a weapon? Sokka, please enlighten us on how this could be used as a weapon." Suki told him.

He thought it over for a second, "You could make someone choke on it?" They all laughed, angering him. "What? Isn't that what it is supposed to do?"

Toph held her sides as she laughed at him, "No you Meat Head, it is not used as any type of weapon. It's for my sexual needs."

"Oh…" Sokka went silent.

"How do you feel knowing your mate is dumber than a sack of oats?" Azula asked Suki.

"We had it explained to us when we bought it. I've only heard some things about it from girls around the school and thought it would be perfect when Toph went into her mating period." Suki explained.

"You know as well as us all that without a mate, it will only make it worse," Azula argued.

"Well I don't have one," Toph said angrily. "Not all of us can be as special as you all and have mates that are still alive!" She stormed up the stairs, slamming her door.

They all fell into an awkward silence. "Good going Sokka," Azula as she went into the kitchen.

His jaw dropped, "That wasn't my fault in ANY way! Right Suki?" She shrugged and followed Azula into the kitchen. "If Zuko was here he would agree with me…"

"And he's so stupid!" Toph yelled, pacing around the room. "It's like he wants to keep reminding me that my mate is dead! My existence on this planet is already meaningless without him, but do I need him to remind me of it?"

Zuko sighed as he listened to her yelling over the phone. "…so let me get this straight, this is all because Suki bought you a sex toy?"

"Leave me out of this," Suki said on Toph's side of the phone. Since Toph wasn't use to using the technology of the modern age, Suki helped her with the phone call.

"Whatever, I think I understand your problem…well…now both of your problems." Zuko said. "Toph, you want to mate with Sokka." Toph stopped in her pacing and her and Suki made eye contact, all the anger that filled the room was now awkwardness. "I know what you're going to say, 'I'm fucking stupid' or 'Did you even listen to what I'm saying'. But you know it's true Toph. I've seen the way you've looked at Sokka. You even said that he reminds you of him. I don't think the problem is with Sokka…it's with Suki."

"You-Your nuts," She stuttered, wondering if she was trying to tell off her cousin…or try to convince herself. "I'm not in love with that Meat Head."

Zuko tied his shoes, "Well that's my advice, take it or leave it. You all shouldn't be fighting anyways, you should be packing, we're going through with the plan in two days. I can tell you this much though, if you guys are going to be fighting when you come down here, I'll end it, whether one of you gets him or not. Now start packing." He hung up the phone.

Suki shut the phone, her eyes never leaving the smaller girl. She got up and tossed her phone on the bed. "What do you think you're going to do?" Toph challenged, ready for anything. "Are you really going to believe my cousin on this?"

"You want him…" Suki said, "I see it in your eyes. You want my mate…"

Toph's eye twitched, "Fine! I want him. So what?" Suki grabbed Toph by the front of her shirt and tossed her through the door, breaking it to pieces. She flew over the banister and landed on the floor behind the couch. Sokka paused for a moment and looked behind the couch to see Toph getting up.

"What in the world happened to you?" He asked as Suki walked up to the banister.

"He's my mate! If you lay one finger on him, I'll make sure you can't walk on any set of your legs!" Suki shouted. Sokka stared in confusion at both the girls, were they talking about him. Toph looked over at Sokka and then back to Suki. "Don't you even…" The raven haired girl pulled Sokka by his collar into a kiss, the cracking wood of the banister filled the room as Toph deepened the kiss, her tongue going past his lips, tasting the meat that he had eaten not too long ago. As Toph pulled away from her lip lock with Sokka, Suki hopped over the banister and landed on the ground. She ran towards Toph, ready to strike, but Toph ducked as she grabbed at her. "Can't get me this time Princess." She mocked. But through her mocking, Suki quickly got a hold of her. With all her strength, Suki threw Toph again through the kitchen and out the window. Sokka's jaw dropped as Suki cracked her knuckles, ready for more.

She started towards the kitchen when Sokka stopped her, "Suki, what the hell is going on?" Before he could say anything, Suki pulled him in for a kiss also. She pulled away with his bottom lip between her teeth. He saw the wild animal growing in her eyes.

"You're mine," She growled. "Don't you forget it!" Suki ripped off her clothing as she went outside. Her brow furrowed as she stepped outside, Toph was gone. All there was were broken pieces of glass with blood trails leading towards the woods. "Oh no, you're not getting away." Suki morphed into her wolf form and took off into the woods. She followed the scent, recognizing when Toph has turned. Stopping in the middle of the clearing, losing the scent temporarily. She looked around, trying to pick up the scent once again, until she heard the growl behind her. Toph struck before Suki could turn around. She tackled her to the ground, both of them biting and nipping at each other. Suki kicked Toph off her and got back on her feet. She charged at Toph and rammed her into the tree with her shoulder. Toph yelped in pain and slumped to the ground. Suki morphed back, "You messed with the wrong 'Princess' Pup."

