Okay, so I got this idea suddenly whilst watching Hitch so this fic will be loosely based on the film. I'm really excited about this project and I hope other people will be to - so reviews will be really appreciated to motivate me!
Main pairings will be;
I don't own Hetalia; just the DVDs, a t-shirt, and a pack of awesomely cute playing cards.
"Hey dude you have reached the Matchmaker - what in the name of love can I do for you?"
There was a sigh on the other end of the line followed by a groan.
"Alfred, this is pointless, and in all honesty I can say that is the worst one yet."
Alfred laughed as he took a seat next to his brother.
"Aww come on! I worked real hard on that one."
Matthew hung up his phone and stared across the couch at his brother, whos attention had been drawn back to his notepad which over the course of the evening had been covered in his brothers childish large scrawl. He took up their empty cups and refilled them with more coffee. For the last three hours he had been sucked into his brothers unusual job as a matchmaker by helping him come up with a catchy line to say when the unlucky-in-love called his helpline. Matthew told him it was stupid and cheesy but he persisted; it added charm and trust.
Matthew set their coffees on the small old table in front of them, carefully nudging a clearing between the crumpled pieces of paper and old magazines. For a few minutes the only sound in the room was the rushed sound of pencil on paper. Matthew took his cue to turn to his brother when he cleared his throat.
Dear God when will this end?
" Welcome young grasshopper; how may I aid you in the study of love?"
"I've been expecting you."
The couch pillow went to his face.
"You're no help! I'm trying to make this have personality!"
Matthew threw the pillow back with just as much vigour.
"Then why don't you just say hello?"
"You're boring."
"And you're weird. You're whole job is weird."
Alfred scoffed and swallowed the last dregs of his coffee. He put his feet up on the couch so his bare feet rested on his brothers lap, leaving him trapped under his freakishly strong legs. He gently patted his little brother on the shoulder.
"It's not weird bro! It's a successful, legitimate hobby. And I'm good at it. I set up Kiku with that Greek guy and they're still going out. I set up that Spanish guy with that angry little dude - and loads of people!"
Matthew smiled at Alfred's happy face and shook his head. His brother's job was exciting. He could give him that. Better than staring at the same four walls in an office all day where nobody noticed you. Matthew fidgeted with the cup in his hands.
"Still…its pretty, erm, creepy?"
Matthew took his brothers concentration on his question to shove his feet off his lap, then curled his feet under himself.
"Well," He said. "Some guy calls you - in love with someone who doesn't feel the same way- and you tell them what to say and do to make them fall in love with them."
Alfred held up his hands in protest, took Matthew's coffee, then drained it.
"Nuh-uh - I turn away the crazy stalkers. I just help the guys to get a bitta confidence with some…abstract advice."
With a roll of the eyes Matthew looked at his watch, then took his coat up from the floor.
"Al it's 8 O'clock. We promised we'd meet Kiku and Hercules for drinks."
"Alright, just let me grab my keys and stuff. I'll meet you outside."
Alfred quickly searched his messy table for his keys and cheered inside when he found $20 under a torn old biking brochure. The high pitched ringing and buzzing of his mobile caught his attention. With a click he put it to his ear.
There was silence on the other line.
A deep mumbling came through, and then a cough.
"Ya…is this The Matchmaker?"
Alfred grinned then leaned against the wall.
"Yes, you have reached the legendary matchmaker! What can I do for you?"
"Well, I'm a doctor and there's this resident doctor who I…like."
"Mmhm and what's the problem?"
"Some people tell me I don't have the best communication skills, come of as intimidating, and may have a little bit of a temper."
Hmm, this sounds like a challenge.
"Well that can be easily overcome! You free tomorrow? We'll meet at the café on Heath Street."
"Nein I'm working. How's about the hospital cafeteria at 5 O'clock. I'll be the blonde with the glasses at the back table. How will I know who you are?"
Alfred laughed.
"Oh, you'll know who I am."
With that Alfred hung up and joined Matthew who was sitting impatiently in the car, tapping the steering wheel and burning a hole in his watch.
"Al I hate being late. Who was that?"
Alfred winked.
" Someone who's going to be a lot better off once they meet me!"
"A sad lonely guy?"
"Damn it dude its not like that! He's in love!"
"Or he's a stalker and you're going to help him lure some guy into a van."
"No- well that's a possibility. But he's totally cool. Now come on you said you didn't want to be late."
"You know, you spend all this time setting other people up you haven't had a boyfriend in years."
Matthew laughed and nudged his brother.
"Come on, lets see if we can find you some poor unsuspecting guy at the bar."
"I'll have you know I'm a catch."
"Yeah a real catch. I'd throw you back in the water."
"Oh ha very funny. You're not exactly running the playgirl mansion."
Matthew raised his eyebrow and put the keys in the ignition.
"And now we drive."
Ta-da! Seriously now how'd I do? I hate to chase reviews but even a 'this seems interesting' would mean the world to me. Asta la pasta!