Thanks to Lolly4Holly for being my beta reader and helping me

Author: NickandGregNumberOneSlashFan

A/N: sadly I do not own any of the CSI shows :-( also I've changed the story so it's better then it was before

Description: The CSI team are called to a triple homicide in which Greg is kidnapped from the crime scene in a race to find him they are met with a live feed of Greg and the unthinkable that the night shift thought they would never have to witness again happens can the team find him in time?

The Vegas air was cool and calm as the lights lit up the city for those who wished to visit the ever called 'sin city' the streets where busy with tourists the casinos busy making money and the Vegas Crime Lab busy solving cases and trying their best to go home to relax, but some times plans never go accordingly to plan. Warrick walked through the halls caring sample bags with him as he walked into the DNA Lab where Greg was hovering over the microscope the CSI trainee was busy trying to get the CSI's results as Warrick laid the bag on the table Greg looked up and over to Warrick he sighed and grabbed for the bag.

"Warrick I will call you when your results are ready I still have the others to do so I will get to yours as soon as possible" Greg said Warrick just looked at him and smiled.

"Yeah I know and that's fine just don't forget to call as soon as they are done ok?" Warrick said and asked Greg nodded. "Thanks Greggo see ya" with that Warrick left.

No sooner as he left the machine beeped alerting him that the other results are done he paged Nick and the others then he got to work on Warrick's DNA swabs he was so busy trying to get everything caught up that he didn't notice the other three standing in the doorway they stood there for a good while thinking he would notice them, but not a single glance over Grissom couldn't help but smile he nudged Sara and the other two and whispered as he looked at Nick when he said this.

"Don't you agree he looks so cute working hard like that?" he asked causing Catherine and Sara to giggle and Nick to blush hard, everyone new Nick was in love with Greg, but he couldn't bring himself to tell him it was then that Grissom decided to clear his throat causing Greg to look over to him.

"Oh hey guys" Greg said greeting them they smiled.

"Hey Greg you got our results?" Sara asked he nodded then grabbed each paper handing them over to them that's when the machine beeped again he took the paper and called Warrick who happened to be walking by so he walked in and he handed Warrick his paper as the others studied the results then looked at Greg.

"Thanks Greg you may have just solved our cases" Catherine said Nick and Grissom nodded in agreement Warrick suddenly lifted Greg up in a big hug and swung him around, this shocked Greg and the others as a pang of Jealousy cursed through Nick, but he knew Warrick didn't mean anything by the hug as he was grinning big

"Greggo man your the best you have just solved my case thanks man" Warrick said as he placed Greg back down on the ground and ran out at lightning speed. Greg just stared dumbfounded blinking he finally found his voice.

"What just happened?" Greg asked.

"Well by the looks of it you just solved Warrick's case so he hugged you as a big thank you then ran off" Sara said laughing.

They all walked out Nick just stood there for a moment Greg just stared at him. Greg had been in love with Nick from the first day he started at the lab which was 7 years ago, but a straight lace Texan ladies-man like himself would never return his feelings so he never said a word and every time he was near Nick he got butterflies in his stomach and how he wished he could kiss him, but he would have to settle for his fantasies at home alone stroking his erection while moaning Nick's name. He was brought out of his thoughts when Nick strolled forward towards him suddenly stopped right in front of Greg and smiled. Nick had decided to take a chance and ask him to dinner.

"Hey Greggo I was...uh...I was wonderin' if you would um.." Nick stuttered he was nervous to say the least. Greg was looking at him in concern.

"You were wondering what Nick?" Greg asked Nick took a deep breath and went for the plunge.

"I was wonderin' if you wanted to have dinner with me?" Nick asked finally unbeknownst to them that their friends were standing out there smirking. Greg stood shocked for a moment there was no way he heard right.

"Nicky? Did you just ask me on a date?" Greg asked. Nick nodded Greg smiled big "Yes I would love to have dinner with you!" Greg said Nick let out a sigh of relief then grinned full blast.

"Great my place after shift!" Nick said.

"after shift it is" Greg agreed with a smile Nick smiled back nodded then walked out only to come face to face with the others who were now grinning.

"It's about damn time" all of them said at once Nick opened his mouth to say something when Sara chimed in.

"Man I never thought that would work! I thought we would have to resort to plan b"

"Plan b? Guys whats going on?" Nick asked

"We knew you loved Greg and we knew you would get jealous so we had Warrick give Greg a hug when he was given the results back in hopes to draw the jealousy out so you would make a move on Greg; man I never thought that would work though" Catherine chuckled Nick just stared at them dumbfounded blinking like Greg had done earlier then It clicked 'Greg'

"Did Greg have something to do with this?" Nick asked all of them shook their heads.

"No Greg didn't even know anything about this" Grissom pointed out

"Well I do now" Greg suddenly said making them all jump they turned to see Greg standing there.

"Greg! We can explain we..." Sara started, but Greg cut her off.

"No need to explain! Not that I don't appreciate what you did, but it would have been nicer if you told me what you were up to and let me in on your little plan" Greg said tears coming down as he turned and left the lab towards the locker room. He couldn't believe that they didn't trust him enough to keep his mouth shut about this and that hurt him a lot.

"You know guys I do appreciate what you did don't get me wrong we both do, but you do realize that you hurt Greg real bad just now? he thinks you don't trust him at all not even to keep his mouth shut about your plan he works real hard to gain your trust and now he feels he failed miserably" Nick said and with that he walked away towards the break room leaving Grissom and the others in thought.

"Nick's right! We should have let Greg in on our plan I mean we all know they both love each other and Greg would have went with it; we should have put more trust into him I'll go and talk to him" Sara suggested.

"Alright tell him we're sorry as well" Catherine told her Sara nodded

She left in the direction Greg went she was heading towards the locker room she opened the door Greg was on the bench sobbing, her heart broke for him how could they do that to him? And without thinking? She shook her head in anger, angry at herself for not putting enough trust in him and for hurting him like this they were so busy trying to get them together that they didn't stop to think that maybe just maybe Greg wanted in on the plan, but they didn't and she thinks that's what hurt him the most.

"Greg? Hey we're sorry that we didn't trust you enough to let you in on our plan we knew you would have went with it, but at the time it didn't cross our minds" Sara said sitting next to Greg placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah? What did cross your mind?" Greg asked looking up and over at Sara she could see the hurt in his eyes as she sighed softly.

"That we could finally get you guys together! I mean you have been tap dancing around each other for 7 years and we thought maybe if we got you two together you finally would be happy, but we didn't think on letting you in on the plan and for that we could not be more sorry that includes Catherine, Warrick and Grissom" Sara said Greg looked at her for a moment or two, whipped his tears away then smiled.

"You guys are forgiven! I just ask that you put more trust towards me enough to let me in on your plans in the future" Greg said and Sara nodded.

"Absolutely!" Sara said with a grin she patted him on the back and got up "now I do believe your shift is over as is mine lets go find you something to wear for your date tonight" she said Greg got up and smiled then his smile faded.

"You ok?" Sara asked

"Yeah I just remembered we never set a time on when I should be there" Greg said with a sigh Sara looked at him.

"Come on lets go ask him." and with that Sara led Greg out of the locker room and towards the break room.

Greg spotted Nick sitting on the couch reading a magazine drinking his coffee. Grissom, Catherine and Warrick were sitting at the table. He walked in catching the attention of Grissom who looked up at him he had those apologetic eyes. Greg knew he was about to apologize so he held up his hand to stop him.

"No Griss don't! Sara already apologized and she spoke for you guys too and I already told her that I accepted your apology." Greg told him with a reassuring smile they all smiled and nodded. Greg turned to Nick who had looked up from his magazine by then. "uh Nick you uh never said what time I should be there? What time do you want me over later?" he asked.

"What time is it now?" he asked. Greg looked at his watch.

"It's 10:30" Greg said that's when Grissom piped in.

"You both have tomorrow off why don't you go ahead and clock out now since it's a slow night and all" he suggested he wanted to get back on Greg's good side. Nick and Greg both nodded with a smile then he turned to face Greg.

"Come over about 12 am?" Nick suggested Greg nodded.

"Ok I will see you then" Greg said with excitement in his voice and with that he was out the door with Sara behind him.

"Hey Greg wait up" Sara called Greg halted to a stop waiting for her to catch up and as soon as she caught up they were out the door and into the cool Vegas night with Sara planning Greg's looks and style.
