Okay, so I have come up with an new multi-chapter FF :P lolz ;D until I have finished Music In B&S, this story may wait a little.. Nah.. I'm gonna write new chapters either way TvT and like my other two stories, this is an AU but not to much OOC from the characters, maybe that Natsu might act a little bit of an badass but I want him that and Lucy is, well you will find out.. XD will it be magic in this? MOHHAHAH you will see~
Anyway, enjoy~ 8D
Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, Hiro Mashima does (:
Chapter one: Hell School
Jigoku High, Year 2012, Mars 28, Tide: 09.00am
Class 3-1 was the loudest and terrifying class in the whole school. The most respected and dangerous person was the guy called Salamander.
"Where is that stupid fire-breath?" a half naked boy angrily asked.
"Fullbuster, your clothes." a brown haired girl said, sipping on her wine glass. Gray glanced down, shrieking in surprise when he saw his shirt was missing along with his pants.
"Cana, no drinking in class.."
"Shut up Erza.." Cana said, drinking her wine like it was soda. "And if you're lookin' for Dragneel, he was out all night. He must be beat right now."
Gray mentally face-palmed himself, he had forgot that. The door opened and in came the teacher. "Settle down class!"
"Hai.." everyone sat down on their seats, not wanting to get their homeroom teacher mad.
"Welcome back from the winter break everyone!" the teacher said gazing over the seats, noticing there was one seat empty. "And where is Mr. Dragneel?"
"Probably sleeping after a party or something." Gray said, making everyone laugh.
"You said something, Foolbuster?" a voice came out from nowhere. Gray fell from his seat when he saw the Salamander lean against the wall beside him with crossing arms. "How the heck did you?"
"The window, smartass."
"Oh.. Wait, we are on the fifth floor!" Gray's eyes were big as two pizza plates.
"It's a emergency ladder outside to the left of the window." now he sat beside him. How fast was this guy exactly?
"Mr. Dragneel, why are you late?" the teacher asked, crossing her arms in a irritated gesture.
"Beat up some fucker guys." he answered bluntly. A shiver ran down Gray's spine, his friend could really scare him and everyone else some times with his short answers. The teacher sighed.
"You never learn.." she said. "Like I said, welcome back everyone and let's have a great time together until the prom." the teacher babbled on. Luckily a knock on the door interrupted their teacher.
"Uhm, excuse me.. I'm searching for Dragneel-san." a shy voice said when the teacher opened the door.
"Dragneel! It's for you!" Natsu growled and got up from his place.
When the door was closed behind him, he looked bored at the girl in front of him. "So, what do ya' want?" he asked, sounding irritated. The girl tried not to cringe and run away from him .
"W-well.. you dropped your cellphone… so I just came to give it back." she said, holding out the phone. Natsu cocked a eyebrow at the stammering girl. He held out his hand and the girl laid the phone down into his palm.
"Uh.. Thanks?" he said, no emotions in his voice. The girl nodded before she ran off. Giving a wry expression he walked back in to the classroom.
"You sure scare girls." Gray nudged his friend teasingly.
"Shut up, ice-shit. She is a first year, what do you expect?" the pink haired boy snarled back to him, loosing his scarf a little. Gray glared at him, but dropped it when the teacher said something that made the others groan in protest.
Lucy stopped, catching her breath with her hands on the knees. She had never met a person who was that scary before.. hell, since she started this school the last-year students have always scared her and her classmates. Like today when she saw the Salamander himself with some guys from her parallel class. Not once in her whole life had she seen someone fight like that before. It was an amazing but yet terrifying scene to behold.
Standing straight up she pushed up her glasses before walking back to her classroom. But actually she didn't need to get back, the bell ringed when she was just a few meters from the door. Students rushed out from the doors, pushing each other to get out faster.
"Lu-chan! Over here!" Lucy smiled and walked over to her best friend. They hugged each other and started to walk down the corridor for their next lesson. "So how did it go?" she asked her blond friend. Lucy sighed and shook her head. "That bad?"
