This is my first fanfiction! I hope you guys like it, and I really would like tips on my writing. And also, if you can predict what is going to happen in the next chapter after each post, I will personally make you an OC in that chapter!:)

Anyways, I don't own Code Lyoko or any of their characters, yatta yatta.

Chapter 1

Aelita stepped into the cafeteria and brushed off the snow. It hadn't even been cold, up until today when all of the sudden it had started snowing, almost being labeled a blizzard. She was glad to be in the warmth. Glancing around, she found her friends in their usual lunch table spot.

"Hey guys, looks like it's a real blizzard out there. I don't think we'll want to make any trips to the factory today," she said sitting next to Yumi, and across from Odd, Ulrich and Jeremy.

Jeremy nodded. "Yeah, we wouldn't want to get stuck there. There's been no activity from XANA yet, so we are safe for the time being," he replied before taking a bite of his food.

Odd took a break from his food and smiled. "I guess even XANA thinks it's to cold out to do anything," he joked laughing. Every one at the table shook their heads, but Aelita gave him a smile. She thought it was funny, in the 'wow, Odd's so stupid' way.

They all went about talking about school and friends or sports. Well, everyone but Aelita. She merely went about eating her food. The only one who seemed to take notice was Odd.

He was still laughing from talking with Ulrich and Yumi, but his eyes narrowed when he looked at her. "Hey Princess, what's got you down? You're usually all smiles and laughs," he asked, actually concerned and serious. It was so unlike Odd, but as much as it warmed Aelita to know he would become serious just because there might be something wrong with her, she had to lie.

"Nothing, I just didn't get enough sleep last night," she told him. It was half of the truth, but definitely not all of it. Odd stared at her for a few, but eventually let it go. Aelita was grateful, because then at least she didn't have to lie to him more. He was one person she hated to lie to because out of all of her friends, she had been getting really close to Odd. After he had saved her from William throwing her into the Digital Sea, they had started to really hang out and talk. She trusted him more than any of the others, even Jeremy. Sure Jeremy may be the one who she used to talk to from Lyoko for hours, and who materialized her into the real world, but things have changed.

In fact, speak of the devil. Jeremy stood up and walked over to her. "Hey, Aelita, can I talk to you for a minute? Outside?" He held a hand out for her to help her up, and she nodded. She took his hand, curious as to what he would want to talk about. Lately, all he had wanted to talk about was how to get William back and the copy of Lyoko they had found. So, if it was about that, she really didn't want to hear it. She had her own problems to deal with.

They walked outside, and sat on a bench that was under an awning, but out of sight of the cafeteria. There was no one around, seeing as it was snowing really hard. Jeremy held one of Aelita's hands in his, and he looked up into her eyes.

"Aelita, I've been thinking for a while. I don't think that this-" his finger pointed at them, back and forth, "is going to work. I like you, I really do. But you're more of a best friend. You're the one person I can go to who is smart enough to talk to about computers and mathematics, and I know I can trust you. But we are more like siblings, and best friends, than boyfriend and girlfriend. I don't want to keep you tied to me any longer, because I think there are other people each of us would be better with. I don't want this to hurt our friendship, either. I always want to stay friends with you, Aelita."

Aelita was shocked. Sure, things hadn't been the same for a while, but she still really liked him. He was her first friend, and she cared about him a lot. But she didn't let him know any of that. She just nodded. "I understand, Jeremy. Its ok, we'll always be friends. I care about you, and I'll take you as a boyfriend, best friend, or brother," Aelita said, forcing a smile on her face. She took her hand from his and gave him a quick hug. With a flash of another smile, she turned and walked around the corner to the dorms, and as soon as she was out of sight, Aelita sprinted to her room. She didn't want to cry in front of Jeremy, but that didn't mean she couldn't break down in the privacy of her room. It seemed like her life was falling apart little by little. Her nightmares seemed to be coming true.

Odd glanced at Yumi and Ulrich when Aelita and Jeremy left. "What could Einstein want? They don't usually just go off on their own," he said, worried about his two friends. Sure, Odd wasn't quite ecstatic that the two were a couple, but he was still a good sport about it. Aelita had become probably his best friend besides Ulrich, and he didn't want to see her hurt. Not that Jeremy would, but still. Odd cared about Aelita, and not just as a friend.

Ulrich shrugged. "Probably making plans, or talking about something serious. You know, we don't have to share everything with each other. There are things about everyone's lives that need to be kept to themselves, Odd. Don't go butting in either. Just wait for them to tell us," he advised his friend. But Odd wasn't listening. Jeremy had come back into the lunch room, and his arm was absently rubbing the back of his blonde head, as if guiltily. Without a word, the boy genius sat down at their table, with Aelita no where to be seen.

Odd waited for a minute, seeing if Jeremy would say anything. But when he didn't, he had to ask. "So what was that all about, Einstein? And where's Aelita?" he asked. For once, he was being serious, and actually not stuffing his face and only worrying about food.

Jeremy glanced up, as if noticing them for the first time. He shrugged. "Aelita went back to her dorm room. I upset her," he said simply. He dropped his head, and his glasses slid down his nose, which he didn't even bother to fix.

"What did you do? Did you finally tell her you were in love with your computer?" Odd replied, dropping back into his jokester part. He was worried, but trying to lighten the mood was his thing. And the air sure was thick, so he figured they needed it.

Jeremy looked up at him, and Odd could have sworn that the boy was going punch him right there and then. But he just sighed. "No, I told her that we should just be friends. She's more like my best friend any more, than anything else. Besides, she's got a lot going on, and I can see that she is stressed enough without having to try and make something work that obviously wasn't," he explained. They all sat there in silence. The shock was evident on Odd, Yumi, and Ulrich's faces. They had all assumed that the two geniuses would stay together for a long time, seeing as how they were always together, even if most of the time was working on Lyoko stuff.

Odd stood up abruptly. "Well, Einstein, did you even think to check if she was alright?" he retorted. With that, he left them and a tray full of food, which was even more surprising to go find Aelita. Knowing her, she was up in her room.

He made his way there, and knocked lightly on her door. "Aelita? It's me, Odd. Are you alright?" he asked, his voice sincere. There was no answer, so he pushed on her door and found it to be open. Aelita was sitting down against the wall just inside the door. She had her knees up and her head down, leaving only her pink hair to be shown. Odd sat down next to her and put his arm around her. She lifted her head, and Odd smiled at her.

"Hey, the Princess has finally decided to grace me with her presence," he joked. Even though her eyes were red from crying, she still laughed softly. Odd always knew he could cheer her up with his jokes. "But seriously, are you alright? I heard what happened."

Aelita shrugged, but didn't say anything for a minute. "I'll be alright. I know what he said was true, and that he's always been more of a friend than a boyfriend, but still. It still came as a bit of a shock. I just need something to take my mind off of it for a while," she told him, her voice low and lacking its usual love of life feel. Odd smiled, knowing that this was why he had come up here. He could definitely cheer this girl up!

Odd stood up and held out a hand for her. "Do you trust me, Princess?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.