The next morning, when Zuko awoke, he felt so mellowed out that he simply turned over and went back to sleep; ignoring his uncle's call to get up. He lay there, drifting serenely in and out of consciousness, when his mind suddenly conjured a picture of himself and the Freedom Fighter pressed against each other, mouths locked and their eyes closed in pleasure. Zuko bolted upright and felt his face heat up as his memories flowed back into place. The worse part of it though was the end, when the prince realized he'd admitted to Jet that he'd liked it and Jet had spoken his real name. Zuko groaned and hunched over, gripping his hair in frustration before quickly letting go when he remembered that he'd done that to Jet's hair last night.

"Nephew? Is everything ok in there?" Iroh called, concerned that his charge wasn't getting up.

Zuko stared blankly at the far wall. Ok? He though, how can anything be ok! But aloud he replied, "Yes, Uncle, I'm fine." He sighed and rubbed his face, replaying last night's little adventure in his mind. Zuko sighed heavily and started getting ready for the day, there really was no denying it; he had liked it…a lot…and it did help him loose then tension in his muscles.

So the day started out like normal. The pair opened their tea shop and got down to business, and when Jet came he was greeted by a snarl of 'get lost' which seemed to make the cocky bastards day. Everything continued like normal; and unspoken agreement already forming between the two teens to not speak of what happened last night nor mention that Jet knew Zuko's real name. It was a private, secret thing that only existed when the sun went down and everyone was asleep, and the banished prince was grateful for it.

Later, when Zuko and Jet were washing dishes together, the teasing was good natured and immature as always. Nothing had changed, and Zuko finally began to relax.

At night though, things took on a much different mood. Once Iroh and Zuko said goodbye to Jet at their house, and Iroh went to bed, Zuko unlocked his window and let Jet inside.

"Miss me?" Jet teased, swinging in through the opened shutters.

"No." Zuko snipped, already starting to feel a little awkward. But whatever hesitation crept up on him was quickly diminished as Jet's hot mouth claimed his lips and their bodies pressed against each other in need. They would fool around for a bit, sometimes Zuko would take over and turn Jet from an arrogant bastard to a needy whore in just a few strokes, and sometimes Jet would overpower the prince and 'help him unwind.' They never went farther than getting off, but it usually ended in a rather heated kiss that left them both breathless and satisfied.

One day however, Zuko was in a terrible mood. Iroh, scared that the prince's dark looks were going to frighten away his customers, assigned Zuko with kitchen duty. The banished prince brewed tea and fumed quietly to himself, even ignoring Jet when he turned up.

"What's the matter with you?" Jet asked, elbowing Zuko in the ribs and then ducking wildly as Zuko took a swipe at him. "Woah! Calm down, Li." There was a light sarcasm when he pronounced 'Li'.

"Fuck you!" Zuko hissed, not having any patience today to deal with Jet.

Jet had the perfect comeback ready on his lips, and he was just dying to use it, but something in Zuko's posture warned him that he might lose a limb if he wasn't careful. "No, really, what's up?" Jet's sarcastic voice had changed into something a little more human, with a tinge of worry in it.

"Nothing." Zuko spat, moving on to wash the dishes. He picked up a plate and began scrubbing it with such vigor that it was a wonder the plate didn't shatter.

Jet glanced around and then followed, "C'mon, Li, what's bothering you?"

"Everything!" Zuko snarled, rounding on the Freedom Fighter, "I hate this place! I hate the people in it, I hate my life, and I hate you!" The prince dropped the plate back into the tub and stormed out of the tea shop, tossing his apron into an empty sink as he went.

"Ouch." Jet muttered, as the door slammed close.

"He didn't mean it." Iroh said, smiling at Jet.

The brown hair teen jumped slightly, "When did you…nevermind." He'd long since given up on trying to figure out about Li's uncle. "Well nice seeing you." He started toward the door Zuko had marched out of when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Be careful, my nephew is in a funny mood." Iroh cautioned.

"Don't worry about me," Jet grinned, cocky as ever, "I'll talk to him and live!" He laughed and ran out after the irritated teen. It was harder than Jet had thought, finding Zuko. The Freedom Fighter wandered the streets, checking the roofs, and glancing down alley ways. But the banished prince was nowhere to be found. An hour later, when Jet was trudging by a small ally, a pair of hands suddenly shot out and grabbed him, dragging him bodily into the backstreet, "Wha-?" He began, before a pair of lips silenced him, "Mph…" He melted into the kiss, clinging onto Zuko as he felt the need and desperation behind his lips.

Zuko pressed himself against Jet, breaking away only to breathily pant, "Didn't mean it…"

"I know." Jet breathed back, before tugging the male into another kiss. It was still daylight out, but the two didn't give a damn as they fought for dominance in the shadows.

Zuko groaned softly as Jet finally gave in and let Zuko enter his mouth, tasting and feeling every inch of it. Their lips moved in sync as they forgot about the world and focused on each other. Jet had to break for breath first, gasping quietly as Zuko just moved lower, kissing and nipping at his neck, "God you're such a turn on…"

They continued like that for a bit, before Zuko sighed and glanced at the sinking sun, "I'd better go home, Uncle's probably worried."

"It's not like this is ending," Jet growled, pushing Zuko back against the wall and kissing him fiercely, "I'm not through with you just yet."

"Tonight." Zuko breathily agreed, clutching the back of Jet's shirt and locking their lips once more.

Jet hummed and then broke away, "Tonight." He confirmed, a hungry look in his eye.

The rest of the evening couldn't pass fast enough. Iroh was glad to see that Zuko had calmed down and seemed to regard Jet with a little more respect; not just about anybody can chase after a fire nation prince, calm him down, and then live to tell the tale. Soon Jet was leaving, waving goodbye and grinning cheekily at Zuko as he left. Iroh went to bed and an hour later was asleep. The second that happened Zuko threw open his window and practically dragged Jet into his room.

They didn't waste any time, Jet attacked Zuko and pushed him against the wall, pressing against him and claiming his lips for a heated kiss. They struggled for a second or two before all clothing was removed and their hot skin rubbing against each other tauntingly. Jet pulled Zuko down to the floor and continued kissing him, nipping on his lower lip, while sneaking a hand down and wrapping it around Zuko's length. "So hot…" he murmured, causing Zuko to moan as he was stroked into a full erection. Jet figured it was going to be quick and heated, so he didn't bother teasing the prince this time. He slid down and wrapped his mouth around the head, swallowing the length and relishing in the strangled moan of pleasure that issued from Zuko's mouth. He trailed his tongue around the shaft, slurping nosily as he drew back and then took him in again.

Zuko already felt his climax coming, but instead of surrendering to it he pushed Jet off quickly, panting from the intensity. "No…"

"What?" Jet asked, his eyebrows scrunching in confusion.

The prince reached over and dragged Jet in for a demanding kiss, the sort that was desperate and hot and made you arch in for more. "I need more this time."

"More…?" Jet breathed, before understanding dawned on him, "You sure about this?" He asked, his eyes studying Zuko carefully.

"Yeah, I need it." Zuko panted, aching for Jet more than he'd like to admit. "Stop staring at me!" He snapped, his face flushing.

Jet groaned and kissed Zuko again, letting his hand drop lower, circling his entrance. He'd fingered Zuko before, and knew exactly what he was looking for this time. Soon he struck it and Zuko cried out wantonly, biting Jet's shoulder to muffle the noise, and arching into the hand, "Yes…Jet c'mon…" he demanded, shuddering as Jet found the place again, "Jet!"

The Freedom Fighter moaned at the look on Zuko's face, that mixture of defiance and pure need that always sent him overboard. He spat on his hand and rubbed his length, aligning himself with the entrance before pushing in. They both clung to each other as Jet entered, desperately trying to muffle their sounds of pleasure. "So-ngh-tight." Jet panted, his chest heaving as he tried to gain some control, "Dammit Zuko you feel so good."

Zuko groaned in response, shifting his hips and shuddering as they both felt bolts of ecstasy race through their bodies. "Move…move Jet."

Gripping Zuko's hips tightly, Jet leaned over him and slowly withdrew before thrusting back in, picking up a steady pace that made Zuko spread his legs and moan for more. He looked so fucking good like that, on the floor, panting, face flushed with need, "God you're amazing." Jet breathed, picking up the pace and hitting Zuko's spot dead on.

"A-ah!" Zuko clawed at the floor for purchase, his eyes shutting as white hot pleasure boiled through his veins faster than any fire. It all felt so good, "Spirits…Jet…harder…" He panted, trying to keep his voice down.

Jet moaned and slammed into Zuko, his climax starting to build from the intense heat and friction, "Oh fuck…Zuko I…I can't hold on."

"Me either." Zuko groaned, and then Jet's hand was on his member, stroking him in time with his erratic thrusts, "Jet! Jet! A-AH!" His orgasm left him breathless and his vision faded as his mind was overcome with white hot fire. He shuddered as Jet came inside him, calling his name rapidly and breathlessly.

Jet slowly removed himself and then collapsed next to Zuko, riding out their sex high as they tried to catch their breath, "God that was…"

"Fantastic." Zuko finished, a pleasant ache washing away his stress. He rolled over and pressed his lips against Jet's, their tired tongues twisting and toying playfully with each other before breaking away.

Zuko crawled into bed and then scooted over, "C'mon and sleep. You can leave in the morning before Uncle wakes up."

Jet grinned happily and joined his lover, curling up in the warm sheets that smelled like Zuko. They fell asleep in each other's arms, with Zuko using Jet as a pillow, and slept peacefully until morning.

The End