It was all in the eyes. A secret language lies within their depths. It expressed true emotions, of hate, anger, pity, approval, annoyance, sadness, stress, fear, mockery, but at this moment, unlike so many before, love.

Here she was at the altar, standing before her was the love of her life. When they were in high school, they would've laughed at the thought of loving one another, and getting married. Times change, and Téa Gardner, soon to be Kaiba, had finally been able to get through his icy composure. It took a few years though, Seto Kaiba was a difficult person to get through to.

They slowly fell for each other, she loved the way his eyes sparkled when he smiled at her. He loved it when she laughed at his dry sense of humor. But the most enjoyable moments were when those shades of blue locked on each other, speaking unspoken words of each other's heart and soul.

After they became serious about their relationship, Seto was slightly more open with Téa , she learned quickly. She looked into his eyes and learned of his pains and joys. If Seto wasn't in a talkative mood, they would stare at each other for minutes, sending their thoughts through their eyes.

Even after all the times she had seen his eyes gleam with joy, she was still scarred with the depressing look he gave her the one time he had a large argument with Mokuba. His little brother threatened to run away from home, it scared him and he was a total wreck for at least three and a half hours. Before he could come up with a logical solution to his dilemma.

Another look he gave her was on their one year anniversary, she knew he didn't forget, he was Seto Kaiba. He was prompt, not impromptu. She looked into his eyes in hopes of finding a slight hint of how they were celebrating. His eyes were misty, and it mystified her. She loved the surprise, he took her to see her favorite ballet.

Her absolute favorite look was the one she was receiving now, though the previous looks weren't as strong as the one he was giving her now. His eyes were darker, but had a light gleam surrounding the cerulean color, it gave them a deep characteristic. He heart swelled, and she beamed at him so much it hurt.

Seto Kaiba stood taller and prouder at the altar, Mokuba at his side, smiled approvingly. Seto smirked, his heart started to beat faster as he saw Téa approach the altar. His smirk turned into a larger genuine smile as he watched Téa in her elegant wedding gown. She sure did look beautiful. The way she smiled at him reminded him of so many more memories they shared.

The sense of pride he got every time he saw her eyes dance with a soft blue glow when she laughed. Every time he saw her eyes it made him intrigued. She had different moods, at times she would roll her eyes at him in annoyance, as if to say "you are so immature" but he knew better. The way her eyes gleamed, as if to say "don't stop making me laugh."

Or the times when she would have dull shade of blue, he knew that she was feeling stressed. Reading her eyes became their way of communication. They didn't need to talk at all, it was already spoken without words. He had mastered this language long before their relationship, Seto remembered back in the day when all he saw in Téa's eyes were three emotions. Anger, hate, and pity. The occasional fear.

Yet she learned to love him anyway, after all they were about to say "I do."

Captivated by each other's eyes, they spoke "I do." Seto picked Téa up and kissed her passionately, Téa returned his kiss with equal passion. All the guests cheered, after the kiss ended Seto and Téa paused to look into each other's blue depths. Both said three words, "I love you."