Suki didn't see the wolf's eyes open and shot up. Toph's hind legs bucked and sent Suki into a tree. The tree cracked at her impact and fell down on top of her. Toph changed back in shock, "Oh shit." She morphed back and nudged the tree over and off of Suki. There were obvious signs of broken bones, but nothing that would be able to set itself. Toph changed back into her human form and picked up Suki in her arms bridal style, "You're lucky I don't hold grudges."

Zuko stopped in front of Jin's house just in time for her to come down the driveway. She got in and slammed the door, sinking lowering her seat. "What's wrong?"

"Just go please," She begged. He continued towards Aang house and parked in front of it, waiting for the two.

"What's going on Jin?" He asked.

She wiped the tears beginning to fall from her eyes, "We have to do the plan tonight."

His eyebrows furrowed, "Why's that?"

"My parents want us to break up and they're going to tell you to stay away from me," She told him. "Instead of the public school that Aang is going to go to, they're going to make me go to an all-girl Christian Boarding School, thinking I'll be safer there. They think you're obsessed with me and if they make us break up that you'll come for me."

Zuko gripped his steering wheel a little bit harder, already feeling it give away a little bit. He took a deep breath, "Everything is going to be okay Jin…we'll continue with the plan as it is."

"But Zuko, they're going to ship me off tomorrow night!" She argued. "How are we going to continue with the plan when I'm off at a Boarding school?"

He put his hand over hers, "Trust me Jin, I know what I'm doing. You won't miss more than a day away from us."

"But-" He covered her mouth with his hand, surprising her.

"Jin, leave the worrying up to Aang and I. Everything will go off without a hitch. All we have to worry about is getting to you." Zuko explained. "I need you to calm down about this okay?" She nodded. He removed his hand and gave her a kiss, "I won't let anything get in between you and I, I promise."

There was a knock on his window, Katara and Aang were both standing outside the door staring in. "If you two are done with your moment, can you let us in the car?"

She groaned as she came back into consciousness, the pain radiating through her body. "Oh, she's up." Her eyes shot open at the voice and saw Toph sitting next to her bed and Sokka asleep on her shoulder. A growl came from her throat and tried to get up, but couldn't. "I wouldn't move if I were you. But I do have to stop myself for laughing since this is the second time in a couple weeks that you've been bed ridden."

"You're lucky I can barely move or I would be bathing in your blood and wearing your pelt as a trophy." Suki seethed.

Toph just rolled her eyes, "Would you cool it? I'm not going to steal your mate. He's already been claimed, I can't touch him. I know the unwritten rules. Now would you calm down?" Suki relaxed back on the bed, but Toph could still see the anger in her eyes. "Now I do have to confess, I did have feelings for Meat Head here, but that's only because he reminds me of my mate. But he's not him…that's the thing that holds me off from jumping him. He's just like Zach, same build, scent, and sometimes his personality. So I guess I have to thank you Princess…you've given me another chance to be with my mate…even if it truly isn't him."

Suki felt her heart break for her. Even if they had just had their fight in the woods for Sokka…all Toph wanted was another chance to be with her lost love. "I'm sorry Toph."

"You don't have to be sorry…If anyone has to be sorry, it's me." She told her. "I aggravated you enough to the point where you had to attack me."

"It's fine Toph…you don't have to apologize."

"Good, because I wasn't going to." She said getting up from the chair, letting Sokka's head fall, waking him up. "Zuko wants us down in Portland by tomorrow, I'm going to go help Jeong-Jeong repair the window you threw me through and replace the door." Toph left the room as Sokka wiped his mouth of drool. Once she left the room, Sokka sat on the bed next to Suki. He turned her face a little to see if there was any damage there.

"You hurt everything except your face," He calmly said, "You're lucky to be alive."

She softly grunted as she left her bones start to repair themselves, "More like I'm lucky Toph didn't finish the job."

"She almost did," Sokka told her. "Do you remember what happened?" She softly shook her head, "Toph kicked you back into a tree and broke it. You and the tree fell to the ground and it smashed you. It probably broke a majority of the bones in your body. We were surprised to find that nothing else was damaged. But Toph saved you. She got the tree of you and carried you here."


