Eugene: Hey~! I'M BACK~! MUAHAHAHA~! *tries hard not to swallow nearby bug* *gag* Ew, nasty… -.- well, anyway, THIS IS THE SEQUEL FOR "SHUN AND JAPAN"! I REPEAT, THIS IS THE SEQUEL OF-

Japan: Ah.. Eugene-chan, you're too loud…

Eugene: Ok, ok! Geez… -.- (yeah, I have a naturally loud voice. DEAL WITH IT.) The only differences, however, is that 1. Japan will still be in there and be stated as the number 1 brawler other than Dan but he won't be the main character (sorry, dude); there'll be 2 of the countries in there as the main ones, 2. This will happen during Bakugan: New Vestroia so please don't confuse this by my other story (IMPORTANT NOTICE: PLEASE READ "SHUN AND JAPAN" BEFORE FULLY READING THIS TO UNDERSTAND OR ELSE. THANK YOU.), 3. There will be omakes later on, featuring some of the other countries with their bakugan (I'll need some info for them though), and 4. The dates I used for "Shun and Japan" are based on the original Japanese air dates of the Bakugan episodes but in this case, I'm using the English air dates from this story to the new sequels later on. And before I can start… *turns to Japan*, any predictions about this new year, 2012?

Japan: A-Ah.. I wish not to suffer from another earthquake again.. T.T

Eugene: Oh.. I feel sorry for Japan-kun. Anyway, this chappie will be in his P.O.V for now. ONWARD WITH THE FIRST CHAPPIE OF THE NEW SEQUEL! HEROES OF THE STAR AND THE MAPLE LEAF!

Japan's P.O.V:

Konnichiwa, it is me again, Japan. The country where the sun rises. …ah, are you asking me about how are the bakugan recently? Gomenasai about this but it has been a while since I last mentioned them… I do not know, but all I can say that today is now Friday. May. 8, 2009. You see, after the Battle Brawlers (who I have now been acquainted to by now) defeated Masquerade and visited the temporarily-deformed dimension of the Bakugan, Vestroia, to find Naga, the one behind the destruction beyond our Earth, on that day, Thursday. February. 7, 2008, there was chaos plaguing our lands….. *shudders* I do not wish to reveal much as it scarred most of us to life (including me..). T.T However, I can tell you that by the time Dan's guardian bakugan, Drago (really a Pyrus Dragonoid) defeated Naga, he fused the Infinity Core and Silent Core together into what is called the Perfect Core. Drago became part of the core himself and as a result, Vestroia became New Vestroia (something I learned back in my land). Peace soon returned and everything went pretty normal after that (and of course, since all of us countries are brawlers, too, we had to protect our lands, so we had to brawl against the evil bakugan). It took all of us 1 month and 13 days to restore everything we had afterwards but it was worth it. Then by Thursday. March. 20, 2008, all of the brawlers had to let our bakugan go and say good-bye so that they'll be at their true home…. *sniffle* it was kind of sad, of course. But at least they are happy. ^^

Well… there is one exception though. Not all of the bakugan in the world went back to their home. Ours (the countries) decided to stay because I had heard them saying that they wanted to stay with us. We were a little unsure at first.. but we eventually decided to let them. So if you see me with Takahi (really a Ventus Takahinoid), my guardian bakugan, on my shoulder at this moment, yes, he is one of those who stayed so please don't mind him.

*ahem* Anyway, as a country, I am pleased to tell you that things went okay for the citizens in my land. Also, I decided that to keep the evidence of Bakugan and the game rules of Bakugan brawling alive, I kept a journal of all the bakugan types so far from the very first day to the current days, battle rules, and everything I know. I finished one so far and I am currently writing on another one, as I need to record more in.

Ah… I have one last thing to tell you. *coughs* I am actually in New Vestroia. Hai, it's true, I am in there now. You see, a few days ago, I was hanging out with Dan, Marucho, Runo, and Julie (who was staying in Tokyo for a while) at the local park, listening to Dan and Runo doing love-hate stuff (yes, they are dating) while Marucho and Julie tsked-tsked when Drago suddenly came from what he called "a Dimension Portal". He wanted Dan, Marucho, and even me and Takahi to help him save New Vestroia since there were humanoid "aliens" known as Vestals from the planet Vestal (it was too far away for any of us to see though..) populating the place now and there were evil forces kidnapping the other bakugan and making them go into ball form. For some reason, he left Runo and Julie behind though… -_-

So for a while until now, I had met new allies (they are Vestals, of course), discovered new brawling rules, found new battle equipment, and discovered new technology that none of us, even me, could pull off. *ahem*

But as I'm saying- a-ah! *feels hands grabbing him* what is happening to me? I am- STOP THIS!

Some time later at this very day, I found myself in chains and leather straps attached to a scientific lab table, with Takahi in some sort of container surrounded by lasers. Someone observed me as I tried to get out, but not until I got injected with something that seemed to feel like a vaccine needle, putting me into a brief but uninterrupted slumber…