I own nothing

Chapter 24

Freddie rolled onto his eyes and squinted at the sunlight that poured into his bedroom window. He turned and reached an arm out for Sam but found her side empty, as he had found it for the past few mornings. Lucy was a week old today, and sadly he had work to go back to. Freddie ventured out of his room and found Sam making breakfast, Lucy happily lying in her carrier Sam had placed on the counter.
"You could have woken me up," he said wrapping his arms around his wife and kissing her cheek, "I would have gotten her this morning."
"No you were up with her most of the night and you have work," Sam said placing the slices of oranges into a bowl. He released her and walked over to pick up his daughter.
"Morning Luce," he said raising her up to place a kiss on her rosy cheek.
"I think we're gonna head over later and help Carly pack up the last of the boxes," Sam said.
"You're going to help her pack?" Freddie asked with a knowing smile.
"Watch her pack," Sam clarified.
"That's what I thought," he said handing Lucy to Sam, "I gotta get dressed." He ran back to the bedroom and changed into a blue dress shirt, slacks, and a light purple tie. He studied himself in the bathroom mirror as he brushed his teeth. He did look older, wiser maybe; perhaps having a child did that to people. Coming back into the kitchen Sam was now sitting on the counter and bouncing Lucy on her shoulder.
"You sure you'll be okay?" He asked.
"I do know how to take care of my own baby," Sam said rolling her eyes.
"I know I just-"
"We'll miss you too," Sam said getting off the counter and raising up on her toes to kiss the worry from his face.
"What if she forgets me?" Freddie asked tracing Lucy's cheek with his finger.
"She hardly knows who you are as it is," Sam said using her free hand to straighten his tie, "you'll be home in a few hours."
"Okay," he said kissing her once more, then his daughter's forehead before leaving.
"Isn't daddy silly Lucy?" Sam asked cradling the baby against her chest. "He just worries because he loves you, which is why he probably won't let you date for twenty years."
Around noon Sam decided to head over to Carly's. She dressed Lucy in a light yellow outfit with a matching headband, courtesy of Melanie. When they were packed and ready she set Lucy securely in the car and drove off. When she walked into the lobby of the apartment building she saw a familiar face.
"Sam," the man said walking over to her smiling.
"Jason, right?" She asked.
"Yeah, how have you been?" He asked.
"Good, actually I just came over to help Carly pack."
"Right I heard she was moving, bummer huh?"
"Yeah," Sam shifted.
"Oh," he said suddenly noticing the baby, "who's this?"
"Lucy," she said holding her up so he could get a better look.
"She's cute," he said waving a hand at her.
"Thanks," Sam said, "well I should be going."
"Of course," he said walking around her, "it was great to see you."
"Same," she said hurrying to catch the open elevator before it closed. When she finally reached Carly's apartment the door was open and boxes were stacked to the entryway.
"Carls?" Sam asked peering into the bare apartment.
"Hold on," she called from within. Sam stood in the hallway for a few minutes until Carly jumped out over a box.
"Hi!" She said excitedly hugging Sam with one arm. "I am so happy you're here!"
"Whoa Carly, I thought I was going stir crazy," Sam laughed.
"Let me take her," Carly said taking the carrier and carefully climbing over the boxes, Sam following suit. Carly placed the carrier on the table and extracted her goddaughter.
"Hey there pretty girl," she said kissing her cheek and parading her around the apartment. "Oh I'm going to miss you so much," she said.
"God you sound like Freddie going off to work," Sam said.
"So did he cry?"
"Almost," Sam laughed.
After three hours of talking, and watching Carly pack it was time to go home.
"When are you guys leaving?" Sam asked as they walked towards the door.
"Two days," Carly said sadly.
"Don't worry kid," Sam said, "it'll be okay."
"I'm just really gonna miss you guys," Carly said walking with her to the elevator.
"We're going to miss you too," Sam said.
"So I'll see you again before we leave?"
"Of course," Sam said hugging her with the arm that wasn't holding Lucy. After getting home and putting Lucy down for a nap Sam plopped down on the couch and let out a deep breath. She looked around the apartment, it was the same as it had been a week ago mostly, they had taken the sign down and there was a stuffed bunny on the floor but it still felt the same. There were also two new pictures on the mantel, one of the three of them in the hospital right after she was born, and one of just Lucy Freddie had taken when she was sleeping.
She like the room better now, it felt homier with the baby here. She knew she should be trying to sleep but she decided instead to creep back into the nursery and pull a chair up to the crib to watch her daughter sleep. She watched her affectionately for a few minutes, snapping a quick picture with her phone to send to Freddie, then watching her more. She noted the way she slept with one tiny fist balled up under her chin and her mouth slightly open, she looked like Freddie. She made funny little baby noises while she slept too, and Sam loved those. She hesitantly reached out a hand to stroke Lucy's soft hair.
"I love you," she whispered before standing and heading to her own bedroom to try and get in a quick nap as well. Freddie returned home to Sam asleep and Lucy lying awake in her crib quietly watching the mobile above her head. After Freddie changed her and brought her out to the kitchen he wondered why she hadn't cried and woken Sam up. He settled into the couch with her lying in the crook of his elbow and turned on topgear.
"You like the cars?" He asked noticing Lucy was watching the screen with deep intensity. "I hope I'm not over stimulating you, I think you're supposed to be watching the wiggles or something," he said. Lucy only kept watching the screen with a mesmerized expression. When the episode ended Freddie realized he should make dinner. He found a container of macaroni and cheese Sasha had brought by the day before and warmed it up, too tired to actually make food. He tip toed into the bedroom and kneeled beside Sam who was sleeping soundly. He brushed her cheek with one hand causing her to awake.
"Lucy?" she asked worriedly sitting up.
"She's fine, she's right here," Freddie said shifting the baby so Sam could see, "I made some dinner if you're hungry."
"Yeah," Sam said getting up and stretching before following him back to the kitchen.
"How was work?" She asked once they were sitting.
"I missed you," he admitted sheepishly.
"That's okay, we missed you too."
"How was Carly, nervous about the move?"
"What do you expect?" Sam asked.
"I think Brad's scared too," Freddie said, "worried about leaving his grandmother here."
"That woman's tough as nails, she's never going to die no matter where he goes," Sam joked. They finished dinner after Lucy fell asleep cuddled against Freddie's side. After putting her in her crib Freddie brushed his teeth while Sam showered, he listened to her light singing and hummed along to the tune. Sam came to bed ten minutes after him, snuggling into his side for warmth. Freddie wrapped both arms around her and breathed in the scent of her shampoo. Twenty minutes later Lucy woke them up with a loud wail. Freddie got her the first two times. Sam the next twenty.

Two days later Sam, Freddie, and Lucy stood near the gates of the airport waving their last goodbyes at Carly and Brad. Freddie watched a tear slip down his wife's cheek and wrapped an arm around her kissing her temple.
"It's okay," he murmured into her hair.
"I know," she said shifting Lucy in her arms to hold her closer.

Sorry this took such an amazingly long time, I'm a bad person. I know