Save Me

Disclaimer: I was never blessed with luck or talent. So I am far from the owner of Harry Potter.

Chapter One

Harry Potter kept completely to himself after the war, only spending a couple of hard weeks popping in and out of every funeral connected to those he cared about, even though he hadn't been invited to a single one.

At one point he had longed to be with Hermione, Ron, and Ginny, but after they clearly expressed their hatred towards Harry, blaming him for the death of their family members, he quickly learned that the world no longer needed or wanted him.

He didn't blame them though. He couldn't even bring himself to hate them or be angry, because even in his eyes they were right.

Sure he was just a kid, no older than 16. But he had been the chosen one. The only person strong enough and willing to destroy one of the darkest wizards of all time. The world had placed their burden on his barely developed shoulders, and though he at the very end had completed the task, it hadn't been soon enough.

Not soon enough to save his parents, Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Dumbledore, Hagrid, George, Fred, Mr. or Mrs. Granger, Collin, ect., ect., because the list was never ending. He had let them all down, and he would never forgive himself for such failure.

Many a nights Harry contemplated taking his own life. Saving the remaining Death Eaters the trouble. But they were little more than thoughts. He couldn't bring himself to dishonor all those who had died protecting him in such a way.

No, for them... for them he would try to live his life the best he could. Continue the fight to bring peace to the Wizarding world.

That's why he had returned.

Returned to the place were it had all ended.

The very place he once thought a home, even though more than half the school no longer wanted his presence there.

It was the first night back, and even though everyone was suppose to be in the Great Hall for the Welcoming Feast, Harry felt that it would be better to walk the grounds, rather than disturb anyone's dinner.

Sure he was hungry, starving would be more accurate, but he could wait.

It was a dark night due to the clouds blocking the stars, but still Harry managed to walk around the lake slowly with the help of the moon rays that made it pass the clouds.

Lost in thought he barely noticed someone sitting by the very edge of the water. But when he did, he quickly fought the urge to make sure they were okay.

Hadn't he learned his lesson?

People didn't need or want him anymore.

With his mind set on walking away he turned in the opposite direction and began walking.

He hadn't even taken a foot forward when someone called out his name.

"Potter?" came the all to familiar voice. One which at the very moment was not welcomed, even if every bone in Harry's body begged for some human connection.

Flip flopping over whether to turn around and talk to said person, or simply continue walking away, Harry sighed and gave in to his needs.

"Yes... Malfoy?" He said cautiously as he turned around to face Draco Malfoy.

At which point Harry couldn't help but noticed how different the Slytherin looked, and not in a bad way.

Malfoy's hair was shorter now, still blondish white, but spiked in different angles. His skin was pale but not sickly so, and his body looked more built, stronger. Almost like puberty had struck with a vengeance, one which suited him well. But it was the change in Malfoy's face that took Harry's breath away. Because not only did he look younger, but were his long famous smirk should have been, no lay a smile that brightened his face magically, his once steel looking eyes, shinning like glitter.

"Draco." came his voice again, which sounded slightly deeper but not by much. It suited him and his new look though.

"Excuse me?" repeated Harry slightly confused.

"You can call me Draco, we've known each other for so long it's about time you were aloud to use my actual name." continued Draco, his smile brightening ever so much.

"Oh...ummm... you sure you wanna be talking to me?" asked Harry sadly as he looked around to make sure no one else was around. He really wouldn't have liked it if Mal- Draco got shunned from the school for talking to him.

"Of course I do Harry... may I call you Harry?"


"You saved my life Harry. But not just that, you see..." he said as he moved closer to Harry. "You set me free."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you see Harry, all these years of acting like a prick, going after you and your friends, hating mudbloods, and working for know who. It was all my father, I've been under a spell ever sense my father learned you were going to be coming to Hogwarts. I tried to fight it as best I could, but you knew my father. You saw how strong he was. I was no match for him. But that's all over now. He's dead and so is my mother who was always by his side. I am forever in your dept, Harry." he finished with an even bigger smile, if that was at all possible.

Harry couldn't help but smile back. It was a shock to him that he even remembered how, but it was worth it. At long last, something good had come from the battle.

He could finally witness that at least one person, had gained more than they had lost thanks to him.

"You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that, Draco." he said honestly as he chocked back a sob of happiness. Something he hadn't felt in a very long time.

"Harry?" Draco asked in a concerned tone. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Laughed Harry as he smiled at Draco while trying to hide a tear that slipped by. "It's just that you are the first, last, and only person that has thanked me for ending that blasted war."

"What are you talking about, Harry?" asked Draco, his smile now completely gone, and it broke Harry's heart that he was the reason for the disappearance.

"Nothing, don't worry about it. Umm... you should really be getting inside it's almost curfew." Harry tried with a small smile.

"Aren't you coming in with me then?"



"I... um... well I'm actually rooming in Hagrid's old hut for the year. You know how it is, trying to keep the Chosen one from getting raped by all those adoring fan-girls." he tried to joke.

Draco smiled and actually laughed, which warmed Harry's heart. "Figures. Well I guess I will see you in class then?"

"Sure will."

"Cool, well good night then Harry, and ah... thanks again for everything."

"Don't mention it, night Draco." finished Harry as he turned and walked away towards Hagrids hut.

That night Harry wasn't compelled to play out his nightly routine of self indulged mutilation. Instead he drifted off to his first blissful sleep in over a year, with an image of the new Draco planted at the fore front of his mind.

Authors Note: This is only my second fanfic, so please be gentle with me. I also know that not everyone listed above died, I'm not really one for following the book so bare with me.

Reviews and Advice are always welcomed.
