This chapter's probably shorter then the others, sorry…. :]

I don't really have time to write, hence school has started, but I wanted to anyway….

So, I hope you like it….

To some, love meant existence….

"Maria…. Maria-chan~"


"Maria-chan, shouldn't you be at class?…. Uryu~"


"Maria…. Maria what's the matter, you look sad uryu~"

But the girl didn't respond. Tears were dwelling at the edges of her eyes, as she sat there, in the corner of the school playground, on the cold stone. No matter how hard her dearest imaginary friend tried to reach her, it just wouldn't succeed.

The boy, dressed like a lion, shifted his glance towards the ground, almost like he was trying to find the spot his friend was looking at. He looked genuinely concerned, and maybe a tad bit sad. He could clearly see the bruises on Maria's knees and hands, and her cute dress was far more untidy then usual. Alright, he was very sad, but he wasn't going to cry, he was a lion, the king of animals, after all.

"…. Sakutarou, why are they like that…. Uu."

The girl spoke suddenly, breaking the silence in between them. The boy flinched, his small, animal like ears, raising up.

"Bec…. That's because they're…. They're-!"

Sakutarou started loudly, but then whimpered, realizing that he knew no correct words to describe his feelings. He looked into Maria's beautiful dark blue eyes. Tears were still there, ready to slide any moment now.


The ones who did this were a bunch of kids, a year older then Maria herself. Seemingly, Maria wasn't the only victim in the entire school, as others feared them too. Sometimes, Sakutarou wondered if that was a good thing, or a bad thing. This way, they at least didn't bully Maria all the time. But when they did, they made sure it would scar her for weeks, even more. Other kids were a lot nicer, and the way they treated Maria was…. well, a bit mean, but they never hit her. Sometimes, their bullying seemed friendly. However, at other times, it would still be horrible….

But those guys were nothing like that. They bullied Maria plenty of times now, tearing at her hair and clothes, destroying her books, toys she would sometimes bring, and hitting her over and over calling her names…. Sakutarou wished he would be brave enough to face them, but he knew he couldn't, due to anti-magic toxin, that would destroy him, and leave Maria all by herself in this cruel world.

But he couldn't just leave her here either…. And she certainly couldn't go back in the classroom….

"I've got an idea, uryu~ Why doesn't Maria walk back home with Sakutarou. Uryu~."

"Sakutarou, are you sure it's a good idea….?"

"Why wouldn't it be?"
"Well, you know. Last time when I did that and went home, mama was really angry at Maria."

"Uryu~! I'm sure mama will understand Maria! Mama loves Maria~ Uryu~"


"And besides, there's no need for Maria to be somewhere that made her unhappy~ Mama'll understand!"

"If Sakutarou-kun says so~ Uu~"

"Sakutaruo, do you think mama really loves Maria?"

That question broke the ice. They were back home, their clothes soaked from the rain. The hidden truth behind it hurt Sakutarou, Maria's suddenly empty eyes even more so.

"Of course she does Maria…. Why wouldn't she?"

"It's…. something those boys said…. Uu.'

"Don't listen to them, Maria! Mama loves Maria! Everyone does! I do!"

"But then…. Why is she so angry sometimes? Uu…."

"She's angry, because she loves you. And she thinks magic is a bad thing. But it's not! It's good. So you have to make her believe in that Uryu….. Make mama believe magic is good, make mama believe!"

"…. But-"

"Don't let the ruin magic with their anti-magic toxin. Don't let…. I love you Maria."

And silence one again returned to the room. Maria stared at him, her eyes wid. Sure, he told it many times, but never with this much force. And was he…. Crying? Why? Did she make him sad?

Sakutarou allowed his bangs to cover his eyes, but tears were still visible on his face. He hated them, students, teachers, even Mama. He hated them all for making her cry. For using her love. How couldn't he, he was a being that was born out of her pure love. If she didn't love him, he would cease to exist. And why would he even exist, if that was the case…. Unloved, alone…. That wasn't the existence he wanted. That wasn't the existence anyone wanted.

He sobbed quietly, clenching his fists…. His mind was blank, his mouth dry…. He sobbed. Lions don't cry. Maybe he wasn't a lion after all. Maybe everyone was right, he was just a stupid, old toy Rosa bought in nearby shop for her daughter's birthday. Maybe he really wasn't sawed up with love…. Mayba? Maybe?...

He felt someone lifting his head….

"Sakutarou-kun? Don't cry. Maria's sorry or making you cry like that."

She tapped his head lightly with her other hand, smile on her face, that's somehow still wet from tears.

"And Maria loves you too~ Uu~"