It had been six years since Jack Spicer had been to a Showdown. Six years since he had come to visit Chase's palace keep. Six years since the draconic warlord had even laid eyes on the strangely colored young man. Which was why Chase, dressed in an expensive business suit, was currently sitting in the lavish waiting room of Spicer Technologies.

When Jack had hit eighteen, he had simply decided that there were other things in his life he wanted to focus on. He had stopped coming to Showdowns as often, but still came until, one day, he stopped coming all together. The monks, suspicious little hellions that they were, had gone to 'check up' on the techno genius only to find him moving out of his parents' home and bidding them farewell. He had asked that they rely a message of goodbye and 'thanks for the adventures' to everyone in the Xioalin-Heylin conflict for him and promptly disappeared without a forwarding address.

Not long afterwards, a fast growing technology company came on the business scene and was steadily gaining power and respect. Soon, everyone in the world wanted a taste of Jack's inventions. The sudden willingness to help better the world through computers and robotics made Chase suspicious. Which was why he was currently sitting in the bowels of Spicer Technologies in suit.

The door opposite the one Chase had come in opened, and a short woman entered the waiting room. She was thin, wearing a smart black pantsuit, her brown hair pulled back into a haphazard bun as she was scanning a small device that resembled a PDA with her lowered eyes. Despite his nature to be silent, Chase purposefully made a noise to alert the woman of his presence. She looked up with the most piercing eyes Chase could ever recall seeing and stared at him as if he were not suppose to be there.

"Who are you?" Her voice was not what he expected; it was raspy and hoarse as if she had recently been coughing violently. Chase did not stand, but put on his most charming of smiles, careful to conceal his fangs.

"My name is Chase Young, I am here to see Spicer."

"Do you have an appointment?" The question caught him off guard, but he merely shook his head. The woman gave him a look as if he were the dumbest kid on the playground.

"Call the main office, make an appointment. He'll probably be able to see you sometime next year." That said, she turned to leave. Chase stood, holding back a snarl.

"Tell Spicer, I'm here. I guarantee he will see me immediately." The woman rolled her eyes before disappearing back through the door she had come from. Chase settled back into his chair, entertaining different ways of making the woman suffer painfully.

"Hey, Jack-"

"Oh, Shelley! That was quick, so did you get the papers? I can't wait to see those guys' faces when we wipe the floor with them at the convention." Jack Spicer, now 24, was sitting at his desk in his underwear playing a video game. He flicked his eyes up momentarily to his assistant to see her giving him an aggravated look.

"What? We got the papers, didn't we?"

"Yes Jack, we have the papers. One of the bots is bringing them up now. That isn't why I'm back in here though. There's a man in the waiting room, says he wants to talk to you." Jack slouched down in his chair, putting his feet up on his desk before digging a few chips out of the bag snuggled next to his body.

"Does he have an appointment?"

"No, but he says if I told you he was here, you'd see him." Jack snickered.

"Fat chance. Who is it?" He pushed the chips into his mouth as Shelley sighed.

"Uh, Young. Chase Young." The chips quickly decorated Jack's desk as the young man scrambled to his feet. He stared at his assistant before punching a code into his custom computer. Then he swiveled his chair, staring at the wall-screen behind his desk now displaying the security camera feed to the waiting room outside his office. To his utter disbelief, sitting in a chair like a normal person, was Chase Young.

"Oh my god…" Once again, Jack was scrambling to his feet as he called cleaning robots to tidy his office immediately. He frantically looked about for his clothing before turning to his bewildered assistant.

"Shelley, where are my PANTS?!" Shelley stared at him before grabbing him gently by the arm and hauling him to the automated walk-in closet that had been built-in while robots cleaned up their creator's mess.

Five minutes later, the office was spotless and Jack was dressed in a dashing black suit, seated at his desk. He took in a deep breath before looking at Shelley, who was still confused.

"I'll explain later. Okay, show him in."