"No, he is just like everyone says, scary as the devil himself." she said in a terrified voice. Levy laughed and patted her back.
"Did you say something, brat!" a angry voice came behind the two girls. Slowly they turned around, their jaws drop when they saw the Salamander and his gang stand in front of some first-year graders. One of them were being pushed up against the lockers by the pink haired teen.
"N-no." the terrified boy said, shaking in fear for being beaten up by the demon. Natsu let go of the boy, but not without pushing him hard into the lockers, then he walked away with his hands in the pockets. The gang following him short after. Lucy gazed up to his tall figure when he walked past them without even giving a stare down to the two girls.
"I understand what you mean now.." Levy whispered to her friend, gripping her arm tighter.
Natsu was pissed of, like he wasn't that before, but now his mood was extremely pissed. People scattered when he and the others walked in the first-year corridors.
"Jeez did you see that brat's face?" Gray laughed, thought it was a hilarious thing. Gajeel chuckled a 'gehe' before bursting out in a uncontrolled laughter. Cana sighed and drank more from her new glass with wine. Erza didn't seem to care about a thing for the moment.
"Remind me to add that asshole to my list later." Natsu said, shoving another guy into the lockers. "That one too." Erza looked up to the pink haired teen. Sighing she crossed her arms while walking, he may be their 'leader' but sometimes she had to stop him from going berserk. But then, it wouldn't be fun without him.
"Soon you have scared every little first grader shitless, you know." Cana said, gulping down a mouthful of wine. Natsu snorted, his frown changed to a deep scowl.
"Shut up, it's their own fault for getting in my way."
"Yeah, but you will soon get canceled from the school if you still going to do that." Gray added. Erza nodded. "And a school day without the Salamander wouldn't be fun at all." the black haired man smirked. That did make everyone laugh while agreeing. Then they walked in silence, silence between just them, the corridor was still noisy by students and teachers yelling at them to slow down or to get down from the lockers.
"It's unbelievable that this is the last term for us." Gray then said, looking up in the ceiling.
"I agree, after being here for three years, it's kind a sad." Erza said, uncrossing her arms to let her fingers slide against the cool white wall.
"Yeah, last term of *Hell School before we head of to collage." Cana threw her glass into the trash bin.
"Don't throw glass into the trash, it's not good for the environment~" a to sweet voice of a man came from behind. All five turned around to see the home economics teacher, Bob, pointing at the trashcan, while his other hand rested against his cheek.
"RUN!" Gajeel yelled and they ran off.
"It's not healthy to have Tabasco sauce on hot peppered bread.." Gray stated to Natsu, giving a disgusting face when his friend took a bit of it.
"Mind your own business, stripper." he answered the black haired teen, chewing on the bread in his mouth.
"Say what?"
"Look down and you have the proof that you're one." Natsu pointed down on his own clothed torso. Gray confused gazed down and found no shirt.
"The fuck!" The gang sighed at him, his habit would never disappear, not in a million years it will.
"What's our next period?" Natsu asked, now drinking down his water bottle. Cana shook her head, not knowing what they have, same with Gajeel and Gray. They all looked at Erza for answer. The red haired girl glanced at her friends before sighing.
"We have art class with Reedus-sensei half past eleven." she said, standing up. " So we have to hurry up, the clock is eleven fifteen right now." everyone nodded, except Natsu who just gazed away to the other end of the roof on the school building. "Natsu?"
"I heard you." he hissed, standing up with his stuff in hands. He walked over the door, opening it when his gang members were behind him. They walked down the stairs in silence.
"Give me back my glasses!" a really familiar voice of a girl reached Natsu's ears. Throwing his stuff in a trashcan had turned around in a corner and saw a blonde girl struggling to get her glasses back from a dark blue haired boys hands. Apparently his friends was laughing at the girl. Natsu glanced back to his friends, giving them a nod. Slowly they approached the younger graders. Natsu did recognize the guy who had the girls glasses immediately.
