Hey guys! This is my first Fanfic dedicated to Hush, Hush. It's set after the first book, and Crescendo and Silence never happened. I came up with the idea before I'd read all the books, and it wasn't until now that I decided to write it. Well, enjoy the story!


It was summer, and Nora's mom was out of town for the weekend. I was excited to get to her house so we could have a redo of our last adventure together, where we made love. It wasn't just sex. It really was making love. No lust. It was all love. I had started getting my sense of touch back as a guardian, so every touch meant the world to me.

I all but dashed out of my car and up to Nora's front door. I rang the doorbell, and when she answered, I swept her up into a large hug. When I put her down, I noticed that she had puffy eyes, and mascara stains running down her face, an obvious sign that she'd been crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Come inside," she said. "I have some news."

"What is it?" I asked after I'd closed the door behind me.

Nora walked and sat down on the couch. "Join me."

"Okay," I said.

I sat down, and I took Nora's hand in both of mine. She started sobbing, and I hugged her close to me.

"What's wrong?" I asked her gently.

"I'm pregnant with your child," she exclaimed. "How could this happen? How could I have been so stupid?"

It took a moment for this all to sink in, and I knew then what I had to do. "Nora, we can't stay here. The fallen angels will be after me. We're going to have to leave. Rixon has a place we can go to. He can also make sure that we're never found."

"Where is it?" she asked.

"I'll call him right now. He'll get us to safety," I said getting out my cellphone.

I dialed Rixon's number, and he answered on the second ring.

"What's up, Patch?" Rixon asked.

"Nora is pregnant. We need you to protect us," I told him.

"Oh boy. Get her packed and take her to my place. I'll handle it from there," he said with a sigh.

"Got it. Where is the safe house anyway?" I asked him.

"It's on a small Greek island known as Formosus. I've been there. It has a population of less than a thousand people. They'll take care of you. They are familiar with angels, considering a large amount of them are Nephilim. A large amount also speaks English as a second language," he said. "They have a small hospital there. I know because I got into a fight with a lad there and got knifed. It wasn't a pleasant experience let me tell you," he said with a throaty laugh.

"We're being serious, Rixon," I said sternly.

"As I said, get her packed, and I'll take care of the rest," he said. "Plane tickets, boat, and all that good stuff are going to be ready by tomorrow."

"Okay. Sounds good. Thank you," I said.

"No problem, lad. I had a feeling you would knock her up someday," he said with another laugh.

"Bye, Rixon."

I hung up and snapped the phone shut. "Get packed, Nora. Leave a note for your mom saying not to try and find you. Don't tell her where you are going, or anything of the sort."

"You know that won't work," she said with a humorless laugh.

"But at least she'll know where you are. You're also going to have to leave your cell phone here. We can't have contact from anyone other than Rixon. They'll find us if you contact anyone else," I said.

"Okay. But where are we going?" my angel asked.

"Rixon's, then we're on a flight to wherever Rixon has planned for us to go before our final destination. Our final destination being the small, secluded island of Formosus. The population is less than a thousand, and there is a hospital there. Also, a large amount of the population is Nephilim, so they will protect us," I explained.

"Okay," she said.

"Pack only the essentials. A few outfits, a couple of pairs of shoes, etcetera. We'll get the rest on the island or at the airport," I said.

Nora nodded her head, and ran up the stairs.

"Nora! Don't run! Remember, you're not just carrying any child in that amazing body of yours, but our child!" I called after her as I ran up the stairs to her bedroom.

I saw that she'd already started packing. She wasn't picky about what she wanted to bring. She just threw whatever she could find in a small duffel bag, and then went to her bathroom. She brought out things like toothpaste, a toothbrush, her hairbrush, and a few pieces to her makeup kit. I watched in awe as the woman I loved packed. It was then it hit me.

I was running away with Nora. I didn't have to face the archangels. The best part of it all was that it was all because we were expecting the most wonderful thing in the world: a child. I would be a father in about nine months.

You know, I'm secretly ecstatic that you're having my child, I whispered into her thoughts.

I then sent an image of her with a beautiful looking baby in her arms, it was wrapped in a blanket and we were all smiling as I stood behind the both of them.

"Well I'm scared out of my mind," she exclaimed. "Sorry. I'm just terrified. I don't want to be called 'mommy'! I'm only sixteen. I'll be seventeen when I have this baby. I'm going to be one of those moms that have a teenager of her own in only her thirties. I'm just worried that I won't be a good mom. I mean what if our kid hates us? What if…" I put a finger to her lips, and then soon replaced it with my own.

"Nora Grey, you are going to be an amazing mother," I said to the love of my life. "And even if it hates you, it can always run to daddy," I said with a little laugh.

She shoved me and zipped up the bag. "Let me get dressed."

It was then I realized she was in just a pair of boxer shorts and a tank top. Her hair was disheveled, and she had bags under her eyes, but I thought she never looked better. Nora ran a brush through her curly hair, then went to put on a pair of jeans and flip flops, but left the tank top where it was.

"Let's go," she said as she slung the duffel bag over her shoulder.

"Let me get that," I said.

"I'm pregnant! I'm not incapable of manual labor!" she spat. "Once again I'm sorry. It's just these hormones."

It was then that I realized it was going to be a very long nine months. Right when we got down the stairs, she threw the duffel bag down and ran with her hand covering her mouth. I followed her, and saw that she was in the bathroom, vomiting whatever she'd eaten that day. I pulled the hair out of her face and stroked her back.

"You're okay," I cooed. "It'll all be worth it in the end."

When she got up and flushed the toilet, I saw she was crying.

"Patch… I just can't do this," she whispered. "I'm not ready for this."

"You can do it, Angel. I promise," I said. "I'll hold your hand through it all and do anything I can to make sure that you know you and our baby are loved."

She hugged me, and swished around some mouthwash that she found and then spit it out.

"Sorry," she said.

"Don't be sorry," I said. "You're pregnant. You're all good."

She smiled, and we headed out the door and to my Jeep. The trek to Rixon's house was spent in silence until we got there.

"I got your plane tickets, a boat rental, and the house I've had for years. It's already all paid for. You've also got a car, insurance on everything, and an unlimited supply of money in the bank there," Rixon said after we came in and sat down at his dining room table.

"Thank you so much, Rixon," Nora said. "We owe you everything."

"It's no problem, love. Just as long as you let me see my niece or nephew every once in a while," he said with a chuckle.

We all chuckled awkwardly with him until he handed us two plane tickets.

"These are your tickets to board. Your flight leaves in four hours," said Rixon.

Ooh! Cliffhanger on the first chapter! Keeps you guessing, does it not? Well, the next chapter will be out soon. XOXO

~Symphonic Madness