Disclaimer: Do not own HOA…never did but hopeful for the future.

(Fabian Pov, 1 month later)

"Fabian." I heard a gentle voice call. "Fabian?" I was still daydreaming about what I pictured my perfect geography project to be. "Fabian, are you okay?" Someone asked pushing my arm, almost causing my chin to hit the desk.
"What?" I said quickly surveying the room. No one was in their seats.
"Class ended." Nina said laughing at me. "Come on, you promised we would walk home together." she said smiling.

"I never break a promise." I said smiling back. I got up and we walked out to our lockers. They were a couple down from each other since there are 4 other letters between M and R. She walked over to me after her grabbing her French textbook.
"So, how did you-" She stopped as her phone started to beep. She turned to pale just looking at the number.

"What's wrong?" I asked as the bell for the end of the school day rang.
"It-its Mick…" She said staring at the screen.
"What's it about?" I asked curiously, wondering why her 'sick' brother was texting her.
"Um…" She looked around. We started to walk back to Anubis.
"You're my best friend, Nina. You can tell me anything." I said smiling.

"It's about if my mum was able to get me into this huge…" she mumbled off.
"Huge what?" I asked and she seemed embarrassed.
"Don't tell anyone…" she said looking around the empty hallway. "It's a dance competition." She sighed.

"That's cool, where is it?" I asked.

"It's in the states...Boston, Massachusetts. I just," she sighed, "can't pay for flights, hotel, meals, admission fees, and all the other stuff. It's too much money all together."
"Well, we'll figure it out when we get back to my house." I had an idea.

(Nina Pov)

Fabian, Amber, Mick, and I took the same cab home. We all got out at Fabian's house and followed Fabian into the door.
"I'm just going to start French homework!" I yelled to Fabian who walked into the kitchen.
"Alright, be out in sec!" He yelled back. Amber sat to my right.
"That's where Fabian sits. Sorry Ambs, we do this every time we come here." She smirked and rolled her eyes as she moved to the left of me. "Much better." I said smiling.

"Are you two a couple yet?" she asked. I panicked. We were of course not a couple! Eddie and I had broken it off 3 days ago. (A/N she fell for his 'sorry' cycle and got back together but broke up again) I stayed silent and ignored her.

"Take out your French so you can copy me."
"Not until you tell me! Are you and Fabian a couple?" She asked grabbing my arm keeping me from writing on the paper.

"No, we are not, Ms. Millington." Fabian said laughing as he walked in the door. Amber sighed and let go of my arm.
"You will one day." She smiled gleefully. He laughed and sat to my right as I started. I felt edgy at that moment because I was thinking about how I would pay for the hotel. Maybe I wouldn't go.

"Nina, are you okay?" he asked putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah, just trying to think of how to say book in French." He read me like a book. He knew I was lying.

"Now, what's really bothering you?" He asked.

"I think I might call the dance competition people and tell them I'm dropping out." I said.

"No, I promise everything will be fine!" he said holding out his pinky. I hesitated but grabbed his pinkly.
"Alright..." I said reluctantly.

"Okay, flirting time is over! I need to copy your homework, Nina!" Amber said walking back into the room. We both looked at each other and blushed.

*2 hours later. 5 p.m.*

"Nina, if we go, we are bringing Fabian! I need a guy with me!" Mick yelled.

"I'm alright with that." I said as I walked in and we saw my mum. Mick and Amber went upstairs to put their bags away.

"Nina, I need to tell you something." She said sadly.

"Mum, its okay." I said feeling my eyes sting with tears.

"Nina…" she said adding suspense onto this horrible occasion.

"Mum, just say it." I said sighing.
"You're going to Boston." I looked up shocked.
"You're joking!" I said accusingly. "You said it was too expensive."

"Well, thank Fabian for getting you hotel rooms." My eyes went wide.
"He got me hotel rooms?" I asked shock hitting me again.
"A condo hotel. I don't know. All I know is that he got two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and a walk around porch." My body filled with glee and excitement. I immediately turned on my heels and ran back to Fabian's house that was about 6 houses down. I saw him standing outside and smirking at me, who was running straight at him.

"Slow down, stranger!" he yelled before I threw my arms around his neck.
"I…can't…believe…you did…that." I said huffing and puffing but still hugging him.
"Nina, it's your dream. I promised you it would be okay." He said smiling.

"Well now, since you did this, would you like to come to Boston with me?" I asked as I let go of him.

"Hm…I might be busy." He said smirking at me.
"Pretty Please?" I asked.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world!"

"Alright, we leave tomorrow morning!"
"What? So soon?" he asked really shocked.

"Sorry it's so short notice! How about I sleepover tonight?"

"That would help be something fun to do." He said smiling.
"Alright, it's a date." I said as I walked away. I wasn't sure if I really meant the figure of speech.

*Later 7 pm…Fabian Pov*

"So Fabian, Nina's sleeping over?"
"Yeah, mum!" I called from setting the table.
"Is there anything um…romantic going on."
"Um, no! She doesn't like- Why would you ask this?" I asked walking into the kitchen.

"It's just that she's always with you. I mean, at least it means I'm protecting you. And with that word Protection comes another talk-" The doorbell rang.

"I'll grab it!" I said running out of the kitchen. I opened the door and Nina was there.

"Hey." She said smiling.

"Hello Nina." Mum said giving her a hug.
"Alright, so Nina, want to go to my room?" I asked and she nodded. When he got in there I hugged her.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I said.


"My mum wanted to give me the um…talk."

"Am I inter-"

"No- well, yes but it's a good thing." I said and she giggled.

Um, Fabian…I need you to learn something from me if you're going to Boston…" She said shyly.
"What is it?" I asked.

"You need to know how to slow dance."
"I do so know how to!" I said smirking.
"Come on, you sometimes have two left feet."

"Hey! That is offensive to my feet!"

"Pretty please, for me! PLEASE!" She said grabbing my hands.

"Alright fine, then how am I going to learn?"

"You are going to dance with me." She said looking down.
"I'm fine with that." I said and her face lit up.
"Alright, let me put on the music!" she said turning on her IPod. "Ah, Perfect." She said clicking one. She walked over to me and smiled.

"Listen to the lyrics, they help." She said. I nodded. "Are you ready?" She asked. I responded by putting my hands on her hips. The lyrics filled my ears.

'Take my hand, take a breath, pull me close, and take one step.' We seemed to be having fun…

(Nina Pov)

We were dancing, I'm not even sure if we were still listening to the music. I had the biggest butterflies in the pit of my stomach. We were just holding each other speaking only with our eyes. Just going in circles…it was so peaceful.

"Nina." He said moving a little faster so he could dance to the music.

"Yeah." I said.

"This is…kind of nice." He said spinning me in a circle. I tripped up myself and fell backwards but he caught me before I hit the floor. I known what your thinking, 'Oh, she fell into his arms and gazed into each other's eyes…' well, no. I fell forwards and he managed to grab my flailing hand, which hit him in the face at first, and pull me back up. I guess when we were super close was when it was somewhat romantic.
"Y-you're not a bad dancer." I stuttered out.

"You either." He said whispering. With this we both leaned in. His hips were still around my waste and my arms around his neck. It felt so perfect…too perfect. No, this can't be happening…I can't be in love. I can't be! But this kiss, it feels so nice, sweet, and sincere. Eddie and I's have never been so innocent feeling or sparks flying through the room. I deepened the kiss and he seemed not to mind. I just couldn't shake that evil and unrealistic word out of my head 'Love'. I hated it. Then all of a sudden, our eyes both shot open. There was a squeal in the room.
"Fabian you just- why did you- what was- that is very disturbing that you're kissing my sister." I started to smile. "I mean step-sister." It faded too quickly.

"Um…I'm sorry?" he said awkwardly.

"Well, it's better than Eddie." He said slapping Fabian a hi-5.

"Well, we wanted to know if after we have dinner, you wanna watch Scream 4 on my laptop." I turned to Fabian who nodded.
"Kids, get your buts down here if you want food!" Fabian's mother screamed.
"We'll meet you down there." Fabian said to Amber because Mick had already left. She scooted out the door with a smirk leaving us two alone.

"Does this mean, you know, we are an um…couple?" He asked.

"Only if you want too." I said quickly.
"No, only if you want to." He retorted. "I-" He started but I kissed him.

"Does that answer you?" I asked and he smiled.
"Yes, yes it does."
"You ready to face the world with me?" I asked and he responded by grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers which caused butterflies all over again. Then that evil word popped into my head…Love.

(Author's Blah-blah)

It takes long for me to update! I hated what I did with their first kiss in an airport and all this really bad story. I am working on a HHA story but turning it into HOA for English readers. Based off one of the movies. So, look forward to that!