Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. It's J.K. Rowling's world. I just want to live in it. This is a purely fan made story. It was not made for any profit.

Author's Note: First chapter! I'm so excited for this brand new story. Remember to review and subscribe. My creative energy is fed by reviews.

Summary: The Marauders are starting their fourth year at Hogwarts. While keeping Remus' secret is getting harder, they become closer to becoming anamagi. Sirius also has to deal with a new student who is just as nice as his mom. The Marauders can't wait to start a new year at Hogwarts. Fourth year is different however due to the falling out between Wormtail and Moony and the possible departure of one Marauder.

Ch. 1 Meeting the Future In-Laws

Being a Pureblood wizard had always been a source of annoyance for Sirius Black. He was expected to act a certain way and to do everything his parents tell him to. It was his mission in life to be different from his family. Unlike him, his brother Regulus was the perfect son. He never did anything to offend his parents. Sirius knew that his parents' patience was not to be tested but he did anyways. In the first week since he been home from school, he'd became a lot more daring. He redecorated his room to empathize his uniqueness. In a muggle magazine he found in the park, he cut out a picture of bikini clad muggle girls and put it on the walls. Needless to say, his mother wasn't pleased with his artwork.

"The Greengrasses are coming tomorrow," Mr. Black announced at dinner one day. Sirius groaned. He knew what that meant. He was going to meet the girl he was supposed to marry for one of the first times.

"Great," Sirius groaned.

"What did you say?" His father snapped.

"I said great and then I groaned," Sirius said unabashed.

"Don't take that tone with your father," His mother warned.

"I just groaned," Sirius muttered. His mother looked at him in angry, obviously hearing him. Regulus was watching intently. Sirius stared down his mother without blinking. He didn't care; soon he would be with his friends.

After dinner, this was always a big ordeal, his father asked to meet Sirius in his den. Sirius was curious about this. His father never invited him to his den ever. One of his first memories of his father is him forbidding him to enter it without permission. He knew it must have been important. That made him nervous. His father pointed at the futon and Sirius took that as a cue to sit down.

"Sirius, do you want to remain in the family?" His father asked. Sirius looked at him not really sure how to respond. The honest answer was no. He wanted his time at home to be as comfortable as possible, but he didn't plan to do what his parents wanted him to.

"Sure," He said trying to sound sincere. His father obviously didn't believe him. To be truthful, he wouldn't be having believed him either.

"Really. From you behavior I don't gather that," His father said stern. Sirius looked at the ground unable to meet his father's eyes.

"You're almost fifteen years old. It's time you start thinking about your future. In the family and career wise" His father said. Sirius relaxed a bit.

"Well I want to be an auror when I graduate Hogwarts," Sirius said without hesitation. His father didn't comment on his career choice. Sirius had the distinct impression he disapprove of his plans to become an auror.

"The Greengrasses are old friends of the family. It is very important that you are courteous to their daughter. Do you understand me," He asked sternly. Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Alright. I will." Sirius said. For now, he will play by his parents' rules on this. He would wear the stupid dress robes that they made them wear. He would deal with the snobby Greengrasses. If it meant peace until he was able to leave the house.

"Good. Your mother got your best dress robes prepared for you. Dinner should be around 6 o'clock tomorrow," His father said. Sirius nodded in understanding. Sirius was not looking forward tomorrow night. Lying in bed that night. He thought about how one of his best friends James "Prongs" Potter would deal with the situation. A smile came across his face.

Reluctantly, Sirius got dressed like a good boy. When his parents weren't looking he put his plan into action. Worst come to worse he would just blame Kreacher. Sirius smirked because blaming someone else is something that another best friend of his, Remus "Moony" Lupin, would do.

"Are you ready?" His mother called. Sirius thought about her voice sounded like nails a chalk board. Even though he was a Gryffindor, he was smart enough not to tell her this. Sirius hated it whenever his mother yelled because she sounded like a banshee.

"Yes, Mum!" Sirius called. He looked at himself in the mirror. He looked like a prat. Knowing he couldn't put it off any longer he walked down to the dinning the stairs. The Greengrasses were being entertained in the parlor.

"This must be Sirius," Mr. Greengrass said.

"Yes sir," Sirius said politely. He knew that Mr. Greengrass was rich and owned many businesses.

"It's nice to meet you. You seem like a well brought up Pureblood boy. I'm happy my daughter is marrying in to such a good family," Mr. Greengrass said. Sirius nodded awkwardly. He didn't know if he should be pleased or insulted. He settled on being in different. Mr. Greengrass introduced his wife. She was blond, and thin. She sort of reminded him of his cousin Narcissa.

"This is our daughter Ariel Greengrass," He introduced. Sirius nodded toward the girl. She was tall and thin with light brown hair. Ariel just nodded at him and did not say a world. In that instant Sirius knew they weren't going to get along.

"Well at least you're good-looking," Ariel muttered. Sirius glared at her. She definitely didn't compete with Bonnie. Bonnie Henderson was in his year and in Ravenclaw. Thinking about his girlfriend made Sirius smile. He had to remember to write to her when he gets up stairs.

"Now be nice Ariel," His father said bracingly. Both families sat down. They weren't even eating dinner already, and he was already bored. His father and Mr. Greengrass talked about business. The only bright spot was that their house elf had made their favorite meal. There was also caver, which he actually liked. He looked down the table at his mom and Ariel. They were talking about her starting Hogwarts.

"I hear it's nothing like Beauxbatons," Ariel said. Sirius glared at her. She better not insult Hogwarts.

"I myself went to Hogwarts. At least in my day, they had a decent Headmaster," His mother said. Sirius looked angry at his mother. He liked their Headmaster. Without him, he wouldn't have met Remus and they wouldn't be the Marauders.

"He's a very good Headmaster," Sirius defended.

"Please. Hogwarts doesn't even compete with Beauxbatons test scores. Hogwarts is a school for Muggle lovers and dunderheads," She said. Sirius was insulted, he was not a dunderhead and liking Muggles wasn't a bad thing. Oh she was going to be a victim of a Marauder prank for sure.

"Where's your lavatory?" She asked politely to his mother. Her mother told her where it was and went down the hall. Sirius acted quickly. Being a Marauder, he was able to spot pranking opportunities. The soup had been brought out when she was in the loo. Immediately, it happened.

"Ewe, a bug," She screamed jumping out her seat.

"What?"Mrs. Greengrass said started. Ariel started freaking out. It took a while for her mother to calm her down.

"Kreacher!" Mr. Black said. Their house elf came in.

"Yes master," He replied.

"Why are there bugs in our guest soup?" He asked. Sirius tried not to laugh which was as decided really hard. In the end, his father decided Kreacher made a mistake. His dad didn't even think he could have done it. He politely excused himself from the table. When he reached his room he heard sneezing. Sirius chuckled.

"I know you did it," Regulus said.

"What's that my dear brother," Sirius turned around.

"You put sneezing powder in their soup and the bug as well," Regulus said.

"You can't prove anything," Sirius said. Regulus glared at him and walked away. Sirius sat down on his bed. He was glad that was over. At least he might not have to deal with Ariel Greengrass too much at Hogwarts.

Next Chapter: Padfoot learns that his brother has a hidden talent. Moony overhears an argument that makes him uneasy. The Marauders are finally reunited. The Marauders go to see their friend Bonnie.