He nodded, "I'm thankful she did Suki…whatever bad blood you have with her, you two need to stop. It got to the point where I almost lost you again. You're lucky that she decided to save you." She was silent. Suki forgot how serious Sokka could really get and it scared her when he got this serious with her. He leaned in and kissed her forehead, "Get some rest. I'll pack our stuff for us later." Sokka stood up and left the room. He shut the door behind him and Toph was waiting for him, leaning against the banister.

"How did it go Meat Head?" She asked.

"I told her exactly what I told you, you two need to stop this fighting before one of you dies." Sokka responded. He went for the stairs, but Toph's hand stopped him. She pulled him in for another kiss. Her tongue again pushed inside his mouth and her hand pushed him closer. Toph ended the quick kiss and smiled.

"If you ever get tired of her…you know where to find me." She told him as walked down the hallway as Sokka was still frozen in shock.

Aang sighed as he and Katara sat on his roof outside his window. The weekend had passed by so fast and now it was late Sunday afternoon. He and Katara had already done their fake heartfelt fair well with her. Aang felt a little bad after Zuko was asked to leave their daughter alone the night before and he calmly left. Even though Zuko was still in Portland getting the rest of the pack ready, it was still sad that he and Jin didn't get their goodbye, even if it was pretend. They watched as her family packed her essentials in the car, Jin walked out of the house, a backpack over her shoulder. Just like Zuko told her, she had a sad look on her face as she made it to the car. Before she got in, she looked up at the two who gave her a sad wave. She waved back at them and got into the car. Her father soon got into the car also and they drove off. Aang pulled out his phone and dialed Zuko's number. "The wolf is out of the den."

*In the Car*

Jin felt like she should say something to her father since this would be the last time she would ever talk to him…let alone see him. "Jin." He finally said, breaking the silence between them. She looked over at him. "You know the only reason your mother and I are having you go to a Boarding School is because we want to make sure you're safe right?" Jin nodded. "And that your mother and I love you very much?" She clenched her eyes closed, it was as if he wanted to make this harder on her.

"Yeah Dad," She answered. The car entered the woods and Jin looked out the window again, watching the trees pass by. Her father slammed on the brakes, scaring her and bringing the car to a sudden stop. In the middle of the barren road was a naked girl, curled up in the ball.

"Oh God," He put the car in park and immediately got out of the car. Her father got closer and Jin recognized the small girl. It was Toph. "Little girl, are you okay?" He turned her over and immediately put him in a choke hold. Her door to the car opened and a masked man stood there.

"Now would be a good time to start yelling," Sokka's voice came from behind the mask. He cut the seat beat with a knife, pulling her out of the car.

"Daddy!" She yelled as Sokka dragged her to the car, Azula coming from the car he was dragging her to grab her stuff. "Daddy! HELP!" Her fake yelling fell on deaf ears as he slumped in Toph's hold and she dropped him to the ground. Jin got into the windowless van they had brought and Sokka, Azula and Toph got in after her, shutting the door and taking off towards the city. "Did you really have to drop him?" Jin asked.

Toph shrugged as she put on her clothes, "It's not like I meant to…"

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Sokka asked.

Jin nodded, "You're all my family now…a better family then they ever were…"

Amy covered her mouth in shock, "Oh no, that's horrible. Is there any leads on who might have taken her?" She asked. "None at all? My God I'm so sorry…I'll be sure to tell him, I'm sure he would want to help the search in any way possible….okay, good luck Mrs. Cheng." She hung up the phone. "Aang!" She called, but there was no answer. "Aang? Can you come down here?" Still no answer. "He probably has his music up again." She climbed the stairs but didn't hear a thing. Once she opened the door to his room, she gasped in surprise. His room was left a mess, his window was broken and blood was on the floor. But there was no sign of her nephew. "AARON!"

*Two Weeks Later*

Jeong-Jeong watched as Sokka and Zuko carried their couch out of the house and onto the moving truck. "Excuse me," He turned to see a detective standing behind him. "Are you Jeong-Jeong?"

He smiled, "Yes Officer, what can I do for you?"

"We're here to ask you a couple questions about two individuals by the name of Jin Cheng and Aang White." The detective told him.

"Oh Aang and Jin? Great kids, what would you like to know?"

"It is claimed by the parents of Jin Cheng that you and your family may have kidnapped both of them…including your daughter, Katara." The detective said.

His brow furrowed, "That's impossible. I haven't left Washington ever since we have moved here and well of course in a couple hours."

"That's another question we have for you, why when your daughter is kidnapped, you move out of the country to Canada?" He asked.

"We're trying to start new," Jeong-Jeong explained. "Your department already told me that she's most likely dead since there has been no ransom note. My family is trying to get over her possible death and you have the nerve to come tell me that it's suspicious that I'm moving?"

"Sir, just calm down. We're only asking questions. But we do need to know where you were on Sunday two weeks ago, when the two teens were kidnapped."

He took a calming breath, "My family was here with my other daughter Suki. She had taken a fall down the stairs and we were looking after her. My son Zuko returned earlier that day after being told by Jin's parents that they didn't want him around their daughter."

"Can anyone back up your alibi that you were here around 2-5pm?"

Jeong-Jeong nodded, "Yes, around 3pm, I went to the store to buy some movies and food for my kids to stay in that night. Around 4, I stopped by the school to talk to the administrator to talk about transferring my children after that attack by the wolf at the school. Then 5pm I was here and received the call that I would never see my daughter ever again."

The detective wrote it down, "And can anyone back that up?"

"My family, the people working at the store, the cameras, the school and of course the person who gave me the call," He told them. "Now if you would excuse me, I need to help my daughter." Jeong-Jeong went over to the door where Suki limping out. He put her arm around his neck as he slowly helped her to the car. Once she got in, he helped buckle her up and shut the door.

"And that's your daughter Suki?" He asked.

Jeong-Jeong nodded, "Yes that is my daughter Suki."

"Is that from the fall down the stairs?"

"Yes, is there anymore questions?"

"Yes, we would like to speak to your son." Jeong-Jeong sighed and called Zuko over to talk to him while he went to lock up the house.

"What can I help you with officers?"

He flipped a couple pages of his notebook, "Can you tell us about your relationship with Jin Cheng."

"She use to be my girlfriend."

"Was it a sexual relationship?"

"Does it matter?"


"Yes, my relationship with Jin was emotional and physical."

He wrote it down, "When the Cheng's told you to stay away from their daughter, I bet it angered you didn't it?"

Zuko shrugged, "I guess, but if they don't want me near their daughter, that's their choice and I can't do a thing about it."

"So you wouldn't, let's say, kidnap her? And use your little sister as a distraction? Because Mr. Cheng's description of the little girl in the road fits the description of your sister," He flipped through his notes, "Toph."

"My little sister Toph? A girl who happens to have a common look especially in the West Coast? Small, white skin and black hair? Yeah, I used my little sister to get back a girl." Zuko said sarcastically. "I loved Jin, but I wouldn't use my little sister, strip her naked and but in her harm's way to kidnap her."

The detective's eyes narrowed at him, "How did you know about how she was kidnapped?"

"I read the newspaper dumb shit, it was all over the local pages," Zuko spat. "Now would you leave us alone. We still don't know if our sister is alive and you're accusing me and my father of kidnapping."

The detective was about to say something, but Jeong-Jeong stepped in. "Enough. You have no proof that we committed any crimes. I hope you can find them and my daughter. I will be back in town in two days just in case you find something or if you need to ask any more questions. Good bye Officer." Jeong-Jeong led to his car and went to the moving van. Both cars drove off, leaving the giant grey house.

As soon as the house was gone in his rear view and Zuko opened his phone, calling his most recent contact. "Hello?"

"Hey Aang, we just left the house. A detective was nosing around asking about you, Jin and Katara." Zuko said. "He was convinced that we kidnapped you."

"You kinda did."

"You're welcome by the way…" Zuko said sarcastically. "Could you hand the phone to Jin?" There was a slight rustling on the other side.


He smiled, "Hey."

"When are you getting back?" She nearly whined, "I miss you."

"I miss you too, we just left the house and it will be a couple hours until we cross the border. Then once we get everything at the house, we'll have Azula drive you guys to the new house once Jeong-Jeong comes back here to bring suspicion down on us." Zuko explained.

"Isn't it already suspicious that you guys are moving 2 weeks after Katara goes 'missing'?" She asked.

Zuko sighed, "You need to stop listening to Aang about this, we've got everything under control."

"Just hurry back okay?" Jin asked. "There's something…going on with me."

His brow furrowed, "What do you mean? What's wrong?"

"I feel….um…one second." He heard her get up and shut a door. "I um, I think I might be going into my breeding period."

His eyes went wide. "I'll be there as soon as possible."

Just realized I could have made this into two chapters, but where's the fun in that? Anyways, there will for sure be a sequel. I already know what I'm going to do with it, the next will feature our favorite Water Tribe Princess, Teo, and our next bad guy who I don't want to reveal yet. But I hope everyone liked this story, it's been fun making it.