"Hey, Bora!" Said boy laughed while looking up to see who was calling his name, he regretted he did. Just a few meters away was the schools most strongest and dangerous gang, glaring down at them. "Leave the girl alone." Natsu's eyes narrowed when the guy didn't react. "Or should I maybe kick your fucking ass?"
That made Bora drop the glasses, he ran off with his friends in tow. Gray, Gajeel, Cana and Erza laughed at the frightened boys, while Natsu was dead silent. When he started to walk everyone followed him until he stopped in front of the girl, picking up her glasses. "Here." he said and put the glasses on her. Blinking the girl righted her glasses.
"T-thank you.." she said, bowing down. Natsu rolled his eyes, earning a elbow in the ribs by Cana.
"You poor girl!" Cana literally threw herself at the blonde girl, hugging her tight. "What's your name, sweetie?"
"Awh~ such a pretty name to pretty girl!" Cana cooed, hugging Lucy more. Erza smiled at Lucy, so did Gray and Gajeel, but Natsu didn't even flinch.
"We will follow you to your next period, what do you have?" Erza walked up to the blonde girl and laid a hand on her shoulder.
"Math.." Lucy didn't know what she should say. She saw the red haired beauty smile at her, grabbing her wrist.
"Then we shall go." and she was being dragged by Erza with everyone following her. Natsu sighed irritated, but still he walked with them to Lucy's class.
"Lucy Heartphilia?" the math teacher called the blonde's name, but when he didn't any answer he thought she was sick or something. But just when was going to write down 'Not here' on the list the door opened.
"Here you have her." Natsu said, having a hand on a blushing Lucy's shoulder. The students stared at her, what the hell was she doing with the Salamander and his gang? They got more shocked when they walked in with her, standing behind her like guards.
"Don't mess with Lucy, she's our friend, you hear that?" Gray asked, making the younger students nod, afraid of what he will do if they didn't. "Good." and the gang was out from the room.
"Well, take your seat Miss. Heartphilia." the teacher said to the blonde girl.
"Yes." she said, walking over to her seat and sat down beside Levy.
"What the hell was that, Lu-chan?" Levy whispered to her friend. Lucy shook her head, not wanting to talk about it. "Okay?"
"Why are you five late, again?" Reedus asked the gang, crossing his arms.
"You gotta problem with helping a girl getting back her glasses?" Natsu retorted, giving the art teacher a dangerous look. Reedus sighed, he hadn't the energy to argue with the pink haired teen.
"Just sit down so class can begin." he said, turning around to write on the whiteboard for today's lesson. "Today we're going to start with Anatomy Body Drawing technique. So grab a pen and start write notes." Groaning the class started to take notes for the lesson, oh they hated this 'taking notes' shit.
"I'll never draw anything in my life after this." Natsu complained, earning a chuckle from Gray. "Shut up, pervert-pants." he snarled. Gray stopped chuckling, giving him a death glare.
"You want to say something, Mr. Dragneel?" the teacher asked.
"Yeah, can't we just draw your body, it's such a good exemplar?" he said, crossing his arms behind his head, smirking. Laughter burst out in the class, while Reedus face reddened in anger over the boy's behavior.
End of chapter one~
Soo another fic XD and I love how Natsu is in this chapter, making me to have him just for myself! 8'D
*Hell School; The school Natsu and the other is going on is named Jigoku High and Jigoku means Hell soo~ ;3
This just popped up while I played Sims3, and I got inspiration from 'Heaven Is A Place On Earth' by Belinda Carlisle ^^ and tomorrow I will write chapter 16 to Music In B&S! :D
School doesn't start until next week so I have plenty of time writing new chapters (:
Read & Review, it's pure happiness to read your reviews :3
Love F-T-K